JNArno is President and the Hitchhiker's Guide to eSwitzerland

Day 837, 12:35 Published in Switzerland USA by Paul Proteus

Another article of Goodbye-Blue Monday,
This article will be divided into three parts,
-The People Have Spoken
-Hitchhiker's Guide to eSwitzerland
-I'm the Vice Minister of Economics

The People Have Spoken
I was going to write a Vote JNArno article, but I accidentally deleted it, but a new opportunity has risen, after checking the election page, like I'm sure all of you have, and JNArno won by 1 vote! Especially since a few Shaolins were banned prior to the election, this was a bit of a break. Still, the people have spoken, and JNArno is the new president of eSwitzerland, and by one vote, so my tabloid has taken the effort to show some RL votes that were won by 1 point. (Skip this next Part if you really like Pictures!) * In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.
* In 1649, one vote literally cost King Charles I of England his
head. The vote to behead him was 67 against and 68 for -- the ax
fell thanks to one vote.
* In 1714, one vote placed King George I on the throne of England
and restored the monarchy.
* In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of
German (at least according to folk lore.)
* In 1800, the electoral college met in the respective states to
cast their two votes for President. At that time, the U.S.
Constitution provided the candidate receiving the most electoral
votes would become President and the candidate receiving the
second higheest number of votes would become Vice President. When
the results of the electoral college votes were opened by both
houses of Congress, there was a tie vote for President between
Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. That threw the election of
President into the House of Representaties where Thomas Jefferson
was elected our third president by a one vote margin.
* In 1824, none of the four Presidential candidates received an
electoral majority. The election was again thrown into the House
of Representatives, where John Quincy Adams defeated front runner
Andrew Jackson by one vote to become the nation's 6th president.
Andrew Jackson received the majority of the nation's popular vote.
* In 1844 in the backwoods area of Switzerland County, Indiana on
election day, a farmer named Freeman Clark lay seriously ill in
bed. He begged his sons to carry him to the county seat so he
could vote for David Kelso to become a state senator. David Kelso
had defended old Freeman Clark on a murder charge and obtained his
acquittal. The old farmer Freeman Clark got to vote for Kelso but
Clark died on his way back home. Kelso won the election by one
vote. Both Freeman Clark and David Kelso were long-time Andrew
Jackson supporters.
* In 1844 when the new Indiana senate convened, Democrats had a
majority of one -- counting David Kelso. At that time, state
senates had the task of electing the states' United States
Senator. The Indiana Senate Democrats held a caucus where it
developed a majority of the party delegation favored a man who
would vote against the annexation of Texas if elected to the U.S.
Senate. David Kelso refused to vote for the Democratic Party
choice and a deadlock resulted between the Democratic and Whig
candidates. This continued for days. Finally, Kelso made his move.
He proposed a new candidate: Edward A. Hannigan. In his party
caucus, Kelso notified his Democratic associates he would bolt and
vote with the Whigs -- thus electing a Whig to the Senate --
unless the Democrats supported Hannigan. The Democrats felt
constrained to accept Hannigan who was then elected as Indiana's
U.S. Senator by one vote -- that of David Kelso.
* In 1845, Texas was admitted to the union as a state by one vote --
that of Edward A. Hannigan from Indiana. The 1844 and 1845
excerpts on the series of single votes leading to Texas statehood
are from the book Magnificent Destiny.
* In 1846, a one vote margin in the U.S. Senate approved President
Polk's request for a Declaration of War against Mexico.
* In 1850, California was admitted to the union by a margin of one
* In 1859, Oregon was admitted to the union by a margin of one vote.
* The Alaska Purchase of 1867 was ratified by just one vote --
paving the way for the eventual annexation of America's largest
state in 1958.
* In 1868, one vote in the U.S. Senate saved President Andrew
Johnson from impeachment.
* In 1875, a one vote margin changed France from a monarchy to a
* In 1875, Florida's U.S. Senators were still elected by the state
Legislature. Democrat Charles W. Jones of Pensacola was elected by
the U.S. Senate by a majority of one vote.
* In 1876, no presidential contender received a majority of
electoral votes so the determination of the country's president
was again thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives. By a one
vote margin, Rutherford B. Hayes became the new U.S. president.
When Tilden's party protested the tabulation and demanded a
recount, Congress established a 15-member electoral commission to
again count the electoral votes and declare the result. By an
eight to seven margin -- again, one vote -- the commission
affirmed the count and gave the election and presidency to Hayes.
* In 1885, two members of the Florida House of Representates waged a
friendly but close contest for Speaker of the House. Robert W.
Davis of Green Cove Springs defeated Gen. Ernest Yonge of
Pensacola by one vote.
* In 1889, by a one vote margin, Washington was admitted to
statehood with the union.
* In 1890, by a one vote margin, Idaho became a state.
* In 1916, if presidential hopeful Charles E. Hughes had received
one additional vote in each of California's precincts, he would
have defeated President Woodrow Wilson's re-election bid.
* On November 8, 1923, members of the then recently-formed
revolutionary political party met to elect a leader in a Munich,
Germany beer hall. By a majority of one vote, they chose an
ex-soldier named Adolph Hitler to become the NAZI Party leader.
* In 1940, the vote taken by the French parliament to maintain its
status as a republic failed by a margin of one vote.
* In 1941, the Selective Service Act (the draft) was saved by a one
vote margin -- just weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked.
* In 1948, a Texas convention voted for Lyndon B. Johnson over
ex-Governor Coke Stevens in a contested Senatorial election.
Lyndon Johnson because U.S. Senator by a one vote margin.
* In 1948, if Thomas E. Dewey had gotten one vote more per precinct
in Ohio and California, the presidential election would have been
thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives where Dewey enjoyed
more support than his rival -- incumbent Harry Truman. As it was
Dewey was expected to win the general election by a landslide so
most Republicans stayed home. Only 51.5 percent of the electorate
voted. Truman defeated Dewey.
* In a 1955 city election in Huron, Ohio, the mayor was elected to
office by one vote.
* In a 1959 city election, mayors of both Rose Creek and Odin,
Minnesota were elected to their respective offices by one vote.
* In the 1960 presidential election, an additional one vote per
precinct in Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, and Texas may have
altered the course of America's modern history by denying John F.
Kennedy the presidency and placing Richard Nixon in the White
House 8 years earlier.
* In 1962, the governors of Maine, Rhode Island, and North Dakota
were all elected by a margin of one vote per precinct.
* In 1984, a Monroe County, Florida commissioner was elected by one
* In 1994, the U.S. House of Representatives enacted a law banning
specific classes of assault weapons. The vote was initially tied
but one member changed his vote to approve the ban.

