My First Hundred Days

Day 632, 08:13 Published in USA USA by Chris Stanwick

Today, Day 632, marks my 100th day of eLife. Over the last 100 days, I have made many new friends, filled many different posts in the government, was deified as the God of Stanwickism, became the most active citizen in the United States, served two terms in Congress, was the cause of a political scandal, and now am a two-clicker. A lot can happen in 100 days.

I have lived to see a massive world war and several smaller ones rage throughout the world. I have watched my home state be overrun by the Russians and my nation shrink to only thirteen states. I have been a member of the United States military and fought my way up to the rank of a Colonel in-game.

I have lived through three presidents and four presidential elections, two of which I was involved in for a short time - one as a Vice Presidential candidate and the other as a Presidential candidate. I have run in three Congressional elections, winning twice in two different states. I've been an UnderSecretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Ambassador, Deputy Speaker of the House, and member of the President's Cabinet.

I have purchased and sold five companies and sold stock on the public market. My business enterprises were all flops, losing money consistently before their closure and sale. This has been my least favorite aspect of eRepublik.

For the most part, I have enjoyed my time in eRepublik and was sorry to go into voluntary exile. I miss all the forums on which I was active and the US IRC rooms where Stanwick was everywhere...

I also miss all the players I had considered friends. My time in exile has been very quiet. My daily in-game PMs have fallen from 400 to about 15 since the beginning of August. Living in exile in your home nation surrounded by those that branded you a traitor, coward, and pacifist is not fun. Therefore, in 12 days I will be leaving the United States and settling in Ireland. I plan to do a bit of world traveling as well, to continue to fight everyday in any battle I can find. War is an important aspect of eRepublik and necessary to the global economy and the retention of new players. Despite the accusations against me, I am not a coward nor a pacifist. Nor am I a traitor, for that would imply that I was working with PEACE toward the destruction of the US.

Today is my 100th birthday. Have some birthday pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream to celebrate. Play the party games or just dance to the music playing in your head. Look forward to the next 100 days and everything they will bring...