IRC v treh korakih! - IRC in three steps!

Day 1,906, 10:17 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by p0luks
English version below.


Ker vem da večini novincem in nekaterim starejšim igralcem IRC in dostop do njega še vedno dela probleme bom razložil najlažjo pot do njega in s tem kanala #redna, na katerem se zbira eSlovenska skupnost.


V spletni iskalnik vtipkate iskano besedo "mibbit". Ko vam pokaze opcije kliknite na pod opcijo "Chat", kot je prikazano na sliki. Če vam ne pokaze opcije Chat lahko kliknete direkt na ta link ter nato sledite navodilom


Ko se vam odpre chat stran od mibbita, je prva stvar ki jo morate narediti da izberete v oknu Connect server na katerem je kanal #redna in sicer "Rizon(webirc)", tako kot je prikazano na sliki.


Ko ste izbrali server, morate nato vpisati vas nick ((nick ne sme vsebovat presledkov) in v okno Channel vpisete ime sobe v katero hočete, torej #redna. Nato še kliknete connect ste gor. Za še lažje razumevanje si poglej sliko.

Tako upam da vam bo v pomoč in se vidimo na #redna .


Because i know that most of the players have troubles accessing IRC. I decided that I will try to explain the easiest way how to get on some #channel. Channel is like a room where there are people chating. You can also query(whisper) person with /query


Now in your favorite web browser open and type in "mibbit". When it opens click "Chat" like it is shown on picture below. If there is no option Chat just klick on this link and than folow rest of the steps.


When the mibbit chat page is opened and is ready, first thing you have to do is that you click on Connect and in dropdown menu choose "Rizon(webirc)". Like it is shown below on picture.


Next step is choosing a Nickname and a channel(room). You have to type Nick without any spaces and channel like this: #name_of_your_channel. You can see example in a picture below(where i typed my nick p0luks and channel (room)).

Thats it, I hope that shall be in any help and see you on IRC

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IRC v treh korakih! - IRC in three steps!

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