Day 2,258, 00:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by perilouspanther

As most of you know a crisis has hit. A while back mick cain lost his precious rubber plants, 20 of them to be precise. He send a ticket, but the admins are unwilling to help our friend. As soon as the eUK heard about this tragedy we immediately acted and put up our protesting articles! So far all they have done is banned more people and blocked more articles, but we will persist!

I find it especially outrageous, because mick gives 90 percent of his tanks to his beloved military unit, The Royal Navy!

So, I bet you're thinking - what can I do?

- You can put JUSTICE4MICK in your profile desc.

- You can publish your own article supporting our cause.

- You can also send a ticket to admins.

- You can spread the word!

- Sign this! http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/warn/aHR0cDovL3Rpbnl1cmwuY29tL2VSZXB1Ymxpay1FbmQtQ29ycnVwdGlvbg==


I will now leave you with this quote, "All battles can be won, but some just take more effort."

Until next article,
