Just today

Day 2,438, 02:12 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by hollenboer

Dear citizens of the United Kingdom,

Today is the day we can choose our congress candidates.
Make sure you find out if not any serb is in your top list.
And they filling the bottom of your list.

Make sure your PP did it before day change Day 2438 23:59 ereptime!

If don't want a PTO we have to be sure not 1 congress seat is taken by a serb. If there is a good serb in our country i'am sorry to say this. We don't have to risk anything now.

Here some fact over the last day's that is find by people.

This one is the biggest proof that they want to PTO us !

A good advice !

And a other proof they want to PTO

Please also read this list of articles.
Warning incoming PTO attack.
Were are they now
royal family prize july results

Thanks for reading,


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