Let's meet Finland! / Upoznajmo Finsku! [srb/eng]

Day 1,942, 13:33 Published in Japan Slovakia by Robert E.Lee 1861

English version is below

Finska često povezivana sa Laponijom,Polarnim Krugom,jezerima.

Skandinavska država,jedna od osnivača Asgarda i još mnogo toga.
Uvek sam imao želju da napišem nešto i o Finskoj ali nikada nisam imao šansu da prodnadjem pravog sagovornika ali ovaj put sam imao sreće i pronašao sam pravog poznavaoca Finske.
Sve što ste hteli da znate o eFinskoj na jednom mestu uz pomoć mog Finskog prijatelja Rubena Lagusa-http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5233820

1.Partije u Finskoj

Lider partije je ujedno i predsednik Finske.
Vrlo star politički pokret u Finskoj koji se povratio pre par meseci.
Korppipuolue je radikalan pokret koji želi da razmrda političku atmosferu u Finskoj.
Njihova politika se zasniva na diktaturi i oni bi voleli da se sve ostale partije u Finskoj ukinu.

2.Wanhat Parrat
To je društvo ya igrače od 30 godina pa nadalje,bili su najuticajnija partija dugo vremena.
Wanhat Parrat nema strogu političku doktrinu ali su uvek bili marginalizovani u odnosu na druge tradicionalne partije.

3.Liberaali Edistyspuolue
LEP je najpoznatija partija u Finskoj jer je osnovana jako rano još 2008.
Dala je dosta predsednika i mnoge poznate igrače.
LEP je liberalna partija i nema strogu kontrolu nad svojim članstvom.
Do odredjene granice dozvoljavaju svojim članovima promociju različitih političkih stavova.

KL se koncentrisala na ekonomiju i materijalno dobro Finaca.
Mnogi članovi Kauppaliitto su bili vrlo uspešni na ekonomskom planu pa to ponekad izaziva zavist kod drugih.Neki su čak išli i dalje pa su ovu partiju prozvali Jevrejska partija Finske.
KL je imala par predsednika u skorije vreme i ta paritija poseduje aktivno članstvo.
Ova partija poseduje i svoju MU

5.Sinivalkoinen liitto
SVL je formirana spajanjem 2 partije kako bi se yadržali u top 5.
SVL je takodje liberalna partija,oni su pokušali da razviju Finsku kao državu ali ujedno da dozvole individualnost u ekonomiji.
SVL trenutno ima probleme sa članstvom i nema dovoljno aktivnih ljudi.

2.Odnosi sa susedima

Švedska-najbolji saveynik Finske i jedan od osnivača Asgarda.
Čak i pre osnivanja ovog saveza Finska i Švedska su imale dobre odnose.
Švedska je bila u ONE a Finska u Edenu ali nikada nisu imali rat medjusobom.

Norveška-još jedan od najbližih saveznika Finske.Trenutno probni član Asgarda.
Norvežani i Finci su bili skoro uvek zajedno u borbama kao i u ATO akcijama.

Rusija-Moćni sused Finske (ovo možda u RL).Finska je uvek poštovala Rusiju i prijateljstvo izmedju dve države traje već dosta vremena.

Estonija-večni Finski neprijatelj.Finska i Estonija ratuju u nepromenjenom žestinom kroz skoro celu erep istoriju.
Čini se da je nemoguće postići trajan mir pošto nijedna strana nema poverenja u onu drugu.
Rat sa Estonijom je skoro jedina opcija za Finsku pošto su skoro svi ostali iz okruženja Finske prijatelji ili saveznici.


Finska je jedan od osnivača Edena i bila je deo Edena jako dugo vremena.
U vreme kada je Finska napustila savez Eden je i dalje bio jak.Medjutim,jedna veća grupa Finaca je smatrala kako su bitke koje Eden vodi previše udaljene od same Finske i da vode u beskraj.Prošlog jula počelo je formiranje samog saveza.
U početku pregovora je bilo jako teško jer je bilo dosta ljudi koji nisu hteli da Finska napusti Eden.
Ali ipak u Avgustu 2012 Finski CP Zacharia Raven odlučio da se savez formira uz odobrenje Finskog kongresa.
Orginalna ideja je bila da se izvrši ujedinjenje Finske,Švedske i Norveške takodje u obzir su uzete i Danska i Nemačka.
Ali ipak Norveška je odlučila da ostane u Edena a samo su Finska i Švedska rešile da napuste svoje saveze i da stvore Asgard.

