Let slip the dogs of war

Day 813, 05:07 Published in China China by eRussian Embassy in eChina

Last night, eRussian President has signed up the order to attack the regions of Liaoning and Xinjang. That wasn't an easy decision, but that was dictated by the situation on the front.

eChinese Parliament has rejected the proposal of peace with eHungary by the absolute majority of votes. The balance of pros and cons (5 to 33) makes one wonder if the same people elected both the Chinese Congress and the Chinese President. Our intelligence received information that the negotiations with China were initially a fake and that China is planning to assault Inner Mongolia and Jilin simultaneously with the EDEN's attack on glorious London. Since London is a key point for Phoenix and its defense is vital, it would possibly mean the loss of these regions with q5 hospitals and it would remove the buffer area around the Hungarian citadel. We can neither afford the luxury of defending three key regions at once nor can we tolerate a menace of eHungary and eRussia being blocked. So we were forced to counteract and strike a preemptive blow

These plans revealed that eChina has finally prefered the noble, but hardly effective way of fury and military resistance to a wise, but less dramatic way of negotiations and mutual concessions. That is the choice we do respect, but do not accept. Im disappointed that some of you had an impression, that the friendly tone of my previous article was a sort of mockery. If you believe that we are pretending to be friendly pals just to insult you with a military advance, you defenitely overestimate our deceit. This is not the "Mars attacks!" movie. As they say, "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst". Until the last minute we hoped that eChina will manage to keep up the burden of political neutrality, but looks like it's hardly possible in a bipolar world.

Talking on a personal attitude, I am extremly disappointed with the situation. eChina doesn't deserve to be an arena of Phoenix-EDEN struggle. It is always emotionally easier to be an Ambassador in a country you don't confront. But being a target of accusations and insults from those your country fights against is also a part of the job.

You can still address all your questions to me via PM both to this org and to me personally or via the forum

the Ambassador of eRussia
in eChina and eJapan