Keep the Faith, America! [7/21 12:00 Update]

Day 607, 11:25 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence
By Alex Lawrence

Current Orders: Fight in Manitoba.

Congratulations to all who fought in Montana and New Brunswick and in the slew of other battles during the last 48 hours. All military members did a fantastic job, and we should all give a tip of the hat to our civilian conscripts who have been sacrificing much of their hard earned money and effort for the war effort. Every point of damage counts!

In the past few days there has been a lot of pessimism in the anti-PEACE community, after repeat defeats on both the Eastern and Western fronts. This dual victory proves that PEACE is not invincible. Though these battles did not involve several of the main PEACE tanks (which were sacrificed in the previous slew of battles), this shows our regulars can easily beat their regulars. As pointed out in Bogdan_L's article ( Link ) and his previous article, PEACE maintains their battle edge by sacrificing their tanks and regular soldiers, burning the potential to fight the next day, which needs to be responded to in like manner by our own forces.

This defeat will not make the PEACE war machine get disheartened, however; they will fight harder than ever in Idaho and Manitoba.
*** Update: Both of these battles were retreated from so that the US and Canada will be able to counterattack in Washington and Manitoba. Fight in Manitoba (first article link).
*** Second Update: Manitoba, Alaska and Washington have all been retaken by allied forces. Oregon, Utah and Quebec are under attack. Hold fire, follow the current orders section up top.
*** Third Update: Montana, Quebec, Utah and Oregon have been lost, PEI has been retaken. Wyoming, Manitoba, PEI, Alaska, North Dakota and Nevada are all under attack. Orders are to assist in Manitoba (first link).

This is when we can regain the initiative. If we can repel PEACE forces again there is a chance of swaying public opinion back into true optimism and possibly getting chances at counterattack.

This is going to be a long war. And what will win it, more than all the gold and propaganda in the eWorld, is the will to win and sound strategy. Let's prove the naysayers and those Brits wrong and push PEACE's hordes back into the sea.