Modesty is a Virtue - Interview with Miss Modesty [HR-EN]

Day 1,161, 12:01 Published in Croatia Croatia by Janko Fran

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Skromnost je vrlina - Interview s miss Modesty!

U ovom broju donosim interview s jednom od najomiljenijih i najkontroverznijih hrvatskih igračica eRepublika. Ona je igračica s brojnim medaljama, popularna i tajanstvena, umiljata i opasna. Dobrotvorka i neumorna pomagačica, hardworker i society builder, trostruka e-kongresnica i peterostruki battle hero. Iako novine piše nevidljivom tintom, ima preko 3000 pretplatnika. Ona je puna iznenađenja i suprotnosti. Zavodljiva i čedna, razmažena i skromna. Sve u isti mah, jedinstvena i neponovljiva - miss Modesty.

miss Modesty i Modesty Blaise

Janko Fran: Fora ti je avatar!
miss Modesty: To je poklon Darka Rore. Tako me on percipirao.
Janko Fran: Kao opasnu curu?
miss Modesty: Prije bih rekla kao garavušu.

Janko Fran: Dakle, po Modesty Blaise si dobila eRep nick?
miss Modesty: Izabrala.

Janko Fran: No pa da, izabrala. Ispričaj nam nešto više o Modesty Blaise.
miss Modesty: Modesty Blaise je najveća i najseksi strip heroina. To je najbolji strip kojemu je glavni lik žena. Modesty je snažna, samostalna žena, neustrašiva pustolovka s kriminalnom prošlošću, majstorica prerušavanja, poliglotkinja, akrobatkinja, špijunka sa snažnim osjećajem za pravdu, nemilosrdna, ali ipak suosjećajna. Kad čovjek čita strip Modesty Blaise i kad na stranu stavi sve njezine nezaboravne avanture, shvati kako je to jedan od rijetkih stripova koji iskreno progovara o muško-ženskim odnosima. Modesty Blaise je prvi strip koji je posve preokrenuo percepciju žene kao sekundarne heroine i pokazao kako jedna heroina svojim sposobnostima i kvalitetama može stati bok uz bok svojim muškim kolegama (a u nekim trenucima ih i nadmašiti).

Janko Fran: Otkuda ljubav prema Modesty Blaise?
miss Modesty: Upoznala sam je kroz bratove Stripoteke i Politikine zabavnike. Modesty je pojam slobodne, samostalne, drske, hrabre i ženstvene žene. Dok je Rip Kirby na svojim stranicama Zabavnika promišljeno pušio lulu i rješavao zagonetke, ona je, na svom kraju, mlatila zločeste dečke, vozila brze aute i spašavala svijet. Bila je prava faca, uvijek obučena u crno, crne kose, očiju iscrtanih tušem i vječno ozbiljna.

Janko Fran: I, voliš mlatiti zločeste dečke na eRepu? Ili više voliš spašavati e-svijet?
miss Modesty: Jooooj, nisam ti ja tako snažna, ipak više volim pomagati drugima. Usrećuje me novom igraču pomoći savjetom ili donirati suigraču u potrebi, neovisno radi li se o kruhu, wepu, goldima ili mom glasu na izborima.
Janko Fran: Modesty je skromnost. A skromnost je vrlina, ili?
miss Modesty: Slažem se. Modesty znači čedna, skromna. Ime Modesty Blaise nastalo je kad je Peter O’Donnell, idejni tvorac stripa, jednom krivo otipkao riječ modestly, što će reći skromno,
Janko Fran: Ali kako razmažena? Tko ju je to razmazio?
miss Modesty: Dosta igrača su fini, vrlo pažljivi i galantni momci.

miss Modesty & Desert Hamster

Janko Fran: A tko je tvoj e-tip na eRepu?
miss Modesty: Desert Hamster definitivno. Ima odličan smisao za humor, zabavan je, ležerno igra, teško ga je izbaciti iz takta. Daje maksimum od sebe, vrlo je hrabar, ima vlastito ja i pod cijenu eživota. Uspješan je i ima karizmu vođe. Umiljat je, zna dobiti što želi, fin, kulturan, lijepo odgojen i nije licemjeran. Istina je da je lopuža i bitanga, no on to ne poriče niti skriva, ponaša se kao virtualni Robin Hood; eRobin Hood.
Janko Fran: Kako ste se upoznali, ti i Desert Hamster?
miss Modesty: Nekih par dana nakon što sam se logirala na erep i još puno toga nisam znala, dođem na #eškola potražiti pomoć, a na kanalu samo jedan lik - desert hamster. I tako, malo po malo kroz dopisivanje, više me nije puštao na miru i za manje od mjesec dana već smo bili u ebraku.

