Join eTakeOver - get gold for your vote!

Day 569, 13:11 Published in Norway Denmark by eTake Over
Welcome to eTakeOver!

Our organization has one simple goal: use the possibility of political take overs until we have more gold than we can spend and the admin realise that citizenship is necessary. If you are interested in becoming a part of our community you should register on our forum and write to "World Junior Cooperation Ltd" at

All the gold that we get from those TO´s will be split between the members that voted and made their best for eTakeOver. It could be 1gold for every vote or it could be 20 gold. We can´t tell yet but you will for sure earn some gold and have more to do in this game.

We are currently looking for people to fill those positions:

Head Chief: Ripipip
Minister Of Intelligence: scout the countries of erepublik to find suitable targets.
Minister Of Internal Affairs: keep track of all our new members and send PM to them with new orders.
Spanish speaking citizen: translate our articles for the spanish community. You will get payed.
Romanian citizen: translate our articles for the romanian community. You will get payed.
Hungarian citizen: translate our articles for the hungarian community. You will get payed.

To apply for any of these positions send eTakeOver an application

How to become a payed member:
1. Write the following to World Junior Cooperation Ltd: "I, "Ripipip", will join eTakeOver with the intention to vote as eTakeOver order me to do (with the exception that the countries military orders can be priority number one) and in exchange I will have my share of the gold won by eTakeOver, which should be proportional to the number of voters used in an TO"
2.(optional but recommended) Join our forum at

Best regards, Ripipip