U globalu budućnost Asgarda iygleda svetlo.
Kanada će verovatno postati punopravan član Asgarda kao i Norveška posle završetka probnog perioda.
Asgard je zavistan od svetskih dešavanja i mora imati dobre odnose sa što je više moguće država.

4.Najpoznatiji igrači Finske

1.Kao prvog moram napomenuti Gabriel Lavanche
On je ovde od 2008 godine i verovatno je najpoznatiji igrač u Finskoj.
Bio je čak 3 puta predsednik Finske i bio na visokim pozicijama u Edenu.

2.Trenutni predsednik WP Attak
je takodje poznat igrač u Finskoj vrlo aktivan u Wanhat Parrat –Partiji.
Sada je izvršio revolucionarni udar na politički sistem Finske proglašivši sebe diktatorom

Jorma Ollila
je još jedna stara uticajna ličnost u Finskoj.
Bio je CP Finske 2 puta i odavno vodeći industrijalac u Finskoj.
Jedno vreme je diktirao cene tenkova na marketu gotovo sam.
Govori se da Jorma Ollila utiče na Finsku politiku iz pozadine.

4.Jedan od mladjih a poznatijih igrača je ChosenR
.On je bio Finski MoD gotovo 6 meseci zaredom dok nije bio regrutovan u novu Finsku plaćeničku jedinicu Mossad.Kandidovao se na prošlim CP izborima i izgubio sa malim zaostatkom.

5.I za kraj najgori igrač Finske Cendorr
Poznat je po tome da menja mišljenja kao čarape i izazivanju panike u medijima.
Na primer...pokrao je Finski trezor ali je sve vratio duplo.Tenkovao je za Finsku mnogo puta ali je takodje spreman da udara i protiv Finske kada mu nešto nije po volji.
Cendorr pravi zabavu ali isto tako izaziva ljutnju kod odredjenog broja ljudi svojim postupcima.
(Ipak se Srbija ne razlikuje toliko od ostalih.)

5.Top 5 jedinice iz Finske i Nacionalna Armija

Finska ne poseduje pravu nacionalnu Armiju.
Kongres je odlučio da Finska ne može priuštiti to zbog trenutne ekonomske situacije.
Ipak trenutni CP je odlučio da Sauna MU bude yvanična Finska vojna formacija.

Suomen Kansalaisarmeija
je najveća jedinica u Finskoj po pitanju članova.
MU je u vlasništvu države i u njoj su uglavnom dvokliktaši i neaktivni igrači.

2.Wanhat Parrat Armeija
Je jedinica za igrače starije od 30 godina i povezana je sa partijom istog imena.
Neko vreme WPA je bila najjača MU u Finskoj.
WPA nudi zajednički rad i plaća u tenkovima.

Mossad je najnovija MU u Finskoj.
Mossad je plaćenička MU u posedu Kauppaliitto partije.Oni prodaju dmg svima u eSvetu.
Jedini izuzetak je udaranje protiv Asgarda.
Stara samo 1 mesec privukla je više od 70 aktivnih članova u Finskoj i predstavlja jednu od najjačih MU u Finskoj.

4.Pro Finlandia
Je jedinica osnovana od strane Cendorra ali sada njom upravlja druga osoba.
Kako ime upućuje jedinica se bori isključivo za Finsku ali je sada neaktivna.

Je jedinicakoja nudi zajedništvo i bori se za nacionalne prioritete.
Bogatiji i stariji igrači nude pomoć novim igračima kroz ovu MU.
Sauna je od nedavno yvanična Finska vojna formacija zato što je diktator iz Finske tako odlučio.

6.BB u Finskoj

Najveći BB u Finskoj se desio 10/2011 kada je Finska dobila preko 3k novih igrača.
Finska je dobila dosta dobrih igrača ali i dosta trolova i ljudi koji drugačija igraju ovu igru.
Dosta igrača iz tog BB i dalje igra i vrlo su uspešni u igri.
BB je bio jako potreban iako je postojala grupa trolova koju su čak pokrali trezor i pokušali da pomognu Madjarski TO u Finskoj.
Još jedan BB se desio pre par meseci (oko 500 igrača) ali je samo mala grupa ostala da igra.
Najverovatnije stroga ekonomija (nema je) ya novajlije nije privukla igrače da ostanu.

