Meet the Myrmidons: Evil(not) Blondie

Day 2,528, 13:08 Published in Greece Greece by Lithelon

Interview with: Josx

My dear and loyal slave. Your time is up. "Meet the Myrmidons: Evil Blondie"
I won't even bother asking you if you're on board 😛, so let's jump start. Introduce yourself.

My dear master I wouldn't expect you to ask anyway 😛. Well, where to start?!
Pure evil trapped in a female shape and form, dedicated to keeping the Myrmislaves obedient and loyal to master. Long story short: I'm the one with the whip 😛.

A couple slaves miss their overtimes, you should attend to this 😛
You recently celebrated five years in erepublik and a check in your profile shows you've got all medals and a couple decorations (mod, ambassador). What keeps you going after all this time and what's the next objective?

5 years is a lot of time. I know it sounds cheesy and corny but the only thing that kept me here for this long are people. Many of them became my friends. I've been fortunate enough to meet some great people here with whom I clicked so good that we became great friends in RL.
Lately the only thing that keeps me going are amazing people in my MU. I was on the verge of leaving the game when I met them and became a part of Myrmi family. Thanks to them game became fun again and I even managed to "convince" some of my other friends to join them too.
I think I tried and accomplished here mostly everything - I've been in numerous governments on various positions (vMoFA, vMoD, Prime Minister, MI, vMI and finally CP), I am moderator, ingame mentor, part of translation team. I don't think there is anything more to do (except maybe be part of alliance HQ but I never aspired to do that anyway). My only objective for now is to have fun here, lots of it.
On the serious side, I am waiting for Plato to give me Queen of Spanking decoration. I think I deserved it 😛.

Spank my ___ and call me litsa 😛. Don't know about Plato, but I've ordered a new whip, specially crafted for you. As you probably guessed it's pink and signed from all your favorite myrmislaves.
Let's say you're in an Alliance HQ. What would you choose to do? PR, Financial, Military? What's your area of expertise and favorite game module?

Let's say I'm not 😛. My area of expertise? Probably PR and organization. I've been Minister of Information many times (over 12 times I think). That ministry was my baby and me and my team poured our hearts and souls in it. Luckily people recognized our hard work and effort and our articles were well received in communities, even enemy ones.
My favorite game module? Not sure if I have one. As soon as I started playing eRepublik I jumped into politics ("was pushed" would probably be better term)... Lately I got tired of that module and baggage that comes with it, so retirement seemed as a logical next step.

When v2 began I fell in love with military module (don't hate me for it). I loved fighting in v2. It was fun and interesting. More strategically challenged than other versions IMO and I was kinda sad when we returned to wall fighting again.
Economy module was never interesting to me. Just something I needed to do in order to finance myself.
P.S. That pink whip will go great with that pink Myrmi shirt you always threaten you'll make for me. And since, as all Myrmis know, I simply adore (not) pink color, I'll show my appreciation and happiness with some extra spanking and whipping.

Shirts are on the way and pinkie is ecstatic about this 😛.
Let's suppose you are head of MoI for the thirteenth time. What would the ministry bother with these days?

To be a MoI in the time when alliances are reshuffling again is not an easy task (if you know what are you supposed to do).
Informing the community about changes, trying to "shape" their opinion about future alliance into positive one and preparing them for new allies so that we have an easy transition to new alliance - those are the tasks MoI should do now.
But, there is always but, you have to do it in a subtle, gentle way so that it is not interpreted as propaganda (which would be MoFA's job so the best way is for those two ministries to cooperate in these situations). And you should not try to push by any chance your community into unwanted or unnatural alliance (if you do that, it will work only for little period of time and it will backfire in the end).
P.S. pinkie is a living proof that spanking is healthy for a slave... we'll have to award his good behaviour with some additional pink furry handcuffs 😃.

And how would you like new alliances to be formed? Whom would you like to your side, whom against and to what end? World domination, securing bonuses or something else?

It is hard to choose whom to name as my choice. I'm a sentimental chick. EDEN was always (and still is) the only alliance for me... Rather than naming it, I'd say my choice would always be - old EDEN friends again in the same alliance..
For example I would love to see Greece and Croatia in the same alliance. Our two communities have a special bond, friendship that even survived different sides, so it would be great to see that MPP again.
Although I know more and more people support the idea, I don't think Serbia and Croatia should be in the same alliance. If it were to happen, it would probably kill communities and the game itself in the end.
World domination and bonuses don't mean anything if your community is bored, so I would love to see countries taking more risks, having fun.. After all it is a game, and we should start acting like it..

Let's talk a little bit about the game in general. Tell me things you believe that would make it more interesting. Features or even modules you would like implemented.

Game changed a lot since I started to play it. It is definitely not the same game anymore. Some changes I liked a lot, some not so much.
Talking as an exCP who had lots of problems with it, I think organizations should be removed from the game and their features implemented in MU, government and party panels. It would be nice for every ministry to have ingame newspapers (without a need for organizations in that case). Storages for military units, governments, even parties would be good addition as well as ability to use monetary market.
I have to admit I liked old congress elections more. More fun, more involvement from the players, more strategy. You voted for a person in a particular region, not a party, so in order to get elected you needed to "fight" for it. Now it doesn't matter who's the candidate, there is no need for written candidacies anymore or any particular effort from the candidates. One other good change would be ability for party presidents to remove party members.
Economy module is the one people complain the most. Some people believe admins should consider removing global currency and returning to individual country currencies again. I think it would give a push to monetary market and raise the activity on both marketplace and monetary market.
Adding some more strategy to the military modul would be great, as well as some more features to alliances.

A while back, most people complained about the economy. Nowadays people increasingly complain for strategy and military as well. Political module is discredited. I believe everything is achieved. I feel like I've logged to Facebook2... yay!!!
Anyways, Blondique, I think we've covered most of it, so we're approaching the end. Is there something you would like to add? Perhaps something I may have omitted asking you about or a confession perhaps that in reality you're not an evil blond but a sweet and kind brunette. Fire at will!

I'm not confessing to anything 😛 I am really a blonde, even in my heart 🙂. And for the evil part. Well, I will let others decide about it 😛.
Not much to add, except - kisses and spanks to all, especially to my Myrmidons and my slaves epi and bogi. Love you all 😉.

Thank you for bearing with me and all these questions. I hoped you didn't mind too much, being the one interviewed for a change 🙂.
To all of you reading, just so you know, she's not evil at all.
Blondique (yeah she is indeed blond) is one of the kindest and sweetest persons i’ve had the luck meeting.
Spanks and kisses!

There goes my evil reputation down the drain 😛.
Thanks for interviewing me. I had fun.