It's Tuesday!!!!

Day 1,785, 12:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Meklon Dramicus

So we're stuck in another week, Monday just gone (Praise to his Pastaness) and 3 more days till the weekend...

...which, in itself is just awesome. I like weekends, would be so much nicer if every day was part of the weekend then we could just drink ourselves stupid(er) and, well, sleep. Aspirin sales would rocket, though, there may not be people around anymore to make them.... but, that's what we have machines for, so yay for machines and peopless factories!!!

I was going to go somewhere with this post, but, meh it'll come back to me.



Possibly Thursday?

Not sure now, lost track completely.

I'll just leave this picture here for now, take care all you brilliant people.