Methods to Break the Wall

Day 331, 06:30 Published in Norway Finland by Erwin Schauman

*updated 19.10.2008*
As I have destroyed my wellness and my eEarthly possessions beating down the wall, I am forced to help the liberation movement in other ways than participating in the actual battles. Therefore, I have decided to write an article about the best methods of destroying the wall of oppression. 
Firstly, lets look at the battle system. When you go to your army page you see at the bottom of the page the resistance war undergoing in Eastern Finland. Click it, and the page showing the structural integrity of the wall and the participating soldiers opens. From this page click the red button saying "Fight for Resistance". A pop up window should appear with the buttons "skip" and "start". Do not press "skip"! You only lose wellness by doing so. Press start, and the program asks you 5 questions. The first three are about the country where the battle takes place, in this case Finland. I will provide answers to these questions at the bottom of this article. The last t wo are random questions from ALL the countries in eRepublik, so do not expect to get these right. By the way, DO NOT PRESS THE GREEN BUTTON ON THE PAGE! It fixes the wall and makes independence harder to achieve. This goes to you foreigners as well, not just Finns. 
All questions have 4 answers to choose from and you have 20 seconds to answer each of the questions. Every answer you get right is worth 5 wellness. By answering all 5 questions right, you only lose 10 wellness. If you get all of them wrong, then you lose 35 wellness. If you skip the questions, you lose 30 wellness, so even if you click the answers randomly you should be able to get one or two right, making skipping a redundant option. DO NOT PRESS SKIP!
In addition to the benefits of keeping up your wellness, each question you answer correctly in the period of 5 seconds gives you a "supershot bonus" that increases the damage you deal in that combat by 10 %. Also correct answers in general increase the damage by +10%, so one supershot answer is actually worth +20%. If you do not know the answer when you read the question, it's pretty useless taking the whole 20 seconds thinking about it (unless you are using wikipedia at the same time). Just take a quick glance at the answers and choose the one that sounds correct. Do this in 5 seconds and you get a shotgun bonus. Do not waste time trying to decipher the broken engrish questions. Now you know how the battle system looks like.
Lets take a look at what influences your ability to deal damage besides supershot answers. The factors are Wellness, military skill, character level and the weapon you have. As you have limited possibility to influence your military skill and character level, it's better to focus on Wellness and weapons instead. Every 10 wellness seems to add +1 to your potential damage, so a player with wellness 100 (or slightly less) should have a damage potential of at least +10. Other factors like rank and level may increase it a bit over that. The wisest thing to do when fighting is to maximise your potential damage. If you for example start with Wellness 100, then attack the wall and lose 10-15 wellness, it's worthwhile to maximise your wellness by getting someone to give you gifts. Gift circles are a well known tradition in eRepublik and come in handy here. You gift the other player, he gifts you. 
Now, you can only get +10% of wellness from gifts once in every eRepublik day. To increase your wellness after that you have two options: exhange gold for wellness packs at a price of 2 gold for 10 wellness. You can use this for unlimited times (you will end up losing all of your gold though), or use the hospital in the region you are in (under the region window). Using the hospital costs nothing, and gives you wellness according to it's level. Level 1 gives 10%, level 2 20% and so forth. The hospital can only be used once in every erepublik day so let your wellness drop until you can maximise the benefits of using it. Remember, you can only use hospitals if you have lost wellness in a battle! It doesn't work if you haven't fought that day. It always gives you the amount of wellness according to its level, so wellness decreases from working and training and so forth are also healed.  
Then the weapons. If you fight without a weapon, you get a -50% penalty in the battle. Q1 weapon gives +10% bonus, Q2 +20% and so forth. A relatively skilless player that can't do much damage should use Q1 weapons. Leave the better weapons for more skilled players that can maximise their use. It's also worthwhile to attack without weapons, even if you do relatively little damage. You get promotions that help you do more damage in the future. Just remember that you have a duty to keep yourself fit in order to keep the companies alive the next day. Stop hitting when your wellness is around 40-50 if you have used all the wellness increasing methods already.
Currently eNorway is rapidly running out of weapons, so people who have no obligations here should think about the possibility of moving to another country, buying weapons there and selling them via the donation system to freedom fighters here. Just remember that your primary duty is towards your country, not making yourself rich so don't ask for too much for sending the items.  
Answers to the questions about Finland in no particular order:  
Elected president = Tarja Halonen. Congress serves = 4 terms. President serves = 6 terms. National instrument = Kantele. Suffrage adopted in = 1906. Abo Akademi University established = 1640.Agricola = 16th Century. Winter war lasted = 1939-1940, WW2 fights against Russia = twice, Aleksander invaded Finland = Finnish war, Language in the 13th century = Swedish. Current languages = Swedish and Finnish. Ruled previously by = Sweden. Largest lake = Saimaa. Converted into = Lutherian. Largest religion = Evangelic Lutherian Church. Prime minister = elected by President. Constitution adopted = 2000. Provinces = 6 provinces. Policy towards communists = Finlandisation. 
There might be more. Add them as comments and I will insert them on the list.
Remember to vote the article so everyone gets to read these instructions.  
Enjoy the fight, sons anddaughters of Finland!
Great is the respect for those who fight by our side for glorious tomorrow!