My involvement with Project Mayhem --- Long Read.

Day 1,033, 18:23 Published in Canada Canada by Muglack

My fellow eCanadians,

I find myself thinking a great deal about what has transpired this past month and it leaves me feeling more than a little disheartened in eCanadian politics. What I saw as a glorious chance for this nation to work together has been corrupted into something ugly and unrecognizable.

Now let me get some things out of the way.

Was I member of the shadow council to which Rolo and others accused belonged? Yes.

Did I take part in the plan to run the government of eCanada without the knowledge of the regular citizens of eCanada? Yes.

Was it my intention to essentially and secretly PTO eCanada by hand picking Presidents for at least the immediate future? Yes.

Do I find any of these plans or ideas to be against eCanada, or to weaken the nation as a whole in anyway? Absolutely not.

Do I regret being a part of something that at the start had nothing but the noblest of intentions, but quickly proved that power corrupts when what seems like the only person actually devoted to doing good with it was no longer there to temper the wills and wishes of those that wanted nothing but personal power? With every ounce of my eBeing.

Those of you keeping up with this "Project Mayhem" garbage are well aware that I was involved at the early stages of the planning, but due to RL concerns disappeared after the first stage of the plan (taking over congress) was complete. At that time what I knew to be plan, the goals which I was pushing for, was quickly derailed and those left behind began using what we had started for their own personal gains. What was best for the country was quickly pushed to the back burner.

This was a mistake. While I don't support the method we used to try and take control of the government of eCanada, I do support the goals that we were ultimately trying to achieve.

Firstly a Congress that would not only support but work with the President to get things done. A cooperative congress in a country with such a strong and encompassing Constitution is key. Unfortunately, the game is too much like real life in this respect. Partisanship does exsist, and in Congress lines are drawn regularly. The first goal, and the reason PP's were so important, was to get a congress that could work together, so that things could get done to improve the country as a whole.

The second goal was to use the cooperative congress to change the constitution. If anyone was taken the time to read, or understand the constitution you will quickly find that there are entire portions of it that don't apply at all to the game we're playing today. At some point in the past the laws, and rules held within may have been usefull or even required but as with constitutions in the real world the words written don't change while the world around it does.

Changes in the constitution would of allowed for faster more responsive government. Judicial reform would of resulted in a Supreme Court overhaul that would of made it much more applicable to eCanada as it stands today. How long has the Supreme Court in eCanada stood idle because they haven't had enough justices to hear cases? These are things that would of been changed for the betterment of all.

The third goal, and that one that most people will find questionable about the entire process was the choosing of the Country's President. While I'm not proud to say that I was a part of these conversations, I must say that in order for the plan as a while to be a success they were required. It is common practice in most parties in eCanada for the people who want to earn a party's support on the ticket post on their forums, and have their names entered into a poll. From there a candidate is selected, and the party supports it.

The problem with this system, and the flaw we were to use to take advantage of it, is that only a small percentage of the people in a party actually visit or post on the forums. This means that the people selected tend to have the support of a small number of active users on the forum, and the party membership as a whole has little to no input on the process. By having the Party Presidents of major parties in the discussion for who we wanted elected it was easy to control which candidates the parties selected. Party Presidents tend to have more than average input in these small groups of active players (it's how they won the PP position in the first place) so if they strongly supported a particular candidate there was a good chance they'd win the party's support in the upcoming election. If a majority of the major parties (remember 4 of the 5 top parties were directly involved with this "shadow council") supported the same candidate it was a virtual guarentee that our candidate would win the country's Presidency.

Once a "friendly" President was elected, who had the support of a "friendly" Congress we could start really making eCanada better. Wide spread reforms, streamlining government services, even changes to the way citizens are kept informed, and government businesses are run would of made eCanada as a whole much much stronger.

While I don't agree with the methods were willing to undertake to bring about these changes for the better, I must say that given the circumstances it was definately a necessary evil and that the end in every conceivable way justified the means.

eCanada as a whole has been stagnant for nearly 6 months. We were and are floundering. Active citizens are disappearing by the day. Quality articles and papers are no longer being written or posted. Forums are going unread and unvisited. IRC channels that were once bustling and full of people talking about a wide variety of topics now go silent. The official secured eCanada channel that once averaged 40 members had 9 when I joined it before I began writing this.

eCanada is in trouble, and I was willing to do anything I had to make it better even if that meant taking part in a plan I knew to be devious and udnerhanded if it meant that it would make eCanada stronger in the end.

So I write this article today not in an attempt to clear my name, or to show that I wasn't involved in what has been labelled "Project Mayhem". I write this article to tell you WHY I was involved. Why I would be a part of something like this, and why I thought it's what was best for eCanada - a country I have called home for over 530 days.