My Shame

Day 2,537, 01:18 Published in Norway Cuba by Master Peaux

It was a cool, breezy autumn evening. I had just arrived in Sorlandet to work in my company and lift some weights in the company gym. I made my way to the locker room to change into my workout clothes. I thought I was alone.. but I wasn't. From a shadowy corner an elderly man stepped out wearing only a towel. His wrinkly and overweight body was covered in a thick arrangement of silver hair. It was like someone glued a 20 year old white shag rug to his body. I quickly tried to pull my shorts back up, but his hand stopped mine. He came close, leaned in, and whispered into my ear. He said that he could make me rich beyond my wildest imagination; all the gold I could ever dream of. There was only one catch; I had to do whatever he asked of me.

What happened next.. there are almost no words to describe it. He fondled my naughty bits. His skin was leathery and cold to the touch. He smelled like Hákarl mixed with way too much Old Spice. He then proceeded to rape me. It was horrible. He kept calling me Lana and shouting about some Epic War Failure while spanking me with a headless chicken. When it was all over with, he threw me his dirty towel, and told me all I was going to get was a free 24-hour energy center. He threatened to banish me if I ever spoke a word of this to anyone. But I can't hold it in anymore. I JUST CAN'T! Plato, you fucked me. Don't lie you dirty bastard. You fucked me like you fucked everyone else in this eWorld.

Share this my fellow eNorwegians! The truth must reach every corners of eRepublik. If I must be martyred for the cause, so be it! No one touches my naughty bits! No one touches OUR naughty bits! Stand tall my brethren! We shall be able to sit properly again one day!

The Kilted Wonder

Issue #11 of The Ginger Initiative