My Heart, My Belgium!

Day 789, 08:46 Published in Belgium Belgium by Manong Rizal

Long ago, right after EDEN "liberated" Brussels from the peaceful union of Netherlands and Belgium, I came to Belgium and became a citizen.

Abramow, my polish friend and an EDEN supporter, and I created and pushed forward the Belgian Revolutionary Party now headed by an able and remarkable man, Kheops.

I was the BRP's first Congressman and the only Congress member from a non-TheGroup and a non-Benelux runner. I did not bribe my people to vote for me but only asked them to vote fairly and vote with their hearts. However, during Congress, Benelux and I were not able to outnumber the Romanians and our influence continued to diminish as we all left the nation, hopeless and devastated.

And now, EDEN has once again "liberated" these lands for purposes unknown to me. I am yet to know... However, I will NOT point my fingers and call names. But I ask the EDEN forces to recognize the Belgian Revolutionary's Government-In-Exile headed by the BRP Leaders. Although today, I no longer hold any substantial influence in the BRP nor am I known to the new members for I have left my beloved Belgium long long ago, I ask the EDEN forces to liaise with the true Belgian government and no longer oppress this land. I also ask for the Belgian Revolutionaries, the sprouts of the seeds I planted, to cooperate and liaise with the EDEN forces to reclaim our government and reunite our people.

My friends, let us stop the bickering and let's start working together!

Be fair, be just, be true... Manong Rizal, Belgian At Heart.

I love you eBelgium!