Journal of the Congressman: October 25 - November 24 2011 [Day 1435-1465]

Day 1,438, 02:00 Published in Egypt Croatia by Janko Fran

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In this article I want to present and explain my decisions in voting process, so you can track my work as a congressman here. In this way we can learn from this and if you like this, perhaps you can run and soon become congressman as well. I would also like to encourage other congressmen to keep track of their work and to donate gold from their congress medal either to National Bank of Egypt (if you are a congressman in eEgypt, otherwise to your National Bank) or some fund to help other players. More on how I think that ideal congressman should be you can read in this article: 6 Qualities of an Exceptional Congressman. I would like to encourage people of eEgypt to rate your congress members in order to give them some feedback on their work as well as for them to try harder serving eEgypt and its people. I set an example how it could have been done in another article of mine entitled Congressional Ratings - See The Score On Your Congressmen. If you have any questions or comments, please, share it with me and I'll try to help in any way I can.

Congress Member Achievement

On Day 1,435, after almost 2 years in eRepublik, I got elected for a congressman in eEgypt for the third time - in eEgypt, Upper Egypt region.

Egyptian Parliament

I used previous reference to My Journal of the Congressman as a presentation for elections, but I feel I should make a new Congressman Journal issue in this term. I run in Upper eEgypt as it has been my first residence in eEgypt for a long time since I moved. There were also the fewest number of candidates applied to run for congress. I've sent a message to my party leader, but unfortunately I got no reply. I decided to run anyway and my candidature passed to the elections. In the end I got 2 votes and I voted for another candidate of Arab Liberal Party. I am satisfied with these results, although with some more organizing, our party could have got two more seats in the congress.

Here you can see total results of Congressional Elections in eEgypt:
Congressional Elections in eEgypt - Official Results

Congress Medal Donation to Egyptian Business Startup Project

Congress Member Achievement

I decided to use 5 gold from Congress Medal to support Economic development of eEgypt and it will go to the fund for Business Startup Project. I would also like to encourage all players in eEgypt to apply for it and start up their business. It could help someone to start a Food company or wait in the fund until next 50 % discount on upgrading companies in 3 months. More about it you can read here:

EDIT | Egyptian Business Startup Project 1 [MCIT Edition]

Citizenship Applications

There were only few citizenship requests few days after the elections and I have one citizenship pass to grant.

Citizenship passes: 1

One applications among them stood out:

My citizenship pass goes to Dorra Youssef.

After careful consideration, I decided to grant a Citizenship pass to Dorra Youssef.

As a real Arab player she claims to be, I believe she has the right to be a citizen of eEgypt. Although she is still inexperienced player, I hope her enthusiasm will provide good value for eEgypt. Besides, we miss female players and I hope you will make her feel welcome in eEgypt.

Law Proposals

Law Proposals Interface for Congressmen

For all the law proposals it is important for to be discussed in congress before even being proposed in order to reach agreement first and to avoid proposals being turned down. At least to send elaboration of the proposals to all the congressmen in order to understand more clearly why they are being proposed and what is the goal of changing the law. In the long term it saves law proposals, it saves time, it improves interpersonal relations and avoids frustration. And there is definitely a purpose for Debate location link.

Donate 80000 EGP from country accounts to National Bank of Egypt: Voted YES

Donate 80000 EGP from country accounts to National Bank of Egypt: Voted YES.

eEgypt needs to have available some money in National Bank of Egypt to spend on its defense, while being attacked by eTurkey and eRepublic of Macedonia (FYROM).

The law was accepted.

Donate 99999 EGP from country accounts to National Bank of Egypt: Voted YES

Donate 99999 EGP from country accounts to National Bank of Egypt: Voted YES.

Although there are currently not enough funds on country accounts, I see that my vote won't change the final decision, so I voted yes. Besides, eEgypt has some debts created by regulating currency rate, which need to be paid.

The law is still pending.

Tax change Weapons VAT 25%, Import Tax 1%, Income Tax 25%: Voted YES

Tax change Weapons VAT 25%, Import Tax 1%, Income Tax 25%: Voted YES. [Day 1,438]

eEgypt obviously needs weapons for its defense badly as there is shortage on the market and prices are too high. Lowering import tax to only 1 % will probably temporarily ease the demand tension and lower the prices. But 25 % on income tax is I believe too much. Leaving it on 20 % or lowering it to 10 or 15 percent would be better, I think. Still, voted YES. I hope this is only a temporarily measure as it is not encouraging for eEgyptian weapons industry growth, but we need those weapons now.

The law is still pending, but will probably be accepted.

Tax change Weapons Raw Material VAT 0%, Import Tax 1%, Income Tax 25%: Voted YES.

Tax change Weapons Raw Material VAT 0%, Import Tax 1%, Income Tax 25%: Voted YES. [Day 1,438]

That will surely decrease prices of Weapons Raw Material (WRM) for domestic weapons industry, but raising income tax would negatively affect domestic purchasing power. Perhaps that will move workers from WRM industry to Weapons Q4 and Q5 sector industry, which can afford to pay higher salaries. It could also increase grey market and tax evasion in WRM sector. I also hope this is only a temporary measure. Still, voted YES.

The law is still pending, but will probably be accepted.

That would be all for now. I will update this article as new law proposals occur.

Faithfully yours,

Janko Fran
Congress Member of eEgypt

Two Years in eRepublik

My e-birthday was on October 31st, 2009. Tomorrow will be exactly 2 years since I joined eRepublik. I started that journey as an idealist thinking how we can create a better world, the eWorld, only to realize how very similar RL world and eWorld are. People are the ones who create worlds and the worlds reflect the people who create it. As we are far from perfect so are the world and eWorld, far from perfect as well, because the same people who inhabit them are the same imperfect people.

The other day I got a new friend who also joined eRepublik so I help him and in return I could finaly finish my El Dorado Search Mission:

Anyway, after almost two years I have made 2299 friends, and gathered 2030 faithful subscribers and READeRs of my newspapers. Tonight I also earned my first Battle Hero medal:

During these two years, I know, I have spammed you a lot of times with my article anouncements. Now you can spam me with your comments.

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