Janko Fran: Koliko je ozbiljna takva veza? 😉 Mislim, ebrak?
miss Modesty: Ebrak je ozbiljan kao i bilo koje drugo epartnerstvo u eRepu. Naravno da ta ozbiljnost ovisi o nosiocima tog partnerstva. Ozbiljan je onoliko koliko njegovi protagonisti žele da bude ozbiljan.
Janko Fran: I kako izgleda vaš eRep brak?
miss Modesty: Naš odnos je model uzornog ponašanja između muškarca i žene i pokazuje kakav bi taj odnos idealno mogao biti. Inače, u RL smo Desert i ja izgradili blizak prijateljski odnos baziran na povjerenju i poštovanju.
Janko Fran: Ima li i tu uspona i padova ili je idealnije nego u RL?
miss Modesty: Nemam još takvo RL iskustvo. Ovo u eRepu je neobavezno i uglavnom zabavno.
Janko Fran: Dakle, za preporučiti?
miss Modesty: Vjerujem da i to ovisi o protagonistima određene priče.
Janko Fran: Naravno.

miss Modesty i eRepublik

Janko Fran: Koje su ti ambicije u eRepu?
miss Modesty: Nemam velike apetite ni ambicije u igri, igram svoju igru, apsolutni sam individualac. Rekla bih, društveno eksponirani individualac.
Janko Fran: Nabroji nekoliko najboljih/najzabavnijih trenutaka u erepu
miss Modesty: Na prvom mjestu to je u V1 dizanje/spoštanje zida u zajedničkoj akciji kad se avatari nižu i ostavljaju te na trenutke bez daha. To je bilo zajedništvo, to su bili dani časti, ponosa i slave. Od događaja iz osobne epovijesti, zabavno mi je bilo desertovo i moje evjenčanje na kanalu vukova (vukovi o/), zatim dvoboj između branimira vukadina i deserta, pa moj prvi ulazak u kongres eSrbije koji je dignuo veliku prašinu. Svaki put uoči napada na eSlavoniju, zbrisala bih u eHr, što je bio znak da dolaze komšije, pa bi izišao članak i počelo bio trolanje. Nedavno sam u Istri imala dva sata odlične zabave tukući protiv deserta, kad su mi i hrvatski i srpski igrači nesebično pomagali donirajući mi preko 50 golda.
Janko Fran: Je li u eHR nemoguće napraviti BB? Što možemo ponuditi novim igračima?
miss Modesty: Mislim da je potencijal eRepa u Hrvatskoj gotovo potrošen, tako da je danas jako teško napraviti BB, no naravno, nikad se ne zna. Bolnica koja je postojala u V1 omogućavala je da i igrač s malim wellom lako podigne well na 100. Danas je to dosta teže, igrač mora birati hoće li podizati wellness ili se boriti... Zapravo, eživot je postao preskup.
Janko Fran: Misliš li da je pametan takav poslovni potez Admina?
miss Modesty: Meni se osobno ne sviđa, no ne mogu reći je li im to pametan potez budući da ne znam koji su im planovi i ciljevi s eRepom.
Janko Fran: Koji su razlozi da si otišla pa se opet vratila u eRep?
miss Modesty: Razočarana i revoltirana najavom prestanka V1 modula igre i uvođenja V2 modula, napustila sam igru u travnju a na desertov nagovor vratila sam se ponovno tijekom srpnja. Osim tih imala sam i RL razloge: čekalo me osam tjedana predavanja i seminara svaki dan nakon posla, a zacrtala sam riješiti i neke ispite do ljeta. Kao skoro najmlađi zaposlenik u firmi nisam mogla na godišnji odmor prije rujna, a ljeto je u Zagrebu vrlo vruće i sparno. Najlakše rješenje je bilo klimatizirani prostor i komp.
Janko Fran: Ima li eRep još potencijala ili će ga uskoro zamijeniti koja druga igra?
miss Modesty: Dok je god karizmatičnih igrača, talentiranih novinara i žustrih rasprava, nema straha za eRep. Ono čega se bojim je ubijanje duha eRepa. Da se svi mi ne pretvorimo u eklonove.
Janko Fran: Dakle, živjela različitost!
miss Modesty: Živjela! Svaki igrač je dragocjen. Naročito igračica, jer nas je jako malo.

