Libertarian Party President Campaign

Day 418, 14:16 Published in USA USA by Kyle321n

Hello Libertarians,
Today I address you as a former Libertarian who has seen the problems that the party has had with its activity. Since I joined in October, the party forums have been fairly dead, and the IRC has been a ghost town. I tried to infuse it during the November congressional elections, but after I saw that I was the only one using the forums regularly, I decided it was time for me to join two partners and start a new party, The Nationalist Party.

I am announcing today a radical plan that could forever change the American Political scene, I am running for the Libertarian Party Presidency.

When Emerick announced he was leaving the country, I immediately thought of how I could jump start the Libertarians and get some energy back into the party. I would like to become your president and then merge my party with yours. This would include moving the Nationalist Party to the Libertarians; proposing there be a name change to reflect both parties; moving the party's forums to the Nationalist Party's forums; and utilizing one of the most active channels on IRC, the NP's channel.

Why should you vote for this change?
I give to you the Nationalist Party's Manifesto found here. I believe the Nationalist Ideas are very similar to the LiBs. Also I would ask you help rework our Manifesto to show some more of a Libertarian view, while maintaining our Nationalist views, not to mention the great activity leap that we should get.

What makes me qualified to run the Party?
Well, I feel that I am qualified since I'm a founding member of the Nationalist Party. I've also served in Congress and have been the Vice-President of the NP for 2 terms now. I've also served as the head of Recruitment for the Nationalist Party, I've been a platoon leader, executive officer, commanding officer in the National Guard, and I'm the current Quartermaster General. All of this shows that I've been a leader, and have leadership experience.

While I was with the Libertarian Party I ran for congress, and won the elections in November. I was vocal during the elections against the USWP and in major support of every LiB member that was running. There was never a question of my allegiance to the LiBs, and even today I support the LiB agenda while I am a Nationalist Party Member. I am still in contact with a few Libs, and even though I haven't been in congress this term I've been active within the halls of congress.

I've learned a lot since starting the Nationalists and I want to bring this knowledge to the LiBs. We've made great strides in the Nationalist Party and the ability to keep activity high and constant is one of our cornerstones. We've also been able to build partnerships with other parties like the Federalist and Green Party, to help grow them and ourselves. I would work to build further relationships, to expand our membership and our congressional power. If elected I'd also work to get a new manifesto set up so the LiBs do not feel as if they are being succumbed to only Nationalist beliefs. As I've said I still hold the LiBs beliefs, and try to instill them in all of my decisions. I want a more Libertarian view to come from the Nationalist Party and with your help we can do this.

If you wish to read what my other plans are for the party then you can read my last article. Nothing from there has changed, and it won't.

So on January 15th ask yourself, who brings the most to the LiBs? I know I bring the promise of more activity, more members, and a much higher win percentage. I ask you to vote for activity, vote for sexy and vote for Kyle321N.

PS: If you are against the name change but for all of these ideas, please still vote for me. My plan is not to completely eliminate the LiBs and bring the Nationalist over, but to hold an open vote in the forums to see what this new coalition's name will be. I'd like to see both the Nationalist name and the Libertarian name in the title.