Media Mogul pentru Armata Romana

Day 827, 11:41 Published in Romania Romania by Ministerul Media

Salutare tuturor!
Hello everybody!

'English version'

Ministerul Media lanseaza programul Media Mogul pentru Armata Romana!

Cum functioneaza?

La program au fost invitate sa participle primele 10 unitati ale armatei romane, ca numar de membri. Fiecare unitate a delegat un reprezentant, fiindu-le sugerat in prealabil ca ar fi de preferat ca acesta sa fie un jurnalist activ, care sa prezinte interes si care sa nu inceapa de la 0 abonati.

Toate unitatile Armatei Romane sunt invitate sa se aboneze la cele 10 ziare din lista de mai jos, cu toti soldatii activi si cu toate organizatiile disponibile, plus sa voteze acest articol pentru o cat mai buna vizibilitate. De asemenea orice jucator ce doreste sa sustina acest proiect, este invitat sa participe.

Care este scopul?

Toate unitatile participante au fost de acord cu propunerea de a dona toti cei 50 de gold care speram ca vor fi obtinuti din medaliile de media mogul, catre Garda Nationala. Conducerea GN va decide in ce scop vor fi folositi, evident in folosul soldatilor.

In acest fel, toti participantii si sustinatorii proiectului, alocand 3 minute pentru cateva clickuri, investesc in viitorul Armatei Romane.

Lista de ziare

FSR: Romania-The end of choice

BF: Bratul de Fier

AIR-Tanks: Torres’NewS

GN-Romania : Ghilotina

SP: Cronicile unui Soim

VN: Spinul


PG: Curcubeul

FAR: Ethical Insight

Dracones: The Boca Freeze


Statiscile lui Bogdan_L ofereau un numar zilnic de soldati activi in jur de 800-1000 si presupunand ca reprezentantii vor avea deja un oarecare numar de abonati, sunt increzator in acest proiect.
Daca va fi un succes, intentionez sa il reiau de 2 ori pe luna, daca voi reusi sa dovedesc actualului si urmatorului presedinte ca o sa am o prestatie buna.
Ziarele apar in lista in ordinea in care le-am primit de la fiecare unitate.
Dupa ce vor deveni media moguli cei 10 sunt rugati sa doneze 5 gold la Garda Nationala.

Spor la subscris si votat!

P.S.: Din cauza unei urgente aparute nu pot sa termin revista presei pentru ziua 827, articolele importante se vor reporta pe maine.

'English version'

The Romanian Ministry of Media is now launching the Media Mogul for the Romanian Army project.

How does it work?

At this program where invited to participate the top 10 Romanian Army Units considering the number of soldiers. Each unit delegated an assignee, which I suggested to be an active journalist, whose articles could be found interesting and doesn’t start with 0 subscribers.

All Romanian Army Units are invited to subscribe to those 10 newspapers below, with all active soldiers and all available organizations and in additon to vote this article for a better visibility. Any other player who wants to support this project is invited to participate.

What’s the goal?
All participating units agreed to donate all the 50 gold which we hope that are going to be obtained from media mogul medals, to Garda Nationala (which is the Romanian Army Unit for players with level between 5 and 16). GN commanding center will decide the purpose the gold is going to be used, obviously in the benefit of soldiers.

This way, all participants and supporters of this project, allocating only 3 minutes for some clicks, are investing in the Romanian Army’s future.

List of newspapers

FSR: Romania-The end of choice

BF: Bratul de Fier

AIR-Tanks: Torres’NewS

GN-Romania: Ghilotina

SP: Cronicile unui Soim

VN: Spinul


PG: Curcubeul

FAR: Ethical Insight

Dracones: The Boca Freeze


Bogdan_L ’s stats offered a daily number of active Romanian soldiers between 800-100. Assuming that the assignees will already have a number of subscribers, I’m confident in this project.
If it will be a success, I intend to continue it twice a month, if I will succeed to prove to the current and also to the next president that I’ll do a good job in The Romanian Ministry of Media.
The newspapers are listed in the order I have received from each unit.
After they receive the media mogul medal, all 10 assignees are asked to donate 5 gold to Garda Nationala.

Have fun subscribing and voting!
