Loftedraptor goes "Ballistic!"

Day 441, 09:22 Published in USA Ireland by loftedraptor

Dear Fellow EUSA Citizens,

Even a one eyed baboon can see the EUSA has gone to Hell in a hand-basket this month. The economy is a disaster for most companies in both sectors, raw materials and manufactured goods. The only exception to this seems to be food, which has gone up substantially. Very likely many in the food industry own several other companies which are taking a beating, so the extra profits are meeting payroll expenses elsewhere.

I pity the poor new citizen working for $1 a day trying to make ends meet when q1 food costs a
minimum of $1.79, that is if he or she is lucky enough to have a job in the first place. In case you missed it, word went out over shout several times this month that there were no level zero noob jobs.

Now that must really suck, Join a wonderful new game, follow all the instructions, go
to human resources and be met with no jobs you can apply for... .


Fortunately, many of us greedy, profiteering company owners pitched in and created a bunch of zero level jobs. I created about 20+ jobs and a new company to boot. At least one guy created about a 100, very commendable, as I see things.

We need to do something and do it fast. I don't know about you, but I don't think I can handle
another month of this without going broke.I do not know how much to blame the Current
Administration for all that has happened this month, I do know it happened on their watch and I do not wish to see it happen again this coming month. It is time for change, It is time to see new faces in Washington.

I urge you to vote for change. Lets give two of the most capable men in the EUSA a try at fixing this mess.

Please Vote for Uncle Sam and Joe DaSmoe

Respectfully submitted,