miss Modesty & Friends

Janko Fran: Kakav je bio odnos igračica u eRepu prije, a kakav je danas? Kako se slažete?
miss Modesty: Nekad smo se mi igračice više držale skupa, a danas smo podijeljene u manje grupice. Npr. kod izbora za Mistera eHrvatske našle su se sve cure, okupile se i surađivale, zabavljale se, oformile stručni žiri. Doturluigi iz HOS-a je bio neslužbeni pobjednik tog izbora jer službeni rezultati nisu nikad objavljeni. Dosta jakih igračica je otišlo iz eRepa. Ili su se zasitile ili su banirane.
Janko Fran: Vjerojatno su osjetile zov RLa... Misliš li da igračicama nedostaje takve eakcije a ne samo dosadni ratovi i ebitke?
miss Modesty: Promijenila se atmosfera erepa, a mogla bih reći i svijest igrača. Promijenila su se pravila i s njima i sustav vrijednosti igrača...
Janko Fran: U kom smislu?
miss Modesty: Kod određenog broja igrača više nije na prvom mjestu kako pomoći eHrvatskoj.
Postali smo potrošači, jer smo praktički prisiljeni od strane admina da to postanemo kako bismo epreživjeli.

miss Modesty i e-politika

Janko Fran: Primijetio sam da si imala istaknutu ulogu u međunarodnim eRep odnosima i stekla određeno iskustvo u e-politici. Što bi poručila vođama u eHrvatskoj? Kako voditi ovu eDržavu?
miss Modesty: Moje iskustvo je vrlo skromno i posredno, kao i moja uloga. Ipak ne mogu reći da nije bilo zabavno. Što se tiče poruke, imamo dovoljno odličnih bivših predsjednika i ministara koji mogu dati puno konkretnije i dragocjenije savjete.
Janko Fran: Jesi li za mir u e-svijetu? 😛
miss Modesty: Ništa tako dobro ne razbija ebračnu monotoniju kao kad tučem protiv emuža. Još kad on to i plaća, mojoj sreći i zabavi nema kraja!
Janko Fran: Što te najviše smeta u eRepu?
miss Modesty: Osim neprežaljenog ukidanja V1, najviše me smetaju mnoge i česte promjene pravila kao i svakojake novotarije u erepu. Boli me i maćehinski odnos nekih afirmiranih igrača prema slabijim i manje afirmiranim skromnim i samozatajnim suigračima. Onima koji igraju strpljivo i dugo, a dobiju eventualno HW medalju i medalju za train.
Janko Fran: Dakle, poruka je dati priliku novim igračima?
miss Modesty: Pobornik sam toga da svaki aktivniji građanin koji se želi kandidirati za kongres dobije priliku za to. Pitam se čemu deseta ili petnaesta kandidatura istog igrača za kongres? Možda je problem u tome što se svaka stranka u borbi za izbore u kongresu odlučuje za poznatije igrače koji su sigurniji dobitnici na izborima. Nijedna od njih ne želi prva krenuti s kandidaturom manje poznatih igrača.
Janko Fran: A kakva je politička scena u eSrbiji?
miss Modesty: Vrlo živa, i trenutno vrlo specifična.
Janko Fran: U kom smislu?
miss Modesty: Otvoren sukob na relaciji UeS - SZR, Stare, jake stranke dosta su oslabile a neke su pred raspadom. Došlo je do ujedinjenja LIZ-a s dvoklikašima. Nije lako probiti se u top 5. Ovo je njihova prilika da se dočepaju svog komada epolitičke torte.
Janko Fran: Vidiš li ikakvu mogućnost približavanja eSrbije i eHrvatske u eRepu?
