Latest Congressional Proposals

Day 408, 17:29 Published in USA USA by Daks

Buy Constructions: Defense System for Alaska
Proposed by Benn Dover
Result - Voted : Yes

1.) Defense systems are always a good buy, matter what state they are for. Especially if the boarder foriegn country.

Detail: - Defense System of Quality 3 for the price of 10,000 USD.

Though most of us would have prefered a higher quality DS, most of the foriegn counrties that boarder Alaska are friendly/allied nation. At some point all of congress would like to see all border sates with some form of DS.

Tax change: Moving Tickets
Proposed by Publius
Result - Vote😛 Yes

Curent Tax: VAT - 1% Import - 99% Income - 1%
Proposed Tax: VAT - 3% Import - 20% Income - 7%

1.) Both VAT and Income Taxes were too low.
2.) The high prices or moving tickets are a result of high demand and low supply, we hope foriegn supply will help lower prices by lowering demand somewhat.
3.) Only girfts and moving tickets have less than 7% income.

For most of you not involved in polotics I suggest you read this.

When you enter congress you think that it will be an actual disscusion about law, well for the most part it is. And you would think that parties wold stick together and fight amongst one another but it's not so. I comend parties for this, they respect one an other, to an extent, and don't put down thier fellow members for agreeing with another party member. But the fight in congress is usually amongst those known as protectionist and those known as free maketers (read the article above).

So anyone thinking of going into congress and hoping to make a difference here's some advice; define yourself early and prior to entering a race, join the eUSA forums, and make friends with those on who agree with you, that are running for congress. Also make an effort with those who don't. Make sure you are invovled with discussion and law proposals before the make it to the Voting floor. I write this becasue of one of our former members, zigon1, tried to make a difference but did not follow congressinal protocal. And proposed laws quickly and without discussion. All of congress, or at least most of it, blocked his efforts. We will do this epesically when someone is just messing around. It doesn't hurt us in fact every time we vote we gain 1 exp, weather it's a YES or a NO.

Good Night And Good Luck