Kitty tells all!!! or something...

Day 2,317, 17:53 Published in USA USA by MazzyCat

Kitty here! I actually have a good bit to talk about today, and a bit of explaining to do. I'm not telling ALL though.. I mean really? Who has time for that? ANYWAYS! Please.. give the entire article your attention. Thankies! ^.^

This song.. has been with me for days.

So. Yesterday. WTP was PTO’d in a sense. Many argue that WTP should have seen this coming. More say that Valiant Thor mentally spiralled out of control. My personal opinion on this is well noted, and really it’s just that. My opinion. Nobody, no matter HOW firmly they believe they know what was in his head...really knows what was going on in his head. And finally - this is the internet. It’s so easy for any of us to don a mask and become someone we aren’t.

This CAN happen to other parties. Even with the best of security. What we all need to really take from this event is how WTP and the Nation responded to the threat. EVERYTHING was thrown aside to knock the threat away. We overcame - as we do. That’s part of what makes us amazing. We fight back. When all was said and done. WTP was removed from the top 5 parties. The congress list was no longer a threat. The nation will have a smaller congressional pool (cause people keep voting for black sheep when they don’t need the votes to get their candidates in 😛 ) but that pool will not include a list of Serbians. So... really BRAVO America.

Moving along.. I am saying goodbye to WTP. I want to be very clear that this decision actually came to me before we knew the party was being PTO’d. I love WTP. WTP is my baby. And that’s why I have to leave. People say WTP is Mazzy. When something WTP related comes up - They come to me. WTP has so many amazing people, and it’s not right to not acknowledge everything they do. WTP is not me. WTP is a party of fantastic people who work really hard to try and find a way to be different, useful in the nation, and helpful to new players. A legacy I’m proud to have been a factor in.

With that said... I found a new LAP to warm. That’s right.. I have broken LAP’s sausage party status! Sorry guys... I know how much y’all just LOVED that. I obviously had other choices in parties. One actively tried to recruit me. Another held my eye. One was my 2nd option. But LAP... lap dances... and a WHALE! I’ve missed that whale. I’m really looking forward to bringing some of my uniqueness into LAP. For example... if you visit #LAP to get a famous lap dance you will notice the decor has changed. That was me! 😉 Sparkly chandeliers... private nooks with velvet and brocade and super comfy bench seats... oh yea. You’re going to love what I’ve done with the place!

This is my kitty seat. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Kitty out! ♥