MoD - The first announcement!

Day 1,887, 09:03 Published in Austria Austria by II. Dexx

I always knew that deep inside of you, there is great love towards your mighty Emperor.

..and now, let's kill the unbelievers!

Imperial citizens! Attention!

Our current President lazo offered us the possibility to bring enlightenment to this poor country. As you can check the members of the government changed and this also means you accept the kuruces as your Holy Leaders!

My first announcement is not a new one. I would like to remind you and the government of Hungary about a decision made long ago and signed twice by hungarian and austrian presidents. Burgenland belongs to Hungary! As the Emperor of the Kuruc Empire and Defense Minister I order our troops to leave the Burgenland region behind and do not fight when hungarian forces arrive!

Hail the Kuruc Empire!

Hát ez vicces. Hónapok óta az eső HK amit láttam. Mi volt benne?

"Munténia régiót lengyel kérésre feladjuk. Ezért szertenék mindenkit megkérni arra, hogy legyen szíves ne üssék a régiót magyar oldalon."

Látom nagy változást nem történt eMagyarországon. 😃