miss Modesty: Iako imam puno prijatelja u Srbiji, mislim da je tako nešto teško ostvarivo. Trenutno jedino približavanje koje mi se čini mogućim između igrača eRepa iz eHrvatske i eSrbije jest ono na osobnoj razini. Sigurna sam da većina igrača i u eSrbiji i u eHrvatskoj ne želi nikakve saveze između eHR i eSRB. Jer većina igrača je u eRep i došla na poziv za pomoć svojoj edomovini u eHr-eSrb sukobu. Zna se da je određen postotak igrača koji žele nešto novo, neke nove izazove u eRepu. Referendum je super način kojim se igrači mogu izjasniti što točno žele.
Janko Fran: Kako su te prihvatili u eSrbiji?
miss Modesty: Srbi su vrlo gostoljubivi i lijepo su me primili kao esrpsku snajku. Međutim, kad su pred kraj izborne noći u kojoj sam bila kandidat za srpski ekongres shvatili da ću ući u kongres dogodio se esrpski ustanak. Nije se prestajalo raspravljati, napadati i braniti još danima. Izdano je nekoliko desetaka članaka. Heroina je zatražila eHR CS i tražila od svojih prijatelja Hrvata da joj pomognu da se ona kandidira za eHr kongres. Desert je morao jamčiti za mene svojim odlaskom iz erepa ukoliko odobrim ijedan CS zahtjev. Naravno, većina napada je dolazila od desertovih političkih protivnika, koji su to iskoristili da pokušaju diskreditirati deserta. Mene je sve to odlično zabavljalo; kad je desert uz mene, tko će protiv mene! U kongresu su svi bili izrazito fini i pažljivi prema meni. Nakon nekog vremena su prihvatili činjenicu da neću biti samo dvoklikašica u desertovoj sjeni. Kad sam drugi put ušla u esrpski kongres bila sam iznenađena koliko je esrbija evoluirala, čak ni najekstremniji nisu reagirali. Posebno mi je dirljivo koliko razumijevanja imaju kad u ratu protiv eSrbije tučem na eHr strani. Do sada mi nitko nigdje pa ni na pvt nije prigovorio ili me prozvao zbog toga.
Janko Fran: No, koja je razlika u donošenju odluka u parlamentu u eSrbiji u odnosu na ehrvatski Sabor?
miss Modesty: Srpski kongres je puno spontaniji i življi, više je slobode u iznošenju i branjenju zastupanih stavova. U hrvatskom kongresu je više poslušnika i manje rasprava. U Srbiji nisam odobrila nijedan CS jer sam obećala desertu da ih neću dodjelivati s obzirom na to da su se Srbi jako bojali da Hrvatska ne napravi PTO. U eHrvatskom Saboru mi je bilo ljepše jer sam tu doma i među svojima. Uživala sam u slobodnom odobravanju zahtjeva za državljanstvo jer to nisam smjela u eSrbiji. Ni dvije minute nakon početka mog mandata odobrila sam prvi CS. Kao eHr kongresnik, ispucala sam cijelu kvotu za dodjelu državljanstva. Da sam imala bonus i od 200 CSa, sve bih ih iskoristila.
Janko Fran: Tvoja poruka Desertu povodom njegovog posljednjeg članka.
miss Modesty: Ne opravdavam njegove postupke, ali ga razumijem kao čovjeka i igrača i bit ću mu podrška do kraja. U većoj ili manjoj mjeri svi smo mi desert hamster ili bismo to željeli biti. Lako je biti pošten kad nemaš priliku, puno teže ili nemoguće kad imaš priliku. Dobra prilika od svakog može učiniti lopova. Nakon priznanja, isprike i traženja oprosta neka zakorači na iduću, četvrtu stubu rasta odgovornosti i jačanja karaktera, a to je ISPRAVAK. Želim mu da dobije priliku i snagu da to i učini.
Janko Fran: Jesi li ti njegova moralna evertikala?
miss Modesty: On kaže da jesam.
Janko Fran: Ali dobro utječeš na njega?
miss Modesty: Tako kažu i on i svi koji su s njim bliski i koji ga dobro poznaju. Malo ga smekšam, izvučem iz njega ono najbolje... plemenito, suosjećajno i dobro.

