MM campaign for EDEN!#6.1 [EN/BG] New method! SAVES CLICKS!

Day 1,250, 06:21 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by koko5.5

За Български чети по долу:

Opera users
Firefox - read below

Recently there are no MM campaigns in the news. It's time for change!

I'm going to introduce you a new method for subscribing. A better way!

Using this method you will save clicks and time subscribing newspapers.

How it works?

1. Download the following files:
- - Campaign for Romania
- - international campaign (Belarus,Ukraine,Russia,Bulgaria) - I got the list from here:
2. Open Opera browser
File -> Import and export -> Import opera bookmarks. Open the file!

This will import all newspapers as bookmarks. They are separated in folders named 1,2,3,4... in order not to freeze your computer. Each folder contains 20 to 30 newspapers.

3. Lets start
Bookmarks -> "1" -> Open all Folder items.
This will open all newspapers in folder "1"

4. Subscribe to all open newspapers, close all opened tabs.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with all folders.

6. Go to Manage bookmarks
Delete all folders with subscribed newspapers.

7. Periodically check for release of a new bookmark file.

P.S. Feel free to send me a list with new newspapers. I'll do the rest of the job 🙂

Firefox users

Recently there are no MM campaigns in the news. It's time for change!

I'm going to introduce you a new method for subscribing. A better way!

Using this method you will save clicks and time subscribing newspapers.

How it works?

1. Download the following files: - Campaign for Romania - international campaign (Belarus,Ukraine,Russia,Bulgaria) - I got the list from here:
2. Open Firefox browser
Bookmarks -> Organize bookmarks... ->Import and backup -> Import html -> select "From an html file" -> Next, Open the file!

This will import all newspapers as bookmarks. They are separated in folders named 1,2,3,4... in order not to freeze your computer. Each folder contains 20 to 30 newspapers.

3. Lets start
Bookmarks -> "1" -> Open all in tabs.
This will open all newspapers in folder "1"

4. Subscribe to all open newspapers, close all opened tabs.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with all folders.

6. Go to Organize bookmarks
Delete all folders with subscribed newspapers.

7. Periodically check for release of a new bookmark file.

P.S. Feel free to send me a list with new newspapers. I'll do the rest of the job

Потребители на Опера
Напоследък кампаниите изчезнаха от новините. Време е да ги подновим

Кликането се запазва, но го намаляваме наполовина, което означава че вдигаме КПД-то


Подготвил съм файл с bookmarks за опера с всички вестници(до които съм се докопал).

Как работи?
Теглите файла от тук:

Отваряте Опера -> File -> Import and export -> Import opera bookmarks. Отваряте файла.

По този начин в боокмаркс ще се появят пет папки с номера(1,2,3,4,5) във всяка има по 30 вестника. Цъкате и избирате Open all Folder items. Така отваряте по 30 вестника на веднъж, като приключите с тях преминавате на следващата папка.

п.п. За в бъдеще ще изработя още файлове с боокмаркс, стига да има списъци.

Firefox на Български: скоро!