MoEE - How is Damage Calculated

Day 2,618, 02:48 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Ministry of Finance

Howdy Everyone,

The big project I have been working on is finally finished!
This article will be explaining damage and how it is calculated!

First off I will show you the Damage Formula.
I will then explain what each of the variables are and how they are calculated.
And finally I will bring to light a few issues, and offer as best an explanation as I can.

So may I present to you: The Damage Formula

Now I know you are all admiring the background, and thinking 'what?' about the formula. So now, I am going to break it down for you.

Besides looking like an alphabet soup the letters in the formula (D, S, MR, FP, B, E, L, & NE) actually have a purpose and are used to shorten a rather complex set of calculations.
So lets start at the beginning.
D. No not that D, you've got a dirty mind. Anyway.... D is shorthand for Damage, I'm sure that was probably clear though.
I'm also pretty sure most of you will know that 10 is... well... 10...

Now then, S is shorthand for strength. And this is how we find out what the Variable 'S' will be.

So as you can see this sub-formula is fairly straight-forward, but it happens to be one of the 2 most important variables in the formula.
S is used to represent how much strength you have, which can be viewed on your profile. For example at the writing of this I (pr3zzyy) have 2940 strength.

Therefore: S = 1 + 2940 / 400 = 1 + 7.35 = 8.35

Next in line, MR is shorthand for Military Rank.

You cannot find this value on your profile, but you can find it's name.
To discover your numerical Military Rank see here and match it up with what your profile says your Military Rank's name is.
The Military Rank values for the Legends of the New World go on forever. For example, for Legend I, the Military Rank value is equal to 70, for Legend II it’s 71, then for Legend III it’s 72, etc.
Every time a citizen ranks up, his Military Rank Value grows exactly by 1. For an example currently my Military Rank is 'Supreme Marshal' which has a numerical value of '46'.

Therefore MR = 1 + 46 / 5 = 1 + 9.2 = 10.2

This formula was also quite straight-forward, and is also the second of the two most important variables, as the rest mainly have a limited number pre-set values.

Moving along, FP is shorthand for Fire Power

Fire Power basically just refers to the damage boost received based on your weapon quality.
The firepower of a Q7 tank is 200. Put it through the formula: 1 + 200 / 100 = 1 + 2 = 3.

The end figure for each weapon

After that we have, B is shorthand for Booster
This variable has three main values, and it can only be modified by activating a damage booster.
It's initial value is 1, and increases when a booster is activated, when a booster is activated the B variable becomes (b% represents the booster percentage 50/100): 1 + b%/100
It is possible that during special events the Admins may increase the initial value of the B variable, but this is a rare occurrence and is not accounted for here.

So the different possible values are

Almost at the end we now have, E is shorthand for Elite
The E variable has only two values and reflects whether you are an Elite Citizen or not.

Second last we have, L is shorthand for Legend

Now this is a very fiddly and by far the most complicated variable to understand.
It depends on all of: the country you are fighting for, the country you gained a/some 'Legend of the New World' Military Rank/s in, and your Military Rank.
For most of us (especially in eAustralia) this variable is, and for a long time will be, at it's initial value of 1 (1 + 0/10 = 1).

Because of the complexity of this section, and the extremely limited experience and information I have access to regarding this, I am quoting someone elses work for this section.

"If someone is a Legend IV, that doesn’t necessarily mean that T equals 4 when he fights for his citizenship country. There is a different T value for each country and they are all equal to 0 before the fighter reaches the Legend I rank. When somebody ranks up to get a new Legend rank (Legend I, Legend II, Legend III, etc.), the T value for his citizenship country (at that time) grows by 1.

For example, if player X gets his Legend I rank in country A, then his Legend II rank in country B, then the Legend III rank in country A again, then changes his citizenship to country C, his T value for country A will be 2, while for country B it will be 1. Note that his T value for country C will still be 0, even though that’s his citizenship country, because he never got any Legendary rank while having that citizenship. It only counts if you rank up while having the citizenship. His T value for all the other countries will still be 0, of course. We get that his L coefficient will be 1.2 for country A, 1.1 for country B, and 1 for all the other countries. Note that if player X subsequently gets the Legend IV rank while still having country C’s citizenship, his L coefficient will become 1.1 for country C."

Now the final variable, NE is shorthand for Natural Enemy
This one is quite straight forward and has only two possible values.

