Jameson L. Tai Running for Congress in Liaoning, CN 宣佈參選中國遼寧議員

Day 795, 07:47 Published in China USA by Jameson L. Tai
Announcement of Candidacy for Congressman in Liaoning, CN 宣佈參選中國遼寧議員

繁體中文版|简体中文版|English version
English Version

I, Jameson L. Tai, would like to humbly represent the HKGOLDEN Party in running for the congressman position in Liaoning, China.

Citizens of China, two months ago, I ran for congress promising to work in improving China on several areas, including:

In terms of the military, I have successfully been in the Adjutant General Corps’ Staff for two months now for the Chinese National Defense Army. I have successfully negotiated a merger of the Hong Kong Special Duties Unit into the Chinese National Defense Army. Working with the Minister of SinoDefense mariohexu, the CNDA has established the Hong Kong 10th Battalion, focused on our English speaking and Hong Kong-based citizens of eChina who are interested in defending our country. I will become the commander of the CNDA 10th Battalion, along with Video Jack as the Battalion Executive Officer. Video Jack has extensive military experience around the world and he is also part of the tanking initiative of the CNDA.

I have been a great proponent of bringing democracy and public transparency to elections by hosting the first ever eChina Presidential Debates on January 4, 2009. Presidential candidates were given a list of fourteen questions submitted by public citizens, in which all three candidates, tonystm, Saint William, and mingo2009 responded and rebutted. In addition, I facilitated an informative and intense Question and Answer program, where interesting details including Saint William’s admission of being not only a Holy See participant, but one of the leaders of this known PTO organization. This, including massive media coverage of the issue, brought a PTO event to a complete failure, as tonystm successfully won the January Presidential Elections.

In terms of politics, I recognize that since this presidential election much of our country has sunken into a divide with a large population against our current administration, as well as large population in support of our current administration. At this time, I would like to point out that there are those who run for congress and operate media outlets who are interested in destabilizing the entire eChina government. In fact, we have had similar people attempting to impeach tonystm from his country president position. Impeachment shall ONLY be used if the president has committed heinous crimes against eChina. I have rejected proposals to impeach former president aliao from her office during her term, and I have rejected proposals to impeach current president tonystm from his office this month. Impeachment causes mass chaos that a small country such as eChina simply cannot afford. When it requires at least one week after elections to properly select a cabinet, our country is simply not able to properly adjust to a new administration on the whim.

I would like to applaud our new Minister of SinoDefense mariohexu for his efforts of revitalizing the Chinese National Defense Army as well as accepting HKSDU’s merger.

And I would like to thank the citizens of China for their continued support in their country, in passionately participating in democratic functions such as providing questions for the presidential debates to providing in-depth media analysis of current events in various newspaper outlets.

In successfully operating Hong Kong Special Duties Unit, a private militia in eChina, a weapons and iron company within eChina borders, being a staff member of the Chinese National Defense Army Adjutant General Corps, and participating in multiple terms as congressman of eChina, I have the experience in cooperation with my peers in Congress to protect the interests of our great country.

On Monday, January 25, 2010, please vote for me, Jameson L. Tai, for Congressman in Liaoning, China in continue my work in improving the infrastructure and quality of life in China.

Thank you in advance for your support.


本人Jameson L. Tai謹代表香港高登黨出選遼寧省的國會議員。

各位可以先回顧一下,本人於兩個月前參選議 員時,所許下的在促進中國數方面發展的承諾,其中包 括:

軍事方面,本人於兩個月前加入中國國防 軍的參謀部,並一直工作至今;期間本人成功達成了把 香港飛虎隊(HKSDU)納入國軍的工作,除此之外 ,更在與國防部長mariohexu合作下,成立了 CNDA香港第十連隊,其骨幹為香港玩家及部份有志 為eChina出力的英語玩家。本人將會出任此連隊 的總指揮,與及由Video Jack出任副指揮。順便在此介紹一下Video Jack 這名外國玩家,他 過去擁有轉戰世界各地的豐富經驗,而現在因為與本人 的深厚關係,他現在成為了國軍坦克部隊中的一員。

政治方面,本人熱衷於推廣eChina的民主 風氣及政治的公開透明度,其中之一的工作包括舉辦本 年一月四日的eChina首次總統候選人選舉辯論。 在辯論中,該屇的三名總統候選人分別為十四條由公眾 提問的問題作出了回應,另外也包括了公眾的即場答問 ,並由本人主持該次辯論。辯論後,本人透過News 刊出了辯論的內容,其中以候選人Saint William透過回答表示自己不單單是PTO組織 Holy See的一般成員,更是其中的主要領導人最為矚目。 這聲明在其後一眾媒體的快速傳播下,導致了在大選前 弄得人心惶惶的PTO陰謀完全失敗,並本次大選由t onystm嬴得一月的總統之職。

