Intervjui sa predesednicima saveznckih drzava..New Zealand, United Kingdom...

Day 1,234, 13:27 Published in Serbia Serbia by Simonovic94

In my previous article I wrote about the alliance and betrayal, now we look a little better our allies and see their problems and the court for us.
1. What is the situation with you in terms of economy and military?
2. What is your biggest problem in the country?
3. How do people comment on the participation of our warriors in your wars?
4. How do you evaluate the cooperation between your and ours country?
5. Are there things you would you like change in the relationship yours and ours country?
6. What do you have to comment about a new military module?
7. What do you think about the war that we took with the Bulgarians?
8. What do you think about the betrayal of the Bulgarians?
9. What is the thing that worries you most about your enemies?
10. Something for the end?

President of eNew Zealand
Ivan Miletic:
1. Ekonomija se promenila i nije kao pre, novi ekonomski modul i nove formule, otvorenije trziste dovele su do promena u celom esvetu pa tako i kod nas. Sto se vojske tice tu uvek moze bolje ali i sa ovim stanjem smo zadovoljni. Pravimo prilicno visok dmg sto se i ovde moze videti Sve u svemu mislim da su nam i vojska i ekonomija kada se pogleda broj stanovnika na veoma visokom nivou
2. Najveci problem je to sto imamo nizak natalitet tj. nemamo veliki priliv novih igraca koji bi ojacali drzavu ali trudimo se da i ovaj mali broj novih gradjana sacuvamo u igri i pomognemo im u daljem razvoju.
3. Pa sigurno da prija nasim stanovnicima da li oni bili rl Novozelandjani, Slovenci, Englezi, Srbi... kada vide na bojnom polju da srpski ratnici udaraju i pomazu nam u borbama.
4. Saradnja izmedju ove dve drzave je na zavidnom nivou. Lepo je videti u vaznim bitkama zastave i jedne druge drzave kako se bore rame uz rame. Kada su vazne borbe u Srbiji opremamo i organizujemo ljude sa NZ da pucaju za Srbiju.
5. Iskreno ne postoji nista sta bi promenili jer super saradjujemo sa eSrbijom, da nije nje ni nas ne bi bilo u igri.
6. Na nas kao drzavu jedini utacaj ima to sto nam neke regije nisu povezane zbog novog pravila tako da nemamo bonuse kao i pre ali pravimo planove kako da ponovo spojimo regije.
7. Rat sa Bugarskom je nesto sto je odavno trebalo da se desi ali zbog zauzetosti sa kroasanima (ping-pong rat) i pomaganju saveznicima odlagali smo. Mislim da je pravo vreme da i njima objasnimo neke stvari kao sto smo pokazali zapadnim susedima "ko je gazda"
8. O Bugarskoj izdaji ne znam sta da kazem jer u to vreme nisam bio toliko aktivan na erep-u ali u svakom slucaju nekom je to jednostavno usadjeno u krvi.
9. Trenutno nemamo neke prave neprijatelje ali jedino sto bi me zabrinjavalo je to sto smo okruzeni zemljama koje trenutno ratuju protiv drzava sa kojima imamo potpisane mpp i pitanje da li ce nekome od njih to u buducnosti zasmetati.
10. Nemojte se nervirati, zapostavljati rl zbog ovoga, sto pre sve ovo shvatite ipak kao igru a ne ustanovu za lecenje rl frustracija to ce vam mnogo lepse biti

President of eUnited Kingdom
Mr Woldy:
1. Our economy is strong but currency regulation can be difficult due to the new rules
2. That is hard to say, I suppose low recruitment & retention rates
3. Our warriors have often given people the edge - including Serbia 😃
4. It's going well, we have a rental agreement and Serbia keep proving to be true friends.
5. As it is already so good there is little room for improvement 😃
6. I am unsure if I like it. People can get a massive lead too easily.
7. I think if that's what Serbia wants it's a good thing 🙂
8. All betrayals are bad, I had to deal with Bulgaria in PHX and they were often difficult to handle.
9. Their tanks 😨
10. Stay Cool o/

President of eIndonesia
tinker bella:
1.ok my military still fight with china, ekonomi so far is good enough..
2.biggest problem,, new military module is still hard to take a time
3.everything alright, they happy if you help us
4.i'll discuss yours problem and my problem. then find solution for it
5.nope what you have to do.. but it's good
8.they aren't good
9.mastercard tanker
10.hope this friendship be forever
President of eIran

1.Our currency is good in the world. We have enough golds and also our Co.s are working non-stoply.
Everyones know that our military is a one of the most powerfulest in th world. But we are few, but we are doing whatever we need.

2. Party platform is not made well in Iran. So we have lots of argues.

3. They are appreciating your job, you are a great ally, and a powerful group.

4. It is good and it should be! Because we were in a same alliance, we are and we will. We allways been friends.

5. maybe we should trust each other a little more and work better together.

6. It is a gold eater plan, which made our job harder and plato's job easier.

7. When we were friends, Bulgaria used us to improve itself and then he turned against us. Now we should work together as hard as possible to tell them what is the real friendship...

8. They did it like a rat, we were they friends, but they just abused all of us. shame on them, but what's a point? They are shameless...

9. It's not in our culture to be worried about enemies. You should face them will all you have, winning or losing do not have any diffrence.

10. I love to say that we are not friends. NOT AT ALL! We are brothers and we will get eachother back forever.

President of eLithuania
Edgars Mzg:

1.With me? I'm not strong as your tanks, I've only a bit over 3k of str but in the economy I'm quite good, without pursuing any gold I already have 17 companies which two of them are q5.
2. Small population (only 3k ppl).
3. Responses are very positive
4. I really respect serbian military and of course all your nation.
5. Everything at mo is ok
6. So far it isn't bad
7. I'm ok with it. Where Serbia goes there Lithuania goes.
8. I hate trators.
9. Again, our small population 🙂
10. Good luck Serbia, you're doing great job, don't stop, go on 😉

President of eSlovakia
Jakub Bucek:
1.Slovak economy was one of the strongest before the crisis. We were getting better but now we are flooded with goods from bigger economics especially from Poland.
And Im very proud of our military groups - namely Perun, SUAF and Moravsky praporec. Especially the first one inspires fear.
2. Few years the biggest problem is the babyboom. We need more acting than talking.
3. We haven't waged war for ages. But we always appreciate help from our friends.
4. I always think about Serbia as a close friend. No matter there are some Serbians that I don't like because the fact what they did in my homeland - Czech republic.
5. I think it's quite good. Maybe I would be glad if you think about us like equivalent partner.
6. There are many changes every week that it's hard to keep track it. Anyway I think that getting points throught the whole time that battle takes was great idea.
7. I don't know much about it.
8. I didn't hear about that.
9. We don't have enemies right now. So we're just helping our friends. I hope that they are glad for that.
10. Maybe one think. Lot people don't know but since January we are Czechoslovakia - federation of Slovaks and Czechs.