Moldova Training War Guide

Day 2,061, 18:10 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by CrackShotNZ

With the training war with Moldova starting up it is important that all fighters understand the rules of engagement.

It is important to note that due to the training war being executed through the airstrike module, there can be no room for errors.

The training war will be conducted under the following routine:
1. Moldova wins the airstrike in Otago on day 2061/2.
2. Moldova attacks Canterbury and NZ wins.
3. NZ attacks Otago and Moldova wins.
4. Repeat from step 2.

The easiest thing to remember would be:
War in Otago, Moldova must win!
War in Canterbury, NZ should win!

If these steps are followed correctly then citizens from both countries will benefit with Gold from True Patriot medals.

If any citizens have questions then post a comment below and a Government member will post a reply as soon as possible.