其後,在這個月間,我看到國民們在現任政府的政策下產生了很大的政治分歧。在此我想指 出,在現任的國會議員及媒體當中,有一部份是極其致力於瓦解剛成立不久的新政權。同樣 地,也具有類似目的的人們,試圖彈劾tonystm總統。應強調,彈劾議案只有在總統 作出了嚴重傷害國家利益的行為為前提下才應該使用。因此,我作為議員之一,不但反對了 彈劾現任tonystm的議案,在上屇也反對了彈劾前總統aliao的議案。未經深思 熟慮就彈劾總統可以造成國家大規模的混亂,而這種混亂是eChina這國家無法負擔的 , 從我們組成新內閣成員也需要一星期時間來看,彈劾後 造成的一段長時間無人駕駛狀態根本不是現在的eChina所能克服的。

最後,我想在此對國防部 長mariohexu對振興中國國軍及協調香港飛虎 隊劃入國軍中的不懈努力表示感謝;也容我在此感謝各位eC的國民們一直對國家的貢獻, 與及對民主發展的支持,此點在大家於總統候選人辯論中的踴躍提問及事後各報章對辯論的 深入分析可見一斑。

建基於本人於建立香港飛虎隊﹑私人的武器和鋼鐵工廠所取得的成績,和任職國防軍參謀部 及數屇國會議員的經驗-- 特別是與其他議員們之間的合作經驗,本人有信心有足夠能力作為議員去保障我國的利益。

請在一月 二十五日(星期一),請來中國遼寧省投本人Jameson L. Tai一票,來讓我繼續為中國效力。



本人Jameson L. Tai谨代表香港高登党出选辽宁省的国会议员。

各位可以先回顾一下,本人于两个月前参选议员时,所许下的在促进中国数方面发展的承诺 ,其中包括:

军事方面,本人于两个月前加入中国国防军的参谋部,并一直工作至今;期间本人成功达成 了把香港飞虎队(HKSDU)纳入国军的工作,除此之外,更在与国防部长marioh exu合作下,成立了CNDA香港第十连队,其骨干为香港玩家及部份有志为eChin a出力的英语玩家。本人将会出任此连队的总指挥,与及由Video Jack出任副指挥。顺便在此介绍一下Video Jack 这名外国玩家,他过去拥有转战世界各地的丰富经验,而现在因为与本人的深厚关系,他现 在成为了国军坦克部队中的一员。

政治方面,本人热衷于推广eChina的民主风气及政治的公开透明度,其中之一的工作 包括举办本年一月四日的eChina首次总统候选人选举辩论。在辩论中,该屇的三名总 统候选人分别为十四条由公众提问的问题作出了回应,另外也包括了公众的即场答问,并由 本人主持该次辩论。辩论后,本人透过News 刊出了辩论的内容,其中以候选人Saint William透过回答表示自己不单单是PTO组织Holy See的一般成员,更是其中的主要领导人最为瞩目。这声明在其后一众媒体的快速传播下 ,导致了在大选前弄得人心惶惶的PTO阴谋完全失败,并本次大选由t onystm嬴得一月的总统之职。

其后,在这个月间,我看到国民们在现任政府的政策下产生了很大的政治分歧。在此我想指 出,在现任的国会议员及媒体当中,有一部份是极其致力于瓦解刚成立不久的新政权。同样 地,也具有类似目的的人们,试图弹劾tonystm总统。应强调,弹劾议案只有在总统 作出了严重伤害国家利益的行为为前提下才应该使用。因此,我作为议员之一,不但反对了 弹劾现任tonystm的议案,在上屇也反对了弹劾前总统aliao的议案。未经深思 熟虑就弹劾总统可以造成国家大规模的混乱,而这种混乱是eChina这国家无法负担的 , 从我们组成新内阁成员也需要一星期时间来看,弹劾后造成的一段长时间无人驾驶状态根本 不是现在的eChina所能克服的。

最后,我想在此对国防部长mariohexu对振兴中国国军及协调香港飞虎队划入国军 中的不懈努力表示感谢;也容我在此感谢各位eC的国民们一直对国家的贡献, 与及对民主发展的支持,此点在大家于总统候选人辩论中的踊跃提问及事后各报章对辩论的 深入分析可见一斑。

建基于本人于建立香港飞虎队﹑私人的武器和钢铁工厂所取得的成绩,和任职国防军参谋部 及数屇国会议员的经验-- 特别是与其他议员们之间的合作经验,本人有信心有足够能力作为议员去保障我国的利益。

请在一月二十五日(星期一),请来中国辽宁省投本人Jameson L. Tai一票,来让我继续为中国效力。