It's normal value is 1. And this only changes if all of these conditions have been met:
1. You must be fighting for your Citizen country
2. Against a country that has been declared as a natural enemy by your citizen country
3. It must a direct war, eg. not a resistance war

TL😉R Section
Your damage = 10 * (1 + Strength/400) * (1 + Military Rank/5 ) * (1 + Fire Power/100) * (Booster) * (Elite) * (Legends) * (Natural Enemy)
Example for my Scenario:
Strength: 2940
Military Rank Value: 46
Fire Power (Q7 Tank): 200
Booster(None): 1
Elite(I am not Elite): 1
Legends(I have not gained a Legends Military Rank): 1
Natural Enemy(This does not apply to my war): 1

Damage = 10 * (1 + 2940/400) * (1 + 46/5) * (1 + 200/100) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1)
Damage = 10 * (1 + 7.35) * (1 + 9.2) * (1 + 2) * (1) * (1) * (1) * (1)
Damage = 10 * 8.35 * 10.2 * 3 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1
Damage = 83.5 * 10.2 * 3
Damage = 851.7 * 3
Damage = 2555.1
Damage = 2555 (Damage is always rounded to nearest whole number)

OK now we are almost finished, but I just thought I would address a couple of things that are brought to my attention quite often.
This first one is just for new people as any experienced person would already know it, and the question is:

Am I the best player in the world? Every time I attack someone on the battlefield I always WIN!!

You would be surprised how many times I have actually been asked this, and had to pop their little bubble of greatness (harsh? I know... LOL)
The answer is no. You are not a superhero. But let me explain it a little, it is like this:

You are attacking someone, but they are not fighting back. The stronger they are, and the better the weapon they have equipped is, the more hit's it will take you to kill them, but (given you have enough energy to do enough hits) you will always kill them.
If you want to have a real battle try the gorilla warfare 😉 (PM me if you want info on gorilla warfare)

Secondly, and this one is even present in experienced players. And I am actually surprised I haven't seen anyone with my answer to it yet... (some experienced player feel free to tell me if I have made a mistake here, but I have done a lot of research into it, so I am sure it is correct)

WTF, I gained a Military Rank and it said my Damage would increase by 5%, but it didn't !? *mini rant proceeds*

Firstly calm down... LOL.
Let me explain this.

1. The admins are wrong. The admins are always wrong.
2. It actually increases your damage by 20% (thats right).
3. Don't tell me I'm wrong just yet, wait till you read the explanation.

OK so, 5% ? yes that's total rubbish. But all the explanation I've seen anywhere else is where someone has gone 'Well when i ranked up from GoW ** to GoW *** my Damage increased by 1.23342424233324333243434324344242334%, so that must be the actual formula.. Stupid Admins'.
But I thought to myself... well that's only one example.. lets try a few more..
And it was never the same.. ever.. and then it struck me.

Tell me something, if your damage from a Q5 weapon (100% Boost to damage) is 10,000, what would you expect your damage from a Q7 weapon to be (200% boost)? 15,000? of course you would.
But I bet none of you would even think it would be 30,000 (10,000 with a 200% boost) would you? Which it isn't, but that is the thinking we were using when testing the damage increase from Military Ranks.

Once I figured that out, it didn't take long to crack it.
Since the Military Rank variable calculation is 1+MR/5 each time you gain a Military Rank it increases by 0.2 which is equivalent to a 20% damage increase, just not off your current damage, off your damage from all factors except Military Rank in the formula - eg: 10 * (1 + Strength/400) * (1 + FP/100) ... etc.

Wow, that took a lot of work...

Examples to calm your mind.
Strength: 10000
All other variables are at their base of 1 which does not affect damage.

At MR (Military Rank) 0 damage would be: 260
MR 1: 312 (260 + 260*0.2(20😵 = 260 + 52 = 312)
MR 2: 364 (260 + 260*0.4(40% or 20% * 2) = 260 + 104 = 364)

And it goes on forever.

I have created a spreadsheet while researching this, that I have adapted into a very informative and detailed Damage Calculator, with special tab's for CO hunting, BH hunting, etc.
It can be downloaded here.
This a good run down of how to get strength.

Well that is about all.
No giveaways this time as we here at DoEE are gearing up for a massive Comp/Giveaway for Australia Day! Stay Tuned!

The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Proud citizen and MoEE of eAust

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