Journalism Venture

Day 2,729, 06:54 Published in Australia Australia by Callumh123

I've never bought into the lie that once you have been CP (three times, technically speaking) and done a lot of other stuff you, have accomplished everything in this game and you should step aside for others in almost every respect.

I have heard it time and time again from those arrogant enough to make such a silly argument. I find it arrogant that one would have such a sense of entitlement to believe they are afforded a space in our community where they can critique those they lament as their successors. How boring.

This is not one person I am speaking of, it is a culture with former CP's that as a group, demand respect from those fortunate (depending how you look at it) not to be CP. Many former CP's over the past few years have done exactly this.

Perhaps I belong in this exclusive club, thought that itself is a unwelcome thought. But I would leave that to you, the reader to decide for yourself. If you do condemn me to this group, I apologise for not doing enough to distance myself from it.

This is a game, a game where the major feature being that you contribute in some form to your community, and you get some level of enjoyment out of it.

If you don't, I suggest you stop wasting everyone's time (mostly the one in question) and quit. Personally I still find in enjoyment in this game, even at times when my interest has waned, I logged in as I got a little out of it.

Before my tumultuous term in March finished, I would have ought to think I would be done with this game. But yet, I remain.

I have enjoyed this community since I was 17, and learnt much relatively in that time. This game, no matter how much I may fight it, has done a lot for me. It has helped me stay grounded, stimulated my intellectual curiosity and helped me through some tough times.

May it be through beating the politically dishonest or helping the community beat some bully nations. I hope to give back in the best way I know how. And the best way I know how is writing articles.

Whether it be exposing cheaters, revealing Government lies, getting a community message across or critiquing policy. I hope my writing has contributed in the way that some of the community thinks.

I use to write quite regularly believe it or not, much to the annoyance of others. So today is the first day of a weekly article on anything stemming from political issues, community issues, critiques, international analysis and anything else that may come to mind.

I have been talked about in the past as someone that worked behind the scenes, influencing parties and cabinets. This is true to an extent, but it wasn't how I always have been, nor was it for personal gain but to ensure the community was not being served by the dishonest.

Something I have always prided myself in is honesty. To many newer players this may not be on display as often as I like, but honesty is fundamental in how I operate in this game. This of course, came into question quite a lot during my last term as CP. Though I would reject and fight any assertions that I did anything with a level of dishonesty.

It's time to get back to basics, and go back to what truly started my passion for this game.