My Perfect Party

Day 788, 22:22 Published in Canada USA by Zanmor

I’ve been thinking about what kind of party I would enjoy being a part of. The following ideas are what dominate my ideology in-game:


“I believe it is not only possible to achieve victory (by my definition) without territorial expansion but, based on the game mechanics surrounding the institution of resistance wars, that the actual expansion of our boundaries past our original territory may provide for a greater obstacle to victory, in the maintenance of non-original territory and defense against “domestic” RWs, than a benefit.”

~ Ananias

We understand the value of blocking attacks and even holding regions on the way to liberation. We do not advocate conquering regions, attacking neutral, peaceful countries, and generally seek to avoid war except for training purposes (which we would be engaged in at all times). We would be willing to defend nations fighting defensive wars and would not engage in wars of conquest, annihilation and domination. Aside from any sense of ‘right and wrong,’ under the current war module it is simply much easier to defend, either ourselves or allies, than to conquer and hold regions.

Pro-Infrastructure Debate

“If we planted Q5 hospitals in our 5-6 highest population states our retention rate would increase dramatically. Texas & New York combined have a greater population than Poland. Throw in IL, TN & WA for regional balance plus our existing hospitals in CA 7 FL and that is a total of 7 Q5 regions, not very hard to do over a 3-4 month period.

The fortress strategy is predicated on a zero growth ideology: the population we have is all we will ever have give or take a few hundred. which is exactly what we will have as long as we lock out the newbies.

If we had 5k more players we wouldn't need fortress states.....”


While calling for a baby boom, we are ill-prepared to handle it. No doubt Poland benefits from all its original regions having hospitals so it makes no difference where a new player with little to no understanding of the game joins. Current thinking revolves around the idea that our current population can hold off the current population of our enemies. But what happens when our enemies grow much more than we do? What use is a fortress then?

It doesn’t make sense to lay down firewood across the nation, but we should be more willing (especially as we are on the offensive for once and not threatened with the loss of these hospitals) to experiment and see if this will actually help retention efforts.

Pro-Noobs/New Blood

This party will encourage new players to become involved and also ask old players to pass the spotlight. Elected officials will be limited to two consecutive terms, at which point, should other players step up to the plate, they will be asked to step back for a bit and allow the new players to get involved and see how things work. We hope to have a healthy number of senior and junior members active at any time, sharing ideas and helping each other. Additionally, every effort will be made to insure that congressional candidates have at least 20 assured votes for as long as vote moving remains the only viable election strategy. This shouldn’t simply allow old congress members to take turns, switching back and forth the same seat every month, but actually seek to put first term congresspersons in office as much as possible.

Advocate Separation of Powers

Currently members of the military and executive branch hold office in congress as well. Our members, so long as others are available and willing to fill vacancies, will be restricted from this sort of thing which consolidates power and limits how many can become actively involved. We hope that, in addition to allowing more involvement by more people, this will help to restore some of the interests and debate that are necessary for healthy growth and considered development that Josh Frost recently said we are squashing. This also falls in line nicely with the idea of expanding opportunity and involvement to new players as requiring separate players for positions in different branches necessitates we have more people get involved. Now, of course, if we don’t have as many people willing as we need then we would allow those who are active to hold multiple positions. But we strongly believe we have the people willing to get involved.

Have a Party Militia

Party companies would provide certain members (working in those companies) with the tools necessary to fight. This is good for party cohesiveness and in a game where war plays a role, having some bit of might to throw around is great. It helps show involvement and commitment.

Heh, yeah, party cohesion.

There you go. Any like-minded individuals out there?

And by the by, I'm not saying I want to start a new party or anything, just offering that this is the type of party I'm most likely to join.