miss Modesty & savjeti igračima

Janko Fran: Savjet svim novim igračima koji neopreznim klikom zalutaju na eRep?
miss Modesty: Skoro je nemoguće opstati novom igraču kao individualcu, stoga se što prije priključite nekoj vojnoj jedinici gdje ćete se zbližiti s ostalim igračima i gdje ćete moći brže se razvijati i brže učiti kako se snaći u eSvijetu.
Janko Fran: Kako je eRep utjecao na tvoj RL život? Pozitivne i negativne strane.
miss Modesty: Pozitivna strana i najveće bogatstvo su ljudi koje sam upoznala. Dobro je da se umjesto da gledam TV, opuštam uz igranje eRepa i ćakule s ljudima. Negativna strana je što uvijek potrošim više vremena i emocija no što sam planirala.
Janko Fran: I kako ti je bilo kad si apstinirala od eRepa nekoliko mjeseci?
miss Modesty: Svaka navika nakon tri dana prestaje biti navika. S vremenom sve izblijedi... Prestanak igranja eRepa je kao prestanak pušenja, bar mi tako kažu oni koji su bili pušači. Kad odlučiš, jednostavno prestaneš, prvih 7-10 dana si u apstinencijskoj krizi i onda se polako oslobodiš ovisnosti. A ako se ponovno nađeš u situaciji da zapališ, nakon kratkog uhodavanja nastaviš kao da prekida nije ni bilo...
Janko Fran: Ok, hvala na ovom opsežnom intervjuu, bilo je pravo zadovoljstvo razgovarati s tobom.
miss Modesty: Hvala tebi, počašćena sam tvojim pozivom za intervju. I još nešto: svatko od nas je jedinstven i neponovljiv!

Modesty Blaise Trailer
Modesty Blaise Trailer - A movie from 20th Century Fox, directed by Joseph Losey (1966)

EDIT: ♥ Zahvala miss Modesty i svim njenim i mojim prijateljima na eRepubliku. ♥

Zahvaljujem još jednom miss Modesty na intervjuu i što je strpljivo odgovarala na moja pitanja. Također hvala svim njezinim i mojim prijateljima što su glasovali za ovaj članak, dali zanimljive komentare i pretplatili se na READeR, USeR, LINKeR!

Ovo će mi biti daljnji poticaj za još dobrih članaka i nadam se uskoro i svojoj prvoj Media Mogul Medalji.

Srdačno vaš,

Janko Fran


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Thank you! You are a really nice guy! Enjoy in the interview! 🙂

Modesty is a Virtue - Interview with Miss Modesty

In this isssue I bring you the interview with one of the most liked and one of the most contraversial Croatian eRepublik players. She is a player with numerous medals, popular and misterious, graceful and dangerous. She is a benefactor and restless helper, hardworker and society builder, triple e-congresswoman and five time a battle hero. Although her newspapers are written with invisible ink, she has more than 3000 subscribers. She is unique and unrepeatable, any yet modest - she is miss Modesty.

miss Modesty & Modesty Blaise

Janko Fran: Your avatar is cool!
miss Modesty: It is a gift from Darko Rora. This is how he perceived me.
Janko Fran: Like a dangerous girl?
miss Modesty: I’d rather say like a dark mysterious woman.
Janko Fran: So you’ve got your eRep nick after Modesty Blaise?
miss Modesty: Yes, I’ve chosen it.

Janko Fran: Well yes, you have chosen it. Tell us something more about Modesty

miss Modesty: Modesty Blaise is the greatest and the sexiest comic heroine. It is the best comic book with a woman as a main character. She is full of surprises and contrasts. She is seductive and chaste, spoiled and modest, all at the same time. Modesty is a strong, independent woman, fearless adventurer with criminal past, master of disguise, a polyglot, an acrobat, a spy with strong sense of justice, merciless, but sympathetic. When reading Modesty Blaise comic book and leaving a side all her unforgettable adventures one realizes that it is one of the rare comic books, which talk
about male-female relations. Modesty Blaise is the first comic book which has completely turned around perception of a woman as secondary heroine and has shown how she can stand, with all her qualities and capabilities, side by side, by her male colleagues (and sometimes to out-top them).

Janko Fran: Where does this fascination by Modesty Blaise come from?
miss Modesty: I met her first through my brother’s comic books like Stripoteka and Politikin zabavnik. Modesty is a name for free, independent, sassy, courageous and sexy woman. While Rip Kirby has prudently smoked his pipe and solved mysteries on pages of his comic book, she has, on
the other hand, whacked bad boys, driven fast cars and been saving the world. She was a really cool character, always dressed in black, with dark hair, and with eyes painted in dark India ink, eternally serious.

