My Newest Political Policy

Day 402, 20:16 Published in USA Australia by Jaz Razzle

While I was compiling the results form the Congressional elections, I noticed the disturbingly low numbers of voter turnouts. One state was as low as 15.91%. I am aware that many players become inactive over time, but to be quite honest I am not satisfied with only 1174 citizens voting out of a potential pool of more than 3500 citizens.
It is my opinion that no institution can accurately gauge public opinion, and thus act effectively on that opinion, when so few people express their views. The right to vote is one of the most powerful tools a citizen can have.
Therefore, my newest policy is to encourage higher voter turnouts. During the presidential elections, I will message every single eligible voter in the State of Maryland, encouraging them to vote. I implore citizens from other states to do the same.
I am not sure what incentives I can offer, to increase voter turnouts, but citizens already gain an extra 2 EP just for voting. One possibility to be considered, is lowering the level required to vote. It is currently at Level 6. Lowering this requirement would allow newer citizens to vote, hopefully developing an early interest in the politics of eRepublik. I do understand the possible negative consequences of this action, as we would have more inexperienced voters basing their decisions on any premise, that may not be related to policy or political agenda.
Perhaps instead of lowering the voting level, we could allow new citizens to be involved in a political party. I do not understand why a citizen must wait until they have 40 experience points, before they enter into a political party. Many people who play eRepublik already have strong political views, and forcing them to wait until they have reached level 7, seems very counterproductive.
Allowing citizens of a lower level to enter a political party would give a much greater sense of involvement, as all they can do right now is talk on forums, without having any official recognition of their involvement in politics.
Well, that's just my 2 cents worth.

I look forward to hearing opinions on this and welcome any ideas or suggestions that you may have.