MO - Uvodjenje novog filosofskog pravca i nove religije u eSrbiju!

Day 1,782, 15:21 Published in Serbia Japan by Veprina 22

Naravno da ce neki pomisliti, ko ovu budalu stavi za ministra, ako ce da pise ovakve gluposti, ali, ne sudite prerano, sve je smisleno i ima vraski dobru poentu!

O cemu se ovde radi? Zbog ociglednog poremecaja stanja svesti u danasnjoj eSrbiji, razvila se mrznja, pohlepa, zavist, elitizam, nagon ka prevarama i spletkama i sve one lose osobine koje ne bi smeo da poseduje jedan pravi Srbin, posteni domacin, patriota i u uskom krugu, dobar komsija.
Zbog toga, preko mojih ministarskih ovlascenja, izuzetno ogranicenih (ipak sam samo MO), uvodim pojam ANASTAZISOIZMA u recnik erepublika, i njegovu prakticnu primenu u vidu oficijalne ereligije u eSrbiji. Svako ko zeli, moze se prikljuciti ovom ucenju, i postati bolji covek. Sve sto je potrebno za uclanjenje jeste otvoreno srce i volja!
ANASTAZISOIZAM- Ucenje filosofa Anastazisa
o ljubavi, sreci, postovanju, prijateljstvu, solidarnosti, toleranciji, i zdravorazumskim odnosima, medju igracima erepa, pre svega eSrbije!
Prikljuci se jos danas! OTVORI SVOJE SRCE!!!

Of course, that some might think, who put this fool for the Minister, if you would write that kind of shit, do not judge too soon, everything is meaningful and has a damn good point!

What is this all about? Due to the obvious impairment of consciousness in today eSerbia, developed hatred, greed, envy, elitism, and the quest for fraud schemes and all those bad qualities that should not be allowed to own a real Serb, host integrity, a patriot and in a small circle, a good neighbor.
Therefore, through my ministerial powers, very limited (though I am only ME) have introduced the concept of ANASTAZISOIZMA Dictionary eRepublik, and its practical application as the official ereligion of eSerbia. Anyone who wants to join, can be connected to this doctrine, and become a better man. All that is necessary for membership is a open heart and will!
ANASTAZISOIZAM-Learning of philosopherAnastazisa
about love, happiness, respect, friendship, solidarity, tolerance, common sense and relations among players from erep, primarily eSerbia!
Join up today! Open your heart!