Well, I hope that shows you all the importance of one vote, and, it also adds content to my meager tabloid 😃

Well, next up
A Hitchhiker's Guide to eSwitzerland

I am starting a new program to look forward to, I am calling it Hitchhiker's Guide to eSwitzerland, now it is not going to be extraordinarily educational, but should be fun none the less, let us flip to page 1, Don't Panic uhhhhh, how about page 2, Bring a towel..., uhhh, let's find a good one, 426, thats a good relevant one. It is on the subject of Brain Slugs 😃 Enjoy:
Brain Slugs are parasites, introduced to eSwitzerland by the pro-Phoenix Renegade Icewood, they are easy to avoid, one of the most effective ways to avoid the Brain Slug is a helmet, here is a Swiss Helmet safety video, created by Proteus Labs, a lead provider of anti-brain slug helmets! How to Avoid Brain Slugs<

Moving on,
I'm the Vice Minister of Economics
With JNArno winning, I have become the Vice Minister of Economics! Note😒tranger Here Myself is the Minister of Economics. Anyway, I have many ideas for our economy, one is investing fully in a Cow Football team!

Only kidding, still, everyone knows that our economy has been declining as of late
and for those who have no attention span, I have created a picture which will illustrate what is happening

This is what the Shaolins (Roadrunner) left us with. Well, things are not as bad as they would first appear, and in simple illustration I show you what is happening now that JNArno is Prez
We are flying! I am not sure on numbers, but Penguin told me that our GDP has already gone up something close to 20% and, Eleriel has promised to donate back a ton of gold, now that a real swiss government is back in. So, I don't think it will be too hard to increase our GDP a nice amount, since what...the Swiss National Bank has more money than eSwitzerland? Anyway, being your vice Minister of Economics, I will help keep us in the air, I am already tasking Proteus Labs to create some flying machines!

Seriously though, SHM and I will do what we can to fix/improve the eSwiss economy!
And again, I welcome suggestions

Anyway, now to use a joke I meant to use earlier,
Flashback-Walther Choosing his Cabinet

Notice, Walther back right and Arschmann back left, these are RL pictures, I was unaware until now that Clifford actually looked like that!

IMPORTANT NOTICE: As those of you who read Ice Cream and Switzerland, you will notice it is now officially sponsored by Good-bye Blue Monday, so those of you who have papers with over 100 subscribers, and want a little money, contact me, and at the end of each article include "Sponsored by Good-bye Blue Monday"

Signing off, your Congressman AND Vice Minister of Economy,
Paul Proteus

And yes, this is Fondue Fork Propaganda
(You haven't won yet JNArno!)

And, for your troubles
http://graphjam.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/42.gif">Life, The Universe and Everything<

Also, Keeping up my newfound tradition of including anime, which gets me a surprising amount of votes, Enjoy:
Thats for you Cooldude!