Let's Do This...... Together

Day 2,170, 22:40 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

By now everyone has seen Artela issue a challenge to the top 5 and the promising up and comers. I launched an ill fated run for CP in August. My primary motivation in doing so was to provide the nation which had just emerged from the shadows of Unity with a choice. So I ran far too early. Israel Stevens asked me the obvious question: how does one term as SecMed, one not yet completed term as PP, and a few terms in Congress qualify you for CP? I answered the standard green candidate answer. Hard work, intelligence, and activity. In truth I wasn't ready. So I wasn't taken seriously which stung, but in all honesty was the right thing. So I resolved to work hard in my party and gradually gain experience. I had no specific plans, but I wanted to be ready if my moment ever came.

Today my resume is a bit better. Two term Fed PP, SecMed, Deputy SecMed, and a not very active Deputy SecDef this month. To go with that I have heavy involvement in ATO for several months (I claim no part in the recent successes), 7 terms of Congress (1 of those Shadow Congress), and a month as Deputy Speaker of the House. Missing still is Foreign Policy. My resume is not as complete as I'd like. However, I can now honestly say I am a proven leader that gets things done. With this melee of first timers now is as good a time as any to see if that's good enough.

My agenda is simple, and similar to all those who are running. Community building. We have a window of peace to build ourselves back up. We have lost so much in the last 4 months give or take. Population is down. Damage is down. Participation is down. Enthusiasm is down. In short nationally we are where the Feds were when I took over. I've tackled this problem before, and I know I can do it again. Interior, and Education I have long believed are the key to the long term health and success of this nation. I will use those Departments to create some fun, to find new players before they give up on this somewhat shoddy game. To introduce them to why we all still play: The Community.

We have tasted little but shame and defeat until recently. Under Josh Frost, we've achieved a NAP with TWO, broken the PTO, and seen the rise of a legitimate 5th Party. Making possible things we never would have dreamed of even a month ago. We owe Josh Frost a debt of gratitude. The best way to thank him is to make his legacy a lasting one. To grow stronger together, and relearn what it feels like to be winners. I'm Tyler Bubblar and I would like to be your President so that together we can build a winner.