Janko Fran: So, you like beating bad boys in eRep? Or you like saving the eWorld

miss Modesty: I like both, although I like helping the other players in the game the most. It makes me happy advising a new player or donating someone in need, no matter is it giving some food, weapon, gold or my election vote.
Janko Fran: Modest means unpretentious, and modesty is a virtue, right?
miss Modesty: Right. Modesty means virtuous, decent. The name Modesty Blaise made into existence when Peter O’Donnell, the notional creator of this comic book, mistyped the word modestly.
Janko Fran: OK, but how is she spoiled? Who spoiled her?
miss Modesty: Well, there are quite a few fine, very considerate and gallant guys. Once a player told me: My friends are competing who will please you more.

miss Modesty & Desert Hamster

Janko Fran: Who is your eRep e-type?
miss Modesty: Definitely Desert Hamster. He has great sense of humor, he is amusing, casual player, he is difficult to get out of line. He gives his best, he is very courageous, has his own opinion even at the cost of his e-life. He is successful and has leader charisma. He is graceful, knows hot to get what he wants, he is polite, well mannered, and not a hypocrite. It is truth that he is a thieve and a rogue, but he doesn’t deny it nor hide it, he behaves as virtual Robin Hood; like eRobin Hood.
Janko Fran: How did you meet, you and Desert Hamster?
miss Modesty: A few days after I logged in eRep for the first time and when I didn’t know much about it, I came to #eškola channel (#eschool) to get some help, and there was just one guy there, some desert hamster. He has helped me. So, step-by-step, through our texting he said to me that he is e-serbian player. After that he didn’t let me go and in a less than a month we were happily e-married. And he became the president of eSerbia on the same day.

Janko Fran: How serious is that kind of a relationship? 😉 I mean, the e-marriage?
miss Modesty: eMarriage is serious just as any other e-partnership in eRep. Of course that seriousness of such a relationship depends on the partners. It is serious as much as its protagonists want it to be serious.
Janko Fran: So, how does your eRep marriage look like? I mean, if you want to share it with eRep public...
miss Modesty: Our relationship is a model of decent behavior between a man and a woman and it shows what any such relationship could be ideally. The things that attract me to him is that he is very difficult to be thrown out of line, and yet I do it so well. In general, I mean in RL, Desert and I have built close friendship based on thrust and respect.
Janko Fran: Are there also some ups and downs as in RL, or it is more idealistic than in the RL?
miss Modesty: I don’t have such RL experience yet. In eRep it includes no real obligations and it’s mostly fun.
Janko Fran: So, you would recommend it?
miss Modesty: I believe that this also depends on the protagonists of a specific story.
Janko Fran: Of course.

miss Modesty & eRepublik

Janko Fran: What are your eRep ambitions?
miss Modesty: I don’t have great ambitions or appetites in this game. I play my game and I am an absolute individual. I’d say, socially exposed individual.
Janko Fran: Name some of the greatest moments in eRep, at least for you.
miss Modesty: In the first place it was v.1 wall lifting and lowering in joint action with avatars passing by and leaving you breathless for a moment. It was that kind of team spirit, these were days of honor, pride and glory. Among events from my personal ehistory, it was also fun to be on desert’s and my e-wedding on ‘vukovi’ (wolves) channel (vukovi o/), then a duel between branimir vukadin and desert, then there was my first entry to the congress of eSerbia which lifted a lot of dust. Recently I had a great time in Istria and Kvarner region battle when I was fighting against desert, and when both Croatian and Serbian players were selflessly helping me by donating more than 50 gold coins. Those were two hours of absolute fun.
Janko Fran: Is it impossible to make another BB in eCroatia? What can we offer to
some new players?

miss Modesty: I think that potential of eRep in Croatia is almost completely spent, and that it is very difficult to make a BB, but of course, you never know. The hospital, which existed in eRep v.1, made it possible for even a low wellness player to raise it easily to 100. Today it is more difficult, player must chose either to raise his wellness or fight... Actually, e-life has become too expensive.
Janko Fran: Do you find such admins’ business move smart?
miss Modesty: Personally, I don’t like it, but I can’t say whether it is a smart move, because I am not familiar with their plans and goals related to eRepublik.
Janko Fran: What were the reasons you had left eRepublik and how come you have came back to eRep e-life?
miss Modesty: Disappointed and revolted by announcing v.1 module closure and introducing v.2 module, I left the game in April last year, and I came back again in July after desert’s persuasion. Except that I also had some RL reasons for leaving. I had 8 weeks of lectures and seminars
every day after work, and I also wanted to pass some exams by summer. As almost the youngest employee in the company I couldn’t take vacations before September, and summer in Zagreb is very hot and humid. The easiest solution was to get some air conditioning and a laptop.
Janko Fran: Is there any potential left for eRepublik or it will be replaced by some other game soon?
miss Modesty: As long there are charismatic players, talented journalists and vivid discussions, there is no fear for eRep. The one thing that I am afraid of is killing the spirit of eRep, the possibility that we could be turning into the e-clones.
Janko Fran: So, long live diversity!
miss Modesty: Yep, hip hip hooray! Each player is precious, but especially the female players, because there is very few of us.

miss Modesty & Friends - I ♥ my computer because my friends live in it!