7.Novinarstvo u Finskoj

Nema puno pisaca koji redovno izdaju članke u Finskoj.
Država se trudi da obavesti igrače preko državnih novina
the official newspaper
U principu mediji u Finskoj se sastoje iz dva pravca humor i trolovanje ili mnogo različitih pisaca koji izdaju kvalitetne članke ali neredovno.


Today i am gonna writte about Finland with a help of my friend
Ruben Lagus-http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/5233820


1.The biggest party in Finland at the moment is Korppipuolue.

The party has been number one party in Finland only one month now. The party is led by WP Attak who is currently the CP of Finland.
Korppipuolue is a very old political movement in Finland which made a come-back few months ago. Korppipuolue is a radical movement which wants to shake up the old political atmosphere in Finland. They aim for dictartorship and would like to ban all other parties. WP Attak has kind of succeeded in this since he won the last CP election. As a CP he has made some compromises to get acceptance from other parties also.

2.The second biggest party in Finland is Wanhat Parrat.

It’s a community for players 30 years or older. It has been one of the most influential parties in Finland for a long time and their support is usually needed to be elected as a CP. Wanhat Parrat doesn’t have strict political views but they have been always considered to be slightly in the marginal compared with other traditional parties.

3.Liberaali Edistyspuolue (LEP) is third biggest party in Finland. LEP is definitely the best known party in Finland and itt was founded already 2008. It has had the most CPs in Finland and many internationally known players (eg. Gabriel Lavanche)have been actively part of it. However, LEP hasn’t been what it used to be for a few months now. During the past six months they were even PTOed for awhile. LEP promotes liberal values and they don’t have strict control over their members. To certain extent they let party members promote different policies freely.

4.The fourth party in the list is Kauppaliitto (KL, “Trade Union”). KL concentrates on economy and tries to promote monetary well-being of the Finnish people. Many members of Kauppaliitto have done very well economically which sometimes makes other people jealous. Badmouths have even named KL the Jew party of Finland. KL has had a few CPs recently and they have very active community. KL is the only party in Finland which has its own MU – Mossad.

5.The fifth party is Sinivalkoinen liitto (SVL]. SVL was born when two parties joined forces to keep them in top five. SVL is a center-right and liberal party. They try to develop Finland for the best of the state but also want to allow individual to be independent e.g. in economy. Recently SVL has had problem getting people to vote for them and they are running short of active members.

2.Relations with all neighboring countries

Sweden – a dear ally of Finland and the other founding member of Asgard with Finland. Even before Asgard was founded we had a good relationship. Sweden was in ONE and Finland in EDEN but we never fought against each other.
Norway – another dear friend of Finland and now also a trial-member in Asgard. WE have helped one another many times in battles and also with anti-PTO projects.
Russia – the mighty neighbor of Finland. Finland has always respected Russia and the friendship has lasted very long.
Estonia – the eternal natural enemy of Finland. Finland and Estonia have had war almost always in the course of eHistory. Now it seems that lasting peace is hard to find since neither side can trust the other. War with Estonia is also almost he only option for Finland because other neighbors are allies and friends.


Finland was one of the founding members of EDEN and we were part of EDEN for a long time. At the time we left EDEN was a glorious alliance and we had great success being part of EDEN. However, for long time many Finns had been thinking that EDEN makes us fight too far away from our own land in never-ending battles that have no real meaning for ordinary Finns. Also some groups were always been curious about our neighbor Sweden which was in opposing alliance – ONE – but we had good relations anyway.
In last July the actual work of forming Asgard was started. In the beginning it was hard because there were many who didn’t want to leave EDEN. Also negotiations didn’t start very smoothly because there were too many people pulling in different directions.

Finally in August 2012 our CP Zacharia Raven decided to make the alliance work after the congress had agreed to leave EDEN. The original idea was to unite Finland, Sweden and Norway. Also Denmark and Germany were considered. In the end Norway decided to stay in EDEN and only Sweden and Finland left their old allies and started the Asgard. The creation of Asgard needed countless hours of negotiations and work from politicians but I think it was worth it.

In general the future of Asgard looks bright. Canada is most likely going to be accept as a full member very soon and Norway started their trial period last month. Asgard was totally wiped last month but now Poland has been busy and is letting go of Asgard regions. Being a small alliance Asgard is dependent on the events in the world and needs to have good relations with as many countries as possible..

