Kepada Indonesia - Hentikan Flame War! Stop Flame War! [ID/EN]

Day 720, 17:53 Published in Indonesia Malaysia by Vikta

Baru2 ini, ada banyak artikel di media eIndo dan juga media eMalaysia yang menyuarakan sentimen anti-Malaysia. Rakyat eI didorong men'Ganyang Malingsia'. Kata2 dan gambar2 yang menghina orang eMalaysia telah diguna, bukan saja dari newbie2 dan rakyat biasa tapi juga dari pemerintah.

Rakyat eMalaysia telah menelan semua penghinaan dan kata keji - kita tidak membalas, kita tak respon, karena kita tidak mau 'flame war' yang sering berlaku di youtube dan forum2 lain untuk masuk ke eRepublik.

Ada banyak orang eMalaysia yang datang tanya, kenapa kita takut? Adakah eMalaysia pengecut? Kita tak berani ke? Tidak, saya membalas. Kita mesti sabar, janganlah sampai situasi dan sentimen ini tidak bisa dikawal. Janganlah sampai emosi kita tidak terkawal. Janganlah sampai kita tak bisa lagi menjadi kawan di rl.

Oleh itu, saya meminta orang eIndonesia untuk menghenti flame war ini. Kalau nak lawan, bisa lawan kat battlefield, tapi janganlah menulis kata2 and pos gambar2 yang keterlaluan. Perasaan orang lain juga mesti dipertimbangkan. Kita semua manuasia nak bermain game ini, janganlah bawa setimen rl ke sini!

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Lately there has been a lot of articles in the Indonesian and Malaysia media that express anti-Malaysian sentiment. eIndonesians are encouraged to 'Crush Malaysia'. In addition, many hurtful pictures and words have been posted have insulted Malaysia, using rl setiments that invoke a lot of emotion. This has not only come from newbies, but from eIndonesian government officials as well.

The eMalaysian people have mostly swallowed these words and not responded. This is because we don't want the flame war, that has taken place in youtube and other forums to be brought into eRepublik.

There have been a lot of eMalaysians that have come to me and aske😛 Why are we afraid? Are we cowards? I told them, no, we must persevere. We must be patient, or this situation will get out of hand. Emotions will be hard to controlled. Don't make it until we can't be friends in rl.

This is why I ask the eIndonesian people to stop this one sided flame war. If you want to fight, go on the battlefield, by all means (although I am against this, but that is not the point of the article). But please, stop this madness! Stop posting these pictures and words. We are all humans playing this game - please don't bring rl sentiments into here!