Kada se srce stegne...

Day 1,948, 03:36 Published in Serbia Serbia by Panda monium

Ma koliko se trudio i ubedjivao sebe da iskljucim osecanja vremenom shvatam da je to nemoguce!!Ma koliko covek bio hladan desi se nesto sto ce udariti cak i ono najhladnije srce...

Ne postoji covek koji moze da ostane imun bas na sve sto se oko njega desava!!Niti ce postojati!!Jer kada bi mu to poslo za rukom jednostavno ne bi bio vise covek...Bio bi neko drugo bice ili pre ce biti neka masina jer verujem da sva ziva bica imaju osecanja!!!

Verujem da bi nam svima bilo lakse kada bi mogli da na sve ono ruzno oko nas ostanemo bezosecajni...E koliko manje reka suza bi teklo!!Ali po nekom automatizmu to bi znacilo da treba da ostanemo imuni i na lepe stvari!!Verovatno kada bi postojala neka mogucnost da se iskljuce osecanja to ne bi moglo da bude selektivno vec bi islo za sve...

Sad..Da li je vredno iskljuciti sve zarad prestanka patnji??Verujem da bi oni koji su rodjeni u patnji,zivot u njoj preziveli i na kraju svoj mucenicki zivot u mukaka skoncali i prihvatili to...Ali svakome,pa cak i njima, naisli su neki trenutci u kojima ih je neko sunce srece ili nade ogrejalo!!

Sta vise vredi od toga...Vise vredi ono sto mi sami vise vrednujemo i vise pamtimo!!Ono sto vise cuvamo i cega se cesce secamo!!Dominira ono sto mi sami dominantnim ucinimo!!

Onda kada je najteze,kada je na nasim ledjima toliki teret da nam klecaju kolena i imamo osecaj da cemo se svakog trentka zavaliti u prasinu koja nemilosrdno ocekuje da nam se za lice zalepi treba se setiti neceg lepog i samo na njega misliti!!Treba naci to nase sunce nade koje ce nam obasjati nasu stazu!!

Tacno...Tesko je to naci ali ono je u nama!!Samo mi ga stvaramo i samo od nas zavise hoce li ga biti!!Sve polazi iz glave!!A ako sami sebe naucimo da pozitivno razmisljamo,da se smejemo cak i onda kada nam realno do smeha nije i to malo sunasce ce biti veliko jer samo u njega i gledamo dakle nema nista vece sto ce ga zaseniti!!!

Kada se srce stegne zapevacu iz sveg glasa najlepsu pesmu neka se cuje na sve cetri strane sveta radost koja iz mog srca izlazi!!!I pevacu...Pevacu toliko da pesmom rasteram sve suzne oblake koji su se oko mene okupili!!Pevacu dok sam zi i sa pesmom na usnama svaku nevolju pobedicu!!!

Zivi bili!!!

When Something Will Tighten Around My Hearth...

No matter how hard I keep on trying to turn off my feelings, I realize, as the time passes by, that this is impossible!!! No matter how cold a man becomes, something always happens that is capable of striking even the coldest of hearts...

No man exists who can remain immune to each and every thing that takes place around him! Nor will such a man ever exist! 'Cause even if they could manage to achieve that, they wouldn't be a human being anymore... They would be some different being, or some sort of machine, rather - for I hold it in my belief that feelings are intrinsic to all the things living!

I believe every one of us would find life easier beyond means if we could remain indifferent to everything ugly, bad and evil that surrounds us. Just how fewer the rivers flowing throughout this world would be! But - automatically, somehow - that would mean we would have to be left immune to beautiful and good things as well! Probably, I think, if there was a possibility of some sort to turn off the feelings, we wouldn't be able to do it selectively, but it would include all our feelings...

Now... Would it be worth it to shut it all down for the sake of cessation of sufferings? I believe those born in misery would sometimes live their entire lives in it, and then die in torment and agony and accept it all the way it is... But for everyone - even for them - moments when happiness or hope shine occur, even if only briefly.

What's more worthy than those? Ultimately - what is it that is of greater worth to all of us? It's what we deem more worthy ourselves, what we remember most vividly! What we cherish more and what we think of more often! Our lives are dominated by what we alone make dominant!

During the hardest times, when the burden on our backs grows so heavy that we get weak in the knees and feel we're about to stumble into the dirt which is ruthlessly waiting to spread all over our faces, we should recall something divinely beautiful and focus our minds solely on it!!! We should seek that our own sun of hope, to illuminate our paths!

Right... It's hard to find it, but it's within us!!! It's only us who create it, only us to decide whether it would come to be or not!!! It's all in our heads!!! And if we were to teach ourselves to think positively, to smile even in times when we don't really care about smiling - that little sun of ours would became so big, because we focus our view entirely on it, ergo there's nothing bigger to shade it!!!

When something will tighten around my hearth, I'll sing out loud the most beautiful song, so that the joy coming from inside my heart may echo loudly in the four corners of the world!!! And I'll sing on... I'll sing on incessantly and with all my heart, I will drive away all the clouds of tears gathering around me!!! I'll sing as long as I live and with the song on my lips, I'll defeat every misfortune!!!


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