It's Time to Take a Stand!

Day 979, 09:30 Published in Canada South Africa by Dycey Farley
I'm angry about what just took place in eSouth Africa and that anger is inspiring thoughts I'd like to share. Here's what I'm thinking:

Admin ignored the pleas of the eSouth African players until yet another country was overtaken by dishonest players and their multis.

As long as the greedy bastards who are marketing this game have a good bottom line, they don't care about cheating or presenting a game that doesn't work well. Because they're completely greed-driven, however, they have a couple vulnerabilities. I suggest the following:

1. Tell the truth wherever you can ... game blogs, forums, facebook, everywhere they may represent themselves as a well-run organization. Tell the truth - we don't have to be dishonest in order to show potential players the kind of game this is. Create an eRep Sucks page and get people to join ... find alternate games to which we can migrate and continue the communities we've formed and share information about them.

2. Contact advertisers. When you go to the sign-in page, you'll see outside advertisers. Write to them. Let them know about the bad experiences and poor management you're experiencing in eRep. Let them know you'll not support their companies or purchase their products if they insist on helping a poorly run enterprise.

3. Don't spend a penny on this game. Screw Admin - they don't deserve a single penny of our money.

4. Report every bug as High priority. There's a lag in signing in? Send a ticket. Shouts don't work? Send a ticket. Overwhelm the system - they won't do anything anyway; but we'll have documented the number of issues and that they were reported. That will look good in an article.

5. Speaking of media ... contact tech and gaming magazines. Write letters to editors and offer to write articles. It's time the truth was told and who better to tell it than the players?

Finally ... and I can't believe I'm saying this ... Maybe it's time EDEN started fighting fire with fire. Maybe we need to CHEAT as well. This isn't just to even the playing field, I have an idea that might get results ...

I remember a play about cheating in congress ... a young representative was sickened by the back room dealings and dishonesty. In order to expose it, he made as many crooked deals as he could ... he caused all of the trouble that he could and allowed as many disreputable politicians as wanted to access to the bill he was proposing. He created a house of cards that did, indeed, collapse on itself.

Perhaps it's time EDEN players accepted the rules by which Admin allows others to play and jumped on the bandwagon. Maybe we should all download TOR and learn how to use it, farming multis and using them to gather gold, sway elections and to make sure our articles dominate the media. Find friends or businesses where we can log on and farm accounts. I suggest this, not to approve of cheating, but to speed the certain collapse of the eRep house of cards. If we force that, we may also force the necessity for action to be taken.

We've tried and tried to appeal to Admin's sense of fairness. I think we're all realizing they lack that admirable attribute. Maybe it's time to try another tactic.