My Manifesto for TUP PP (Part 1)

Day 383, 12:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990
Well, I have been thinking about TUP since the recent CP elections and after many hours with a constant stream of ideas, I have drawn up my manifesto for the TUP PP election and a Plan of Reform for the party. This aims to provide us with the necessary structures to promote discussion within the TUP to enhance our membership base and help it become more active. Here is the first part of my plans for the TUP:

Reinvigorating the Mentoring Scheme
It was initially Final Destiny who proposed this scheme and Hassan started it up again, but despite the interest expressed, it did not last long. I plegde that should I get elected, this will be my top priority. Nurturing new citizens is the key to build up this great nation. I will make sure that our experienced members will become Mentors for our new members. Every time a new member signs up to TUP in-game or on the forums, they will be assigned a Mentor. All Mentors will be part of a "Mentoring Committee" (MC) which will discuss any problems which arise and any queries from the newer members which requires consultation with Party Leadership. The MC will include 5 members and the PP.

A TUP SO/Organisation
This was an idea brought up in the TUP Forums sometime in September. It was popular and most agreed with it, however the fact that V1 was not here yet meant that its feasability could have been jeapordised. The idea is to basically have an organisation for the TUP which would have multiple uses. It will be the Org which takes care of donations to the party which could be used to gift party members which will be unavailable for quite a while, due to the limited inventory spaces, which means that stocking up on food is not an option. This Org will also be used to run a newspaper to publish TUP policies, manifestos and recruitment articles. This would avoid the PP's newspaper being inundated with party related articles while he/she is a PP. The Org will be run by the Secretary General, a new role which will be created within the TUP Council.

Redefining the structure of the TUP Council
I aim to build on the current structure of the TUP Council by delegating specific roles to party members both in and out of congress, who will discuss the major debates in party policy, so that our electoral manifestos could have a broader representation of what the party stands for. All Party Members will be able to be present and express their own opinions. These discussions will be followed by a vote open for all party members, so that you, our loyal party members will decide on the route our party takes.

Party Code of Conduct
We are a democratic party above all else. Once elected, I will enter into discussions with all the party members to draw up a Code of Conduct for the TUP leadership. As said in the above post, each discussion of the TUP Council will be followed by a vote open for all party members. No one person in the party leadership will have the right to take a decision if it is not the democratic will of our loyal party members. Each TUP member of any Party Committee, Congress, Lords or TUP Council will be required to sign this Code of Conduct, to ensure we stick to our principles and put our country's citizens first.

I Thank You all for reading this. The second part of my manifesto for TUP Party President will be posted tomorrow.