4.Most important players,or most famous in eFinland

There has been many great players in Finland in the course of history. Many of them have now been dead for years and I as a relatively new player now them only on legends that are passed on in Finland.

1.Gabriel Lavanche here. He has been around since 2008 and he is probably the best know old political figure in Finland and one of the few who are still active. Gabriel has been the CP of Finland three times and he has also been in many high positions in EDEN.

2.Current president of Finland
WP Attak has also been a major player in Finland for quite some time He has been the most active player in Wanhat Parrat –Party and also was the leader of Wanhat Parrat MU for a long time. Now he has revolutionized the Finnish political system by naming himself a dictator

3.Jorma Ollila is another traditional person of power in Finland. He has been a CP two times and since ancient times he has been one of the leading businessmen in Finland. He is also the founder of Kauppaliitto-party which is one of the top five parties in Finland. Before the hire-fire was abolished in eRepublik, Jorma Ollila and his associates almost owned the Finnish economy and dominated the tank business. It is said that Jorma Ollila still greatly influences the Finnish politics in the cabinets using his connections.

4.One of the younger “hot” players at the moment is ChosenR. He was MoD of Finland almost six months in a row until he was recruited as the Supreme Commander of a new Finnish mercenary MU – Mossad. ChosenR also ran for presidency in the last elections but lost the elections in a very tight competition.

5.The most notorious player in Finland is Cendorr. He is very well know of his tendency to change opinions like socks and cause drama in the media. He has for example stolen the Finnish treasure and paid it back double. He has tank for Finland in many battles using all his savings but on the other hand he has tanked also against Finland when being mad about some petty things. Cendorr has offered the Finnish great entertainment and also made many people mad during last year. He provokes strong feelings both good and bad.

5.Military units in Finland (top 5) and State Military in Finland

Finland doesn’t have a real national army at the moment. The congress decided that we can’t afford to have one in the current economic situation. However, the current CP of Finland has decided that Sauna –MU will be official MU of Finland this month.

1.Suomen Kansalaisarmeija is the biggest MU in Finland in terms of number of members. This MU is owned by the government and it serves as a basic MU where everyone can join but doesn’t offer any organized activity. The majority of the members are casual two-clicker or inactive players. However, usually there is active conversation in the Kansalaisarmeija’s feed because the number of players is so high that there is always someone commenting.

2.Wanhat Parrat Armeija (WPA) is MU for players over 30 year old and is loosely connected to the party of the same name. For some time WPA has been the biggest MU in Finland when comparing influence. WPA offers community work places and pays in tanks.

3.Mossad is the newest addition in the Finnish MU field. Mossad is a mercenary unit owned by Kauppaliitto-party. They sell damage to everyone anywhere in the world. The only exception is that they do not strike against Asgard. Mossad has been active only little over month and they have already gained almost 70 members and they are now the second or third biggest MU in Finland in the ranking depending on the day.

4.Pro Finlandia (PF) is MU founded by Cendorr but nowadays it’s led by another person. PF is fighting always for Finland as the name implies. After ownership change PF has been passive than before and lost members.

5.Sauna is a MU that offers tight community and fight for national priorities. Richer and older people offer help for newcomers in this MU. Sauna is also the official national MU since the dictator of Finland recently decided so.

6.Possible BB in Finland

The biggest BB in Finland was 10/2011 and we gained over 3000 new players (including me). The recuiting was started in a Finnish imageboard often said to be the 4chan of Finland but it also spread to other sites. Finland got many decent players but also a bunch of trolls and people who have different style of playing than the old political elite.
Almost all of the BB has now faded away but many players still remain and have had success in politics and other areas of the game. BB was greatly needed and overall it was very positive thing even though the trolls have stolen the treasury once and also tried to help Hungarian PTO in Finland. Of course only small minority has been part of trolling and the most have integrated very well into Finnish eSociety.
Finland had also babyboom of about 500 people few months ago but only handful of players remained. Most likely the harsh economy for newcomers didn’t make the game very appealing…

7.Journalism in eFinland?

Actullay there hasn’t been many writers who regularly publish in Finland. The government tries to offer information in in the official newspaper and the minister responsible for information and public relations has been Otus Leucotis almost exclusively during last year.
In general Finnish media has usually one or two humor/ troll articles and many different writers publish quality pieces irregularly.

Robert E.Lee 1861