Janko Fran: What were the relations between female players like before, and what are
they like today? How are you getting along?

miss Modesty: Earlier all of us Croatian girls in eRep used to stick together, and today we are mostly scattered in small groups. For instance, when there was Mr. eCroatia contest all of us girls gathered and cooperated, had fun and made an official jury. Doturluigi from HOS was an inofficial winner of that contest because official results were never proclaimed. (We didn’t want to hurt all those guys’ feelings, because we liked them all.) Lot of strong players have left eRepublik. They were either saturated by eRep or they were banned from it. I was very sad when Venax and Darcus left. They were my menthors and they meant a lot to me. After a month spent in eRep I left to eSerba, so I met many Serbian players there. I am especially fond of Skid Row, Serviana and Miljica. Only Skid Row still plays this game and she is proud member of Škorpioni unit, on the other hand, Serviana and Miljica have left eRep. Recent ban of msabdeli made me sad additionally. (Fortunately she is unbanned now. 😁
Janko Fran: They probably felt RL call... Do you think that female players miss those kind of e-action, and not only boring e-wars and e-battles?
miss Modesty: The atmosphere of eRep has changed, and also the consciousness of players, I’d say. Rules have changed and together with them, players’ system of values as well.
Janko Fran: In what sense?
miss Modesty: Certain number of players don’t ask themselves anymore what they can do for their country in the first place. We have primarily become consumers, because we are practically forced by admins to become ones in order to e-survive.

