National Pride and fighting for the US

Day 1,765, 08:04 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

The game mechanics can be fuzzy. I'm 90% certain that these 'changes to the political module' that are coming will only help our enemies in their efforts to destroy us. That seems to be how things usually work.

So what's going on right now?

We've successfully kept Ronald Gipper Reagan (PizzatheHut) out of We The People leadership. That's a couple months in a row now, so that's good. It certainly wasn't easy, and the hold there is tenuous at best. Every month we face the threat once again. Party Presidents pick candidates for Congress. An enemy as a Top 5 PP means a boat load of enemy Congressional candidates and an enemy PoTUS candidate.

Terrorists aren't known for sitting on their laurels, so I'm sure you've all been getting messages from Pizza's friend, chickensguys. He's been mass messaging to try and convince newbs who don't know any better that the American Freedom Party is the only one that cares about national interests. Given some of the shouts I have seen from citizens who really should know better, it seems they have planted some seeds that are taking root with the ill informed.

Why is any active player in this game ill informed? A question for another time, I suppose. But just taking a look at the top articles right now, it's not terribly surprising people are believing lies.

Now we stare down the American Freedom Party- bursting at the seams with foreign support and right on the verge of breaking into the Top 5. Just in the last few days I have received multiple friend requests from players who have recently come to eAmerica from ePoland or eSerbia. They've done what they can do to get rid of their foreign stink, but I'm a former FBI agent (Federalist Bureau of Investigation). I know how to dig up information.
They ask me if I think they could run for Congress. When I tell them there is literally zero chance of that happening in the Feds, they invite me to join their awesome new party- the American Freedom Party.

It is quite obvious to me that the American Freedom Party is only the latest attempt by foreign and domestic terrorists to carry out their political attacks against America. Obvious.

So when I see people bitching in shouts about how they don't want to give up regions, I start to get annoyed. Now I am NOT one to support giving up bonuses. I'm personally against it. But when you have so many regions, you have to be able to hold them. We cannot hold them all. We can either give up a few regions so we need to win fewer elections, or we WILL let terrorists into Congress. Congressmen grant citizenships, so every month that passes, the threat increases exponentially. We have to give up some regions. There is no other way to keep us safe.

I understand that it makes people sick to fight against the United States when they are patriotic Americans. I totally get it and I don't like doing it either. But you NEED to understand game mechanics of eRepublik if you want to be an effective fighter for your country. This is not just a game of the strongest soldier winning. If you don't want to give up these regions, then you need to bring at least 30 new people into eRepublik. You personally. 30 people who don't already play. More would be nice. The game will give you a bonus and you'll really be helping keep America safe. If you can't increase our population and hook them into an information loop so they know where to move and vote to keep out the bad guys, then you need to help us give up somewhat useless regions so we don't have to dump so many resources into protecting them. Those are resources we don't have.

The goal should always be keeping America safe and defending our nation. Always. Because of stupid game mechanics that make it impossible to deport people and make it simple for them to flood our borders, we have to utilize strategies that don't make immediate sense. There is no erep prison. There is no erep Guantanamo Bay. There is no erep deportation. We keep this nation safe by shutting them out of elections. We have to be politically defensive and militarily offensive. Serving as a blocker during elections is equivalent to a 100 bazookas up our enemy's butts. Giving up a region shuts down 5 different opportunities they have to infiltrate our political system and conserves our limited resources to destroy them in other regions.

Don't believe the lies these terrorist dickbags are telling you. They want us to have 150 regions because it is EASY for them to win Congressional seats when that is the case. They will take us down from the inside if you let them.

EDIT: So the changes to the module have been released. The number of regions simply represents the number of people we can have in Congress, but you vote along party line rather than for an individual. Fewer regions will not keep us as safe as a strong/loyal Top 5.

I would love this change with all my heart if it weren't for inci sitting in the top 5 and American Freedom Alliance knocking at our door. Party politics just became incredibly important.