Inteview with Max McFarland 2

Day 915, 18:49 Published in USA Serbia by Ryamizat Ryakudu

Another “WHOIS” article
with Max McFarland2

Me : can you introduce yourself ?
Max_McFarland_2 : Max McFarland 2, this citizen born on Day 597, currently residing mostly in eSerbia. 😁
Me : second question always was " what you have done before (special stuff)
but it would be stupid question atm
i ask you tell me the secret of Brad Pitt avatar
and fight club stuff

Max_McFarland_2 : Max McFarland was meant to be part of the eUSA reconstruction following the North American Invasion. So a theme which held broad appeal to the target demographic, in context of the current national environment within eUSA, was essential. After considering many options, Fight Club seemed the best fit.
As for the avatar, there are many good ones online. My personal favorites are my signature gif images.
These are the ones which have a green stylized M in the bottom corner, with angelic halo and devil horns, which fits how I play the game with Max. ^_~

Me : tell me first word come to your mind after these names
Me : josh frost
Max_McFarland_2 : Best guy I have ever worked for in eRepublik. We still have a personal IRC channel were we discuss stuff several nights each week. If he ever comes back full-time, I will drop whatever I am working on elsewhere, to go support his efforts.
Josh enjoys sometimes implying that we are the same player. This might be true. ^_~

Me : gaius julus
Max_McFarland_2 : Nice guy, liked the things we worked on when he was President, but he is more EDEN then USA now in his loyalties. 😑
Me : harrison Richardson
Max_McFarland_2 : Snake. Brilliant at politics, but toxic in his interactions. I like him much better when we are not moving in the same spheres, like now, so he has no more reason to strike me. It is far better to be working with him or for him, then above him or against him.
Me : antonio salgado
Max_McFarland_2 : Nice guy with a big mouth. Sometimes a little too big, gets him in some hot water. But he is fun to chat with and mostly a good person whom I like. 😁
Me : battalgazi
Max_McFarland_2 : Good friend who is a lot of fun. It's a shame some of our ideas did not work out better. 😁
Me : Poland
Max_McFarland_2 : I cannot say I care much for Poland. Some of the people are ok, but as a nation they are the big bully of EDEN. When they have power, they throw it around and expect everyone else to be their vassal. They engage in most every dirty trick out there, without any second thoughts on striking "friendly" nations if it suits them.
These are not the qualities the eUSA should be looking for in an ally or a friend.

Me : spain
Max_McFarland_2 : Mixed feelings. Spain used to be just about the closest friend the eUSA had, back when Gaius Julis ran the eUSA and Durruti ran Spain. I liked them a lot back then. Since then, while the people are still awesome, they have slid downhill some. Now you can say "Spoland", and everyone in the know gets the reference, and is uncomfortable with it.
They have learned too much from Poland. Before they fought Poland over Peru... not they support Poland in similar tries elsewhere, and with other things. I liked the older Spain.

Me : Serbia
Max_McFarland_2 : Serbia is incredibly more fun then I expected. I moved to Serbia to start some RW when the eUSA attacked Liaoning. Unfortunately, things have not progressed as planned, almost every day since then. My vacation in Serbia thus continues, and it is quite fun. The Serbs are awesome people. 😁
Me : feherlo
Max_McFarland_2 : Excellent strategist, one of the best. I have only spoken to him a very few times personally. Lots of people say poor things about his article, where he congratulated eUSA on some diplomacy. They are fools. Feherlo read between the lines just fine. 😁
Me : cerber
Max_McFarland_2 : Botmaster extraordinaire, maybe? Dunno. He is either a incredible successful troll or incredible delusional. But, I have only seen him insofar as he interacts with and covers the eUSA. I have zero knowledge of his actions with Poland. Given the immense amount of loyalty he has garnered, I am sure he loves his people, and I am sure he has done exceptional
things for them. Giving credit where it is due, I am sure he is great by those measurements.

Me: eden
Max_McFarland_2 : Once upon a time, from what I hear, it was quite a nice thing. The entire time I have worked in eUSA government it went from bad to worse in our dealings with eUSA. The relationship is still strained and at times openly hostile. I am forced to admit the people of the eUSA see no option aside from friendship with EDEN, some even want to rejoin EDEN.
The problem is that these opinions are not clearly reflected in the leadership. It is complicated and messy. There is never enough information release to the public, for the people to make an informed decision. If there was, I image the opinions of the public would more closely reflect those of some others, such as the military leadership, etc. Time will tell

Me : PHX
Max_McFarland_2 : Phoenix is the opposite team, since the eUSA closely identifies itself with EDEN. My personal opinions on the entire matter are mixed to say the least. I like some nations on both sides individually. Yeah.
Me : avec
Max_McFarland_2 : Seems ok from the few brief conversations we have had. Decent writer. I wish him the best for his role within EDEN, anytime his name comes up in terms of EDEN military strategy, he seems to be constantly struggling to get everyone to follow orders. That has to be difficult and not fun in the least.
Me : admin
Max_McFarland_2 : ...are always right, of course. ^_~
Me : erepublik
Max_McFarland_2 : The game holds no interest for some, yet becomes an addiction for others. I fall into the second category.
Me : durruti
Max_McFarland_2 : Seems like an ok guy. Always available to help out and tank for friendly and allied nations. Quick temper sometimes.
Me : LcfR
Max_McFarland_2 : Friendly and helpful. Very sincere person. Cuts through the nonsense in all that he does. Good strategist.
Me : anything for last words?
Max_McFarland_2 : The eUSA is an interesting choice for anyone looking for something different; apply to the military or a good militia to get started. Just avoid the partisan politics; that inspires many people to move on.

If you feel compelled to join a political party, here is the rough breakdown:
1. The APF now represents a lot of groups joining together to consolidate power for the sake of power.
2. The Feds represent a movement for a no-nonsense strong big-government approach, with each political party as its own "nation".
3. The SEES represents an authoritarian model unified under Emerick, a good home for people who want solidarity and offensive fun.
4. The US-TAMA is a bit of an unknown to me.
5. The UIP is a good place for independent folks and small parties to join together.

Also, always remembers these words:
We are Dio. You are Dio. I am Dio. May the love of Dio be with you, forever.
Cheers. 😁