Manifest Destiny: Glory to America!

Day 2,315, 19:22 Published in USA Belgium by Emperor Zorokian

Greetings my fellow Americans,

With the old alliances of 2013 falling, our new rejuvenated American Empire is quite vast and glorious indeed! It is through valor, persistence, and our amazing leadership that we have managed to conquer all that is rightfully ours. America's enemies shall tremble before our behemoth army and lady liberty shall parch on forever!

Now this would be a good time to remind you that Cingressional elections are just around the corner. Make sure you vote, and keep those dirty serbs out of our pure Congress! I too am running as a block to make sure no serbs infiltrate the WTP Congressional list.

Glory to America! Glory to Freedom!

Remember to vote and sub for more patriotic news!

Your Grand Leader,

Emperor Zorokian