National, MoFA and supply channels all over the eWorld

Day 1,861, 10:03 Published in Serbia Serbia by Helm Hammerhand

Below you can see a list of national, MoFA and supply channels for each eRepublik country.
I used question marks in case the channel doesn't exist or in case I wasn't able to find it.
I'd like to thank all those who helped me find IRC channels.
Sources: eRepublik Wiki, Fojkar's article, eGov4You.

EDIT: My apologies, the chat links worked perfectly in the preview of the article, but eRepublik Redirector ruins them in the published version so just add % before 23 in the link once you clicked it and it should work just fine, it's still faster than going to chat manually.
I had no trouble linking IRC channels before but I guess they've changed something again, thank you so much Plato.

                             TWO, CoT and friends

Austria - #austria | ??? | #autarmy |
Belgium - #ebrussels | #ebe_mofa | ??? |
Bulgaria - #erepublik-bulgaria | #bg-mofa | #bg-support |
Chile - #echile | #echile.mofa | #help.echile |
Estonia - #e-eesti | | #kaitsevagi |
Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - #emkd | #emkd-mofa | #podelba,,, #cab_office |
Hungary - #erephu | #hu.mofa | #atom |
Indonesia - #erepindo | #indo-mofa | #lograk, #tnei |
Japan - #nippon | #nippon.mofa | ??? |
Latvia - #latvija.public | ??? | |
Lithuania - #elietuva | #urm | #lk.misija |
Mexico - #canal_oficial_mexico | #mofa.mexico | #mex1, #fam |
Montenegro - #ecrnagora | #mmofa, #mofa.mne | ecv |
New Zealand - #enewzealand | #nz.mofa | #nzarmy |
Pakistan - #pakistan | ??? | ??? |
Paraguay - #eParaguayos | ??? | #supp |
Peru - #ePeru | ??? | ??? |
Poland - Official @Quakenet, unofficial #epl | | #polish.tanks
Republic of Moldova - #moldova | ??? | ??? |
Serbia - #eserbia | #srb.mofa | #ludnica |
Slovakia - Multipurpose channel | ??? | |
Slovenia - #eSlovenia | #slo-mofa | #slosupply |
South Korea - #esk | ??? | #skfight, #sksupply |
Spain - | #AAEE | #defensa.publico, #hitsspain |
Switzerland - #eswitzerland | #swiss-diplomacy | #save.switzerland |
Thailand - #tajland | | |
United Arab Emirates - #vip, #uae and #earabia are dead | | |
United Kingdom - #euk | #eukfa | #mod |
Venezuela - #evene | #evene.mofa | #fan.lobby |

                               EDEN, GEA and friends

Albania - #albania | #albmofa | #div1.alb, #div2.alb, #div3.alb, #div4.alb |
Argentina - #eargentina | #mofa.arg | #faa, #faa.repartos |
Australia - #ausrep | #eaus.mofa | #brostralia |
Belarus - #belarus | ??? | Ad hoc supply channel |
Bolivia - #ebolivia | ??? | ??? |
Bosnia and Herzegovina - #erepublik.ebih | #mvp-bih | #strike.ebih|
Canada - #ecan | ??? | |
China - #ecn | #echina.mofa | #ecn.merc |
Colombia - #ecol | #mofa.ecol | |
Croatia -, #ehrvatska | #hr-mvp | #meeting.erep for divisions 3 & 4 |
Cyprus - #cyprus | ??? | ??? |
Egypt - #egipat, #eegypt, #egypt | ??? | ??? |
France - #efrance | ??? | ??? |
Germany - #edeutschland | #foreignoffice| |
Greece - #egreece | #egreece.mofa | ??? |
Israel - #eisrael | #isr.mofa | ??? |
India - #india | ??? | #indianarmy for divisions 3 & 4 |
Iran - #iran, #ira, #irarmy | | #irarmy, #eiran.dist, #iran.supp.div3&4, #iran.supp.div1&2, #iran.supp|
Ireland - #ireland | #eire.fa | #eire.military |
Italy - #erepublik-it, #eitalia | #ita.mofa, #esteri | #opera-sociale for divisions 1 & 2 |
Netherlands - #eunl | ??? | #nl-army redirects to other supply channels |
Norway - #eNorge @Quakenet | ??? | ??? |
Philippines - | ??? | ??? |
Portugal - #pt | | #dist, #armas_por_portugal |
Republic Of China (Taiwan) - #taiwan | #eroc-mofa | #roc |
Romania - #eromania | #romofa | ??? |
Russia - #erep-rus, #russia | #rus-mofa | #rusarmy redirects to other supply channels |
Singapore - #esingapore | #esg.mofa | |
South Africa - #esouth_africa | ??? | ??? |
Turkey - #etr | #trmofa | #grupturko, |
Ukraine - #eukraine | ??? | ??? |
Uruguay - #euruguay | ??? | ??? |


Finland - @Quakenet, | @Quakenet, | ??? |
Sweden - | #swemofa | ??? |

                      Neutral, non-aligned and other countries

Brazil - #ebr | #mofabrazil, #mofabr | ??? |
Czech Republic - Multipurpose channel #cesko | ??? | #cesko |
Denmark - #edenmark, #edanska | ??? | |
Malaysia -, #emalaysia | ??? | ??? |
Saudi Arabia - #ksa, #earabia | ??? | ??? |
North Korea - ??? | ??? | ??? |
United States of America - #usa-chat | #us-state | #defense |

Other important channels:
#eden.public, #terra.public, #teden.public, #two.public | #mofa.eworld | #mercenaries, #mercenarios, #rwww, #venemex |
The gayest IRC channel ever made - #izbeglice

Grab the supplies and help your allies, don't spam your opponent's supply channels, play fair!
If you notice any mistakes or broken links please report, also if you have some IRC channels you'd like to add, post a comment, I'll probably be updating the list in the future.
Best regards, Helm.