Memories... [EN/RO]

Day 2,076, 05:21 Published in Romania Romania by Kelstein
Good News Everybody,

Few minutes ago I became God of War

Around a year ago that would have meant a big achievement, now the game mechanics changed so much that GOW is not as special as it used to be...but

It gave me an opportunity to reflect on my evolution in this game and I would like to share some memories with you

I started the game in eUK in Military Unit TUP Family, where I was part of the same group with people like Talon, Iain or Kraven and many more other big players in eUK and eWorld. I started realising just in the last few months what personalities I had around me in my e-childhood.

I still remember the first battle I went all in! I managed to deliver around 1.4 millions damage (huge value back then for a baby, no rockets and other bullshit like now) in an epic battle for Dublin, sadly lost by UK; but I remember the excitement and the rush! EPIC!

After I became more and more active I moved to my real life country: eRomania and I was part of MU Templierii

Here I've got my first BH, and this was the time when there were no divisions so I had to fight with big players for my first Battle Hero; I still remember how Don Sorel (which also is the responsible of me playing this game) was shouting on chat for everyone to know I'm hitting for my first BH! - another Epic moment

And then a new part of my e-life started with me joining Soimii Patriei; That was love at first sight! and still is! They are the reason I'm still here today and my motivation every time when I open eRepublik!

I've got all the other medals in here...but Soimii Patriei took it to a different level, being a member of them makes me careless about how shiny the pixels on my profile look...I have friends here, no not pixel friends, real friends.

This GOW is for you my dear Soimii Patriei!

I won't start listing all the people that I want to thank because I'm definitely gonna miss someone and I don't want to feel bad about it - so thank you all!

So by the time you'll get here (if you are not bored yet) you will think: "What's the reason of this article?"

There's's just me bragging about my GOW rank!

fâl fâl fâl for now,


Disclaimer: This article was written in English for TUP Family and all the non-romanian speakers that had an influence on me and my e-childhood

Please tell me where the mistakes are 🙂


Good News Everybody,

Cu cateva minute in urma am devenit God of War

In urma cu un an acest lucru ar fi fost o mare realizare, dar pentru ca mecanica jocului s-a schimbat atata de mult statutul de GOW nu mai este asa special cum obisnuia sa fie...dar

Cu ocazia aceasta am reflectat la evolutia mea in acest jos si as vrea sa impart niste memorii cu voi

Mi-am inceput jocul si e-vata in eUK in Unitatea Militara TUP Family, unde am fost parte intr-un grup forma de oameni precum Talon, Iain sau Kraven si multi alti jucatori mari ai eUK si eLumii. Am inceput sa realizez abia recent alaturi de ce e-personalitati mi-am petrecut e-copilaria.

Inca imi amintesc prima batalie in care am dat tot ce aveam! Am reusit sa dau undeva la 1.4 milioane damage (o valoare uriasa pentru un bebelus, fara rachete si alte cacaturi ca acuma) intr-o batalie epica pentru Dublin care din pacate UK a pierdut-o; dar imi amintesc adrenalina si nerabdarea sa vad rezultatul final al luptei! EPIC!

Dupa aceea am devenit din ce in ce mai activ si m-am mutat in tara mea din RL adica eRomania si am devenit membru al UM MU Templierii

Aici am luat primul BH, era perioada cand nu erau divizii si am avut de luptat cu jucatori mari pentru primul meu BH; Inca imi amintesc cum Don Sorel (care este si responsabil pentru faptul ca eu joc acest joc) dadea shouturi pe chat ca lumea sa stie ca dau pentru primul meu BH! - alt moment EPIC!

Si apoi o noua parte a e-vietii mele a inceput cand m-am alaturat Unitatii Militare Soimii Patriei; A fost dragoste la prima vedere! si inca este! ei sunt motivul pentru care inca sunt aici astazi si motivatia mea sa deschid eRepublik-ul zi de zi.

Am obtinut toate celelalte medalii aici ...dar Soimii Patriei a dus placerea jocului la un nivel nou, fiind Soim nu imi mai pasa de cat de galbeni sunt Pixeli pe Profilul prieteni aici, nu, nu prieteni virtuali, prieteni adevarati!

GOW-ul este pentru tine draga Soimii Patriei!

Nu am sa incep sa enumar toate persoanele carora vreau sa le multumesc pentru ca sigur am sa uit pe cineva si nu vreau sa ma simt prost - Va multumesc tuturor!

Probabil pana ati ajuns aici (daca nu sunteti deja plictisiti v-ati gandit: “Care este motivul acestui articol?”

Niciunul...l-am scris doar sa ma laud ca am ajuns GOW!

fâl fâl fâl for now,