Miss Modesty & e-Politics

Janko Fran: I have noticed that you had a prominent role in international eRep relations and that you have gained some experience in e-politics. What is your message to the leaders in eCroatia? How to lead their eCountry?
miss Modesty: My experience is very modest and indirect, and so was my role. Nonetheless, I can’t say that it hasn’t been fun. Concerning the message, I believe that we have enough excellent e😜residents and ministers who can give more concrete and valuable advice than I.
Janko Fran: As a Miss, are you for eWorld peace? 😛
miss Modesty: Actually no, as a Miss and as a e-married woman, I am for war in eWorld! Nothing can brake e-marrital monotony so well as fighting against my e-husband in an e-battle. If he has also payed my war supplies, my happiness and fun is endless!
Janko Fran: What bothers you the most in eRep?
miss Modesty: Except never forgotten end of eRepublik, v.1, I am bothered the most by many and often rule changes. I am also bothered by step-father-like relation of some well known players to their younger player colleagues, who are not so well affirmed and who are modest, to those who play it patiently and long, and all they get is just a HW and train medal.
Janko Fran: So, your message is giving a chance to new players?
miss Modesty: I am a supporter of giving a chance to each citizen who is more active and who wants to make it into the congress. I ask myself what someone’s 10th or 15th running for congress stands for? Perhaps, it is also a problem that each party in struggle for power choses to propose candidates in the congress which are more famous and popular players, because they are more certain to win the elections. No party wants to be first to start the candidacy of less known players.
Janko Fran: And what is political scene in eSerbia like?
miss Modesty: It is very vivid, and very specific at the moment.
Janko Fran: In what sense?
miss Modesty: There is an open conflict on a relation between United eSerbia (UeS) and Common Sense Party (SZR). Older strong parties are weaker now, and some are even facing a brakeup. LIZ has united with two-clickers. It’s not easy to get through to top 5. This is their chance to grab their piece of pollitical cake.
Janko Fran: Do you see any possibility for closening of eSerbia and eCroatia in eRep?
miss Modesty: Although I have many friends in Serbia, I think that such thing would be very difficult to achieve. At the moment, the only closening I find possible is the one on personal level. I am sure that most of the players, both in eSerbia and in eCroatia don’t want any alliances between eCroatia and eSerbia. Because the most players of these two countries came to eRep to defend their country in eCroatian-eSerbian conflict. It is well known that certain amount of players want something new, some other challenges in eRep. Referendum is a great way in which players can make a statement on what they really want.
Janko Fran: How were you accepted in eSerbia?
miss Modesty: Serbs are very hospitable and they received me nicely as eSerbian bride. However, when they realized during the night of the elections, that I’ll make it into the congress, there was eSerbian rising. The debates, attacks and defending were continuous and wouldn’t stop for days. There were several dozens of articles published on this issue. Heroina je zatražila eHR CS i tražila od svojih prijatelja Hrvata da joj pomognu da se ona kandidira za eHr kongres. Desert je morao jamčiti za mene svojim odlaskom iz erepa ukoliko odobrim ijedan CS zahtjev. Of course, the most of the attacks came from desert’s pollitical opponents, who used this opportunity to try to discredit desert. I was amused by all this fuss; when desert has been standing by my side, who can be against me! In congress everyone was very polite and considerate towards me. After some time they accepted the fact that I won’t be just a two-clicker in desert’s shadow. When I was elected for the second time in eSerbian congress, I was surprised how eSerbia evolved. Even the most extreme players had no objections on me. It was especially moving how much understanding they have when I fight on Croatian side during the battle between eSerbia and eCroatia. Nobody ever made a complaint on that to me or called me for this.
Janko Fran: So, what is the main difference in decision making in eSerbian congress compared to eCroatian congress?
miss Modesty: eSerbian congress is much more spontaneous, there is more freedom in presenting your viewpoint and defending your stance. In eCroatian congress there are more obedients and less debates. As a eCroatian congresswoman, I have spent the whole quota of my citisenship approvals. In eSerbia I didn’t approve any citizenships (CS) because I made a promiss to desert that I won’t approve any considering the fact that Serbs were really affraid that eCroatia would make a PTO on them. In eCroatian Parliament it was nicer because I felt like home and with my fellow coutnrymen. I have enjoyed in approving citizenships freely because I wasn’t alowed in eSerbia. No two minutes after my mandate began I approved a CS to Heboo. If I got a quota even of 200 CSs, I would have used them all.
Janko Fran: Your message to Desert, regarding his last article?
miss Modesty: I don’t approve his actions, but I understand him as a man and a player, and I will be his support till the end. In greater or lesser degree, we are all desert hamster, or at least we would like to be like him. It is easy to be honest when you don’t have an opportunity, but it is much harder when you have one. Good opportunity can make everybody a thieve. After admitting, after an appology and asking for forgiveness, he should step op the next, fourth step of responsibility growth and character strenghtening, and try to correct his mistake. I wish him to get a second chance and wish him strenght of will to redeem himself.
Janko Fran: Are you his moral e-vertical?
miss Modesty: He said that I am.
Janko Fran: And you influence him positively?
miss Modesty: So says he, and so say all close to him, who know him well. I make him a bit softer, I pull his best out of him... Some noble, compassionate and good things....

Miss Modesty & Advice to the Players

Janko Fran: Your advice to the new players who stray to the eRep with the odd unwary click?
miss Modesty: It is almost impossible to survive for a new player as an individual, so join some military unit as soon as possible, where you can bond with other players nad where you can develop yourself faster and learn how to survive in eWorld.
Janko Fran: How eRep influenced your RL? Upsides and downsides.
miss Modesty: The upside and the greatest value are the people who I’ve met. Another upside is relaxing and talking to people and playing eRep instead relaxing in front of TV. The downside is that I always spend more time and emotions than I planned.
Janko Fran: And how was abstaininng the eRep for several months for you, how did you feel?
miss Modesty: Each habit stops to be a habit after three days of abstaining. With time all fades away... Quitting eRep is like quitting smoking, at least so say those who were smokers. When you decide to quit, you just quit. First 7 to 10 days you are in abstinence crisis and then slowly you free yourself from addiction. And if you find yourself in a situation to light a cigarette again, after a short break-in, you continue like the interruption never happened...
Janko Fran: OK, thank you for this comprehensive interview, I was a real pleasure to talk to you.
miss Modesty: Thank you, I am honored by your invitation for an interview.

My Name is Modesty - Modesty Blaise Movie by Quentin Tarantino
My Name is Modesty - A movie from Miramax, directed by Quentin Tarantino (2004)

I would like to thank once more to miss Modesty for this interview and for answering my questions patiently. I would also like to thank all of her friends and my friends for voting this article, giving interesting comments and subscribing to READeR, USeR, LINKeR!

This will encourage me to write more good articles and I also hope to get my first Media Mogul Medal.

Faithfully yours,

Janko Fran


Journalism in eRepublik is Sadface