Mmhrrrmhrrrm! Your Eastern Cape Choice For Congress!

Day 763, 14:41 Published in South Africa South Africa by Mmhrrrmhrrrm

It is with extreme pleasure that I announce my run for congress under the banner of the Associates of General Wellness!

I bring to eSA a hunger for participation, a craving for activity and a promise of integrity, purposefulness and dependability. This, coupled with a deep sense of pride in my country will ensure that I do my utmost best to further eSouth Africa's interests in the best ways possible.

Obviously we have to watch against the current PTO threat, especially during this round of congressional voting, but more important is to get eSA out of it's perpetual propensity for political takeover's. This trend must stop! We should be safeguarding eSA in such a way that political takeovers is just not feasible. I am of opinion that the current bunch of politicians did a great job doing just this so far. The intelligence department, which is obviously at the spearhead of this achievement should be strengthened even more.
Each and everyone of us must work to increase the legitimate population of eSA, as this will keep us safer in so many ways. Last of all, cheaters must be pointed out, named, shamed and deservedly banned!

Strengthening ties with our allies, and repairing those that are taking strain at the moment, is obviously non-negotiable. There is surely a way to get out of our current predicament better and stronger than we were before.

I would love to be part of the new congress, working proactively with our Lady President in a positive and supportive way to find the solution that will raise eSouth Africa up to a new zenith!