Letter to the Leaders of eCanada

Day 1,149, 09:36 Published in Canada Australia by McMatty

Letter to the “Leaders of eCanada”

This won’t be a typical article filled with funny pictures or pretty girls. This is expression of my extreme anger and embarrassment with the leaders of eCanada.

I never thought I would ever find myself embarrassed to call myself an eCanadian. We have all seen the headlines and know that our government has been robbed again. We also know that Wes Lewis is to blame; his account was hacked, he gave his account to Rolo, Rolo stole his account, he tried to use a gold generator, or whatever other explanation is being given today. I am tired of hearing excuse after excuse about what happened and the anger continues to grow as I see Wes posting something to apologize and play the victim, only to see him acting like a cocky jerk the next post. These Rants about Wes have been done by multiple people already, most of who can express their feelings in written form much better than I and I will try to steer clear from repeating now that I got that out of the way.

To me it is irrelevant what excuse he is using or what this supposed evidence is. Wes has contributed to the theft of eCanada regardless of any “reason” he has given. People will be people and idiots will be idiots and I can accept that. What I do not accept is that Wes and Rolo have been allowed to remain in the forums and on IRC. This is the most absurd thing I have seen in this game and I cannot fathom why this has been allowed.

There comes a time when the role playing has to take a back seat to common sense. I may be a younger player but even I can see that this lack of common sense continues to thrive time and time again, and in turn, causes more damage to eCanada than any theft or any war ever could. I understand that the role play aspects in the forums add another dimension to this game for people; however, I ask the questions, should this need to role play take precedent over the well being of all other eCanadians? Would you not want your loved ones to get tumor removed even though they are not feeling sick ?

I am disgusted with the actions from the so-called “protectors” of eCanada and I take it as an insult that they allowing their need to role play trump the well being of both myself, and my fellow players. Maybe it is time to leave eCanada for good as things never seem to change.

Until the eCan “leaders” regain their common sense, I vow not be seen on the same IRC channel as Wes or Rolo, nor will I post or participate in any forum thread. I implore all of you who are as outraged as I am to do the same and I will continue to preach this until some sort of common sense has been restored to eCanada.

Maybe if we all continue to stuff this common sense down their throats, they may be able to digest some without throwing it up.

As of last night, Wes and Rolo have been banned from the eCan forums and IRC. I would like to thank the forum admin for listening to the public and issuing the bans.