Is there really a difference between Credit Card players and other players

Day 2,677, 03:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

People is irrational so we will have statements like " A credit card player can now buy himself a country"

Not true!

200000 k is but one requirement. A strong army is another.

Everything in this game bar bombs can be bought by gold. Correction everything in this game can be bought on the black market for player currency including stashes.

And gold can be bought with player currency.

And player currency can be gathered with factories.

And factories I showed you have a profitability of 2 to 4 dollars per factory.

And we can also work extra like for example I worked

15 times yesterday

And you can as well if you have house factories and built you some houses.

But the key to a dictatorship is a strong base of support and for a strong base of support you must be socially liked and have a social following or operate a good MU with your own funds.

Nothing in the above paragraph suggest that you need to buy gold t accomplish it.

There was a time I earned around 2200 per day form my factories and just bought the needed stashes for my game.

I work close to 2000 energy per day. You can see how if I didnt have the power pack which returns up to 400 energy per hour I would need 200 * 10 10 hours to rebuild my energy.

Other stashes helps me with BH's and fighting for my country as I can gain another 30 million by using that bombs and get over 100 million damage with the energy bars.

But as sweet drinker pointed out a stronger player will score double my damage.

But I usally buy 1 other stack for the month.

But if you keep on grinding and build up your training grounds early on you could easily accomplish what I did which was not build up as much by credit cards but by grinding each day for years.

I basically have set myself goals through the years. Mostly production goals 20000 WRM was my first and it grew after that. Basically I have always worked towards a 10 gold per day income as I would need to buy less gold then.