My party search has ended with the Federalist Party

Day 345, 09:12 Published in USA USA by Tiacha

As some of you know, I've always been disheartened with the Party system in E-Republik. I've always felt alienated by party leaders who have their own ambitions of power. As noted in my last article, when I first joined E-Republik, I had a bad experience with the USWP. I felt as though they recruited me just to get members, then left me high and in the dust. I never knew their platform or what they stood for. I never felt encouraged to participate in party politics. I felt as though one had to endorse the party machine or become an outcast. As such, I left the party. For a while, I left party politics altogether. With the advent of V1, though, there is more need to get involved with party politics. With all the bugs and the unstable economy, I feel the need to be a part of a party who's places importance on stabilizing the e-American economy. I also wanted a party where I felt like I was personally needed. After much research, I joined the Federalist Party.

Almost instantly after I joined the Federalist Party, I was treated kindly and with open arms. I was invited to their forums where my voice was heard and considered with the same rank as party leaders. Within the Federalist Party, it is a true democracy: each member's voice is treated the same. Machine politics are nonexistent. I knew then, that I was welcome. I finally found my place within the e-Republik world politically.

The Federalist Party puts the voice of its members first. The Federalist Party puts e-American interests first. The Federalist Party avoids interventionist foreign policy. But most importantly, the Federalist Party wants to give e-American jobs to e-American citizens. Therefore, I urge all of you to join the Federalist Party today. If you want your voice to be counted and you want e-American interest to be most important within the e-American government.