Nagrade za misije!!!!

Day 2,100, 00:56 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Nagrade za misije - Mission Rewards

-Posto mene ni najmanje ne doticu ove nagrade ja trazim od admina da uvedu ove!!!
-Because I am not interested in the rewards I’m asking the admins to apply these ones instead!!!

1. Ubi komsinog psa koji skarlice celu noc!!
Kill the neighbour’s dog for barking all night!!


Sofia Vergara

2. Stani na sred pesackog prelaza autom tako da bakica mora da te obilazi ne bi li presla ulicu!!
Stand in the middle of the pedestrian crossing so that a granny needs to go around you to pass on the other side!!!


Paula Patton

3. Skini dezurnom policajcu kapu i baci je sa mosta u reku!!
Take off a police officer’s hat and throw it of a bridge into a river!!


Miranda Lambert

4. Trcite goli kroz grad 2h!!
Run naked through town for 2h!!


Silvia Navaro

5. Nespavaj 72h i ne radi za to vreme nista pametno!!
Stay awake for 72h and don’t do anything smart!!


Jacqueline Bracamontes

6. U 6h odvrni muziku najjace moguce i izbudi ceo komsiluk!!Po mogucstvu da ta muzika bude sto nepoznatija njima!!
In 6AM play some music, and crank the volume up, so you wake the whole neighbourhood!! Possibly the music should be unknown to them!!


Marlena Favela

7. Specijalana nagrada samo za Anastazisa!!(Bunite se koliko hocete sam sebi imam pravo da dam posebnu nagradu!!!
Special reward just for Anastazis!! (Rebel all you like, I have the right to give myself a special reward!!!)


Charlize Theron

PS EDIT ili kako vec!!!
P.S. Edit or whatever

-Posto mi se dame erepa zale da nema nagrada za nih evo da ubacimo nesto!!
-Cause i got complaints from the ladies of erep that there are no rewards for them i decided to add a little something!!

1. Ako ne posaljete romanticnu poruku Anastazisu u narednih 24h dobijate
If you don’t send Anastazis a romantic message in the next 24h you’ll receive

Prevod na engleski Darko Dulic!!Hvala Darko za prevod!!