Legitimacy and Prominence for SFP

Day 3,054, 15:28 Published in USA USA by Gnilraps

New Coat of Paint (Mandatory listening)
Day 3054 of the New World
March 31, 2016

I am one of those players who just seems determined to keep sailing with this ship for as long as it floats.

And if I gotta be out to sea, I'd rather have my hand on the wheel than swabbin' the decks.

And so I hereby lay out my platform as I seek the Presidency of the Socialist Freedom Party.

First allow me to explain why I am announcing early.

You know how SFP is sort of known as a "revolutionary" type of party? Well call me a revolutionary, because I intend to revolutionize the party itself. And because my platform is going to be such a major departure from the excellent administrations that will have preceded me, I want the conversation to begin early. I also want those who want to lead with me to have time to identify themselves. I am sure as you read on, you will understand more what I mean.

Platform Plank #1 - Legitimacy

A quick word to those who have enjoyed the extremism of SFP during the past: I don't hate you. I even like your game. I respect what you are trying to do. I support your right to do it and to try and make it happen on as large a scale as possible. I just don't think I am radical enough to join you anymore. I regard your (honorable) fight as a losing battle, and I want to be part of a winning team. Again, no disrespect, keep on keeping on. But I will be running a campaign that is, on several levels, counter to the radical wing in our party. I am not distancing myself from everything you stand for, I am about to propose what I think is a smarter way of pursuing it.

That said, let me explain what I think is necessary in order for SFP to gain what I am referring to as "Legitimacy".

We need to adapt the SFP game to the rules of the meta game of Congress. I know that some of my party comrades hate to hear this, but let me explain. There are not enough available tools in this game to make a significant revolution sustainable. At best, SFP can agitate. But the agitation, in terms of scale, is like a single mosquito at a college pool party. He might bite one, maybe two, but he's gonna get smacked and that's always the end of him.

Yes, I understand that some of you like being the mosquito. But realize this: by minimizing the National positioning of SFP through agitation, we are increasing the relative power of the other T4 parties. You understand that by turning SFP into the Blacklist party, we are making the game easier for everyone else, not harder. We are quite literally playing ourselves out of the game.

And so under the banner of "Legitimacy", I will be proposing several amendments to our Constitution on Day 1 of my Term as PP, chief among them is a ban on running blacklisted players. I realize I just lost a few of your votes. But I am tired of watching good players leave our party every time we shoot ourselves in the foot. If our current trends continue, I would expect AMP to make a serious play at #5, and I wouldn't bet against them.

This won't be all.

In order to earn National Legitimacy, we will need to develop a Congressional Training program that will become the National Standard. SFP cannot afford to place new Congressmen into "power" only to have them laughed out of eRepublik by the toxic pack of wolves that routinely takes out the injured and weak from among (it's own!!!) herd. So already I am working on several documents that will be mandatory reading for any potential SFP congressional freshman. I have a few additional ideas in the works to further improve our acumen in Congress.

SFP will become the standard for Congressional decorum.

What about our radical wing?

We need to find a way for them to participate. Activity is the rarest of commodities in today's eRepublik, and I intend to gather up all we've got. I just don't want us to spend it unwisely. So we will make sure that even our MOST radical comrades retain their voice not only in Party but also in Congress. We will do this by working as a Party to produce legislation. Within the Party, every voice counts. Once a legislation has passed through the Party - no matter what it is, it will be proposed in Congress. If it passes, great. If it fails, also fine. But the entirety of the SFP voice will be better heard under my Leadership than it has at any time prior - and heard on a National scale.

Surely you can image that there will be more, but let's move on to my second Plank.

Platform Plank #2 - Prominance

There isn't much a Party can actually do in this game any more, so until Plato fixes things we are left to stretch our imaginations wildly. And so any promise of SFP inventing something so earthshatteringly huge that it massively changes the Political landscape in eUSA... well... it'd be more politicking than anything.

But, I do want SFP to take advantage of the obvious dearth in activity in this country. We can actually become something of a fixture in the eAmerican political ethos.


For starters, we do what we do best. We have always been a Media-First party. Much of that happens organically. I know, because I lurk in the back rooms of the Writer's Guild. I believe our Writer's Guild would benefit from the injection of energy that comes from renewed purpose.

I would like to treat our Writer's Guild like a more functional version of the White House Press Room.

As anyone can see, the WHPR suffers from terrible inconsistency. The current Secretary of Media has somehow only managed 3 WHPR's so far in a term that is basically over. One was the inaugural issue, and the other two were some form of fanfiction that would have made sense in a private newspaper, but did not grace the pages of our austere National Newspaper. What I am saying is that the Country needs a kickass media team. We have one. We will become eUSA's source for news.

In addition to National Reporting, we will have a muckraking division. Oh boy do we do this well!!! Under my Party Administration, everyone from Franklin Stone to Phoenix Quinn will have a fire lit under his pillows to dig up controversy and run with it. In a game like this, who cares about fact-checking??? You got a good idea? Out with it.

Prominence is all about driving the conversation. That is what we must do.

There are some of my ideas right out of the box. I want to remind my SFP readers that none of what I am saying is an indictment against anything any previous or current SFP leadership team or member has done. I understand SFP, so I get why we've been where we've been. But I contend that we have a choice to make:

Either we keep playing eRepublik in our own sandbox which continues to get relocated farther and farther away from where everyone else is playing, OR we bag up our sand, squat our asses firmly in the National sandbox, and start building a better sandcastle than everyone else.

Grab a shovel, SFP.

If you want to work for Legitimacy and Prominence for SFP, climb on the Gnilraps for PP bandwagon. As you can see, I will need your help.

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