Day 2,506, 02:36 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Bodi111

Stiu ca scotand acest articol asa devreme fata de celalalt imi pierd sansele sa fac cele 25 de comment-uri, dar trebuie sa scriu asta.

Ati auzit de aceasta fratie ce tine de ceva timp in acest joc. Eu nu stiu cum a inceput, cine a initiat-o sau cine o sustine, dar pot sa va spun ca este o legatura ce depaseste presedintele, congresul sau ministerul de externe din ambele tari. Aceasta fratie depinde de legatura dintre oamenii celor doua tari.
Odata cu schimbul de generatii, cu plecarea unor jucatori vechi din acest joc, tine de noi, jucatorii mai tineri, sa sustinem si sa mentinem aceasta fratie.
In noaptea asta, pe la 1:30 ora Romaniei, in lupta din Ruse impotriva Bulgariei, luptam pentru Romania si zidul era peste 50%. Desi nu descarcasem tot ce puteam eram primul la divizia mea. Stateam linistit ca va fi si un BH usor. Dupa ceva timp primul loc de la bulgari, nu mai stiu cum il cheama, baga peste 20 milioane damage si ne duce zidul spre 40%. Nu am cum sa egalez asta, asa ca ma gandesc ca macar iau BH-ul. La un moment intra in lupta un jucator potughez, JPPM, http://www.erepublik.com/pt/citizen/profile/7416705, cu cateva kill-uri, nu sa sara peste mine. Ma uit cine este, are mult mai multa putere decat mine, asa ca descarc tot ce am, macar sa lupte pentru acest BH. Si nu numai ca lupta, dar ma depaseste cu peste 5 milioane damage. Ma declar invins, ii cer prietenia, inchid jocul si plec sa ma culc. Merita respect sa dai atat de mult damage la Divizia 1.

Dimineata deschid jocul si ce vad :

Imi doneaza cei 2 gold de BH! Raman uimit.
Ma uit la mesaje si vad altceva si mai tare:

Nu il cunosc pe acest jucator si nici el pe mine. Nici unul din noi nu am fost in joc cand tarile noastre s-au aliat. Si totusi ajuta Romania fara a cere vre-un merit si mai ales ajuta romanii ca mine donand goldul acelui BH. Asta merita mult respect.
Ce s-a intamplat in timp ca aceasta fratie sa creasca intratat incat jucatori care nu se cunosc sa se ajute la nevoie, fara sa ceara nimic, fara sa pastreze goldul ce lau castigat pe drept, nu stiu si nici nu a fost meritul meu. Dar pe viitor voi incerca si eu sa mentin si sa intaresc aceasta legatura intre tarile noastre si intre oamenii acestor doua tari.
Deoarece simt ca un simplu multumesc din partea mea nu este de ajuns, va rog pe voi, romanii ce considerati portughezii frati, sa ii lasati un comment cu multumesc pentru ai trimite recunostinta noastra cum se cuvine lui si compatriotilor lui.


Va multumesc.

I know that writing this article so soon from my other one will lose my chances to make the 25 comments, but I have to write this.

You heard of this brotherhood that exists for some time in this game. I do not know how it started, who started it or who is maintaining it, but I can say that it is a connection that exceeds the president, congress or the foreign ministry in both countries. This brotherhood depends on the relationship between people of the two countries.
With the exchange of generations, with the departure of the old players in this game, it is up to us, younger players, to support and maintain this fraternity.

Tonight, at 1:30 Romanian hour, in the Ruse fight against Bulgaria, I was fighting for Romania and the wall was over 50%. Although I did not attack with all my energy, I was the first in my division. I was relaxing as it seems it will also be an easy BH. After some time the first fighter in Bulgaria gave 20 million damage, I do not know his name, and the wall fell down to nearly 40%. I cannot equal that, so I think I was only going to take the BH. At one time in the battle enters an Portuguese player, JPPM, http://www.erepublik.com/pt/citizen/profile/7416705, with a few kills, not to surpass me. I look to see who he is, he has much more strength than me, so I fight with everything I got to make him work for this BH. And he is not only fighting for it, but he surpasses me with 5 million damage. I declare myself beaten, I ask his friendship, I close the game and go to sleep. He deserves respect to give so much damage in Division 1.

In the morning I open the game and what do I see:

He is donating me the 2 gold for BH! I am amazed.
I look at the messages and see something even more impresse😛

I do not know this man, nor does he know me. None of us have been in the game when our countries allied. Yet he helps Romania without asking any merit and especially he helps Romanians like me by donating the gold from this BH. This deserves a lot of respect.

What happened in time that this brotherhood grow so much that players who do not know each other help one another when needed, without asking nothing, without keeping the gold that they have rightfully won, I do not know and neither is my credit. But in the future I will try to maintain and strengthen the relationship between our countries and between people of our two countries.

Because I feel that a simple thank you from me is not enough, it will ask all of you what think Portuguese are our brothers to let a comment to thank him and to send our gratitude properly to him and his compatriots.


Thank you.