Me running for presidency!

Day 129, 14:42 Published in Romania Romania by Dorin Chirtoaca
Although initialy I wanted to say that I will build UFOs for Romania, I decided that this speech should be serious! My motto as a president will be: "Take no decisions if possible, give the power of decision to the Congress!!!" Any decisions (of mine or one of my ministers) will be voted by the Congress with a simple majority.

(english version)


Hospital - the National [a url=]Health Care[/a] program is fine, i will change only the salarization grid to be the same as the one at the [a url=]Ministry of Education[/a]. I think this change will improve competivity on the hospital market and give a better starting chance for private initiatives to build hospitals.

Food - i want that every company with more than 10 employees to receive 20 GOLD to upgrade and/or 10 GOLD to buy an export license. Every case will be voted by the 40 congresspeople.

Taxes - 99% for imports... all imports... the Foreign Affairs Minister and ambasadors will have a great responsability in setting the terms for the economical treaties.

Any other initiative in this field will pe proposed and voted by the congressmen.

I will point out another Minister of Education - also he will be voted by the Congress in the same manner. His decision about where to export the products of the 3 (and in the future 4 I hope) companies will go through Congress.


I like the idea that every citizen with Military skill over 4 will receive 100 RON at the 15th of the month. No changes here!

Politics - internal and foreign affairs

As a mayor of Timisoara, i will update the [a url=]Citizen Table[/a] once every 3 days. In rest, I want the mayors to come with ideas, vote them in Congress and support them.

Foreign Affairs - i will make a Congress voted competition, if any others candidates appear for this responsability.

Other than this, war proposition, economical treaties, MPP and any other ideas that need the support of the state will be voted by Congress in order to be fullfiled.

Yours sincerely,
[a url=]Belea2008[/a].

(versiune in limba romana)


Spitale - programul national de spitale este in regula - [a url=]Health Care[/a], voi schimba doar grila de la salarizare pentru a fi la fel cu cea a [a url=]Ministerului Invatamantului[/a]. Cred ca aceasta schimbare va mari competivitatea pe piata de spitale si va da un mai bun impuls de pornire initiativelor private.

Mancare - vreau ca fiecare companie cu mai mult de 10 angajati sa primeasca 20 de GOLD pentru upgrade si/sau 10 GOLD pentru cumpararea de licente de export. Fiecare caz va fi votat de catre cele 40 de persoane din Congres.

Taxe - 99 % la import... toate importurile... Ministrul de Externe si ambasadorii vor avea o mare responsabilitate in a stabili termenii pentru tratate economice.

Orice alta initiativa in acest domeniu va fi propus si votata de catre cei 40 din Congres.

Voi numi alt Ministru al Educatiei - de asemenea, el va fi votat de catre Congres in aceeasi maniera. Deciziile lui/ei in legatura cu tarile unde se vor exporta produsele realizate de firmele ministerului vor trece prin Congres pentru a fi votate.


Imi place ideea ca fiecare cetatean cu skill peste 4 la Military sa primeasca 100 de RON pe data de 15 a fiecarei luni. Nici o schimbare aici!

Polita interna si externa

Ca primar al Timisoarei, voi face modificari in [a url=]Tabelul Cetatenilor[/a] odata la 3 zile. In rest, vreau ca ideile sa vina din partea primarilor, pentru ca acestea sa fie votate in Congres, iar statul sa le sustina.

Afaceri Externe - voi face o competitie bazata pe votul oamenilor din Congres, daca apar alti candidati care sa isi asume aceasta responsabilitate.

In rest, propunerile de raboi, tratatele economice, MPP-urile si alte idei care necesita suportul statului vor fi votate in Congres pentru a obtinerea sustinere.

Cu respect,
[a url=]